2019 -2020 Administrative Policy Manual Published February 3, 2020 
    Feb 09, 2025  
2019 -2020 Administrative Policy Manual Published February 3, 2020 [ARCHIVED COPY]

Section 9 - Facilities

9.1 General Policy On Real Estate And Facilities


Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.1.

9.1.1 Legacy Of Ownership

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.1.1.

9.1.2 Portfolio Management And Utilization

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.1.2

9.1.3 Compliance And Risk Management

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.1.3.

9.1.4 Board Of Regents Procedures And Guidelines

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.1.4.

9.1.5 Training And Staff Development

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.1.5.

9.1.6 Delegation Of Authority

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.1.6.


9.2 Strategic Capital Planning


Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.2.

9.2.1 System-Wide Multi-Year Planning And Funding Model

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.2.1.

9.2.2 Campus Master Planning

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regent’s Policy Manual Section 9.22.

Georgia Gwinnett College has a master plan for capital development, which is maintained on a current basis in the office of the Board and at GGC. Development and maintenance of the GGC master plan involves continuous study by the office of the Vice President for Business and Finance under the supervision of the Chancellor and the president. The Vice President for Business and Finance informs the Board and college of the scope and direction of campus master plans for capital development.


9.3 Off-Campus Instructional Sites

Reviewed May 26, 2016

Georgia Gwinnett College has no off-site instructional sites at this time.

See Board of Regent’s Policy Manual Section 9.3.


9.4 Project Authorization

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Sections 9.4.

9.4.1 Authorization By Board Of Regents

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Sections 9.4.1.

9.4.2 Annual Plan For Capital Implementation

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Sections 9.4.2.

9.4.3 Emergency And Other Projects Outside The Annual Plan

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Sections 9.4.3.


9.5 Capital Program Procurement

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Sections 9.5.

9.5.1 Project Delivery

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Sections 9.5.1.

9.5.2 Professional Services

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Sections 9.5.2.

9.5.3 Construction Services

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Sections 9.5.3.

9.5.4 Furniture, Fixtures, And Equipment

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Sections 9.5.4.


9.6 Contracting

Reviewed May 26, 2016

9.6.1 Contracting Authority

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.6.1.

9.6.2 Required Reporting

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.6.2.

9.6.3 Debarment

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.6.3.


9.7 Facilities And Campus Grounds Development

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.7.

9.7.1 Sustainable Design And Life Cycle Costing

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.7.1.

9.7.2 Building Design Standards

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.7.2.

Additionally, the Georgia Gwinnett College Facilities Master Plan describes these standards.

9.7.3 Modular/Temporary Buildings

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.7.3.

9.7.4 Campus Grounds And Landscape Standards

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.7.4.

9.7.5 Plaques

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.7.5.


9.8 Public Private Ventures

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.8.

9.8.1 Housing Facilities

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.8.1.

9.8.2 Private Housing

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.8.2.

9.8.3 Capital Liability Capacity And Affordability

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.8.3.

9.8.4 Capital Liability Reserve Fund

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.8.4.

9.8.5 PPV Rental Agreements

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.8.5. Lease Rental Agreement Revisions

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section Repair And Replacement Reserves

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section


9.9 Real Property Ownership And Asset Management

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.9.

9.9.1 Procurement Of Professional Expertise

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.9.1.

9.9.2 Acquisition

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.9.2.

9.9.3 Disposition

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.9.3. Sale Of Property

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section Conveyances For Road Improvements

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section Demolition

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section

9.9.4 Easements

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.9.4.

9.9.5 Timber Sales

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.9.5.


9.10 Use Of Board Of Regents Property

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.10.

9.10.1 Leasing Authority As Landlord

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.10.1.

9.10.2 When To Lease As Landlord

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.10.2.

9.10.3 Lease Of Residential Facilities

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.10.3.

9.10.4 Lease Of Research Facilities

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.10.4.

9.10.5 Presidents’ Homes

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.10.5.

9.10.6 Use Of Institutional Facilities/Property

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.10.6. In Political Campaigns

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section By Affiliated Organizations

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section

Facilities Use by Non-College Groups

Policy Number:
Effective Date: May 25, 2017
Revision History: May 1, 2017; May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Director of Operations

Purpose and Policy Statement

Georgia Gwinnett College facilities and grounds are utilized for the primary purpose of fulfilling the educational mission of the College. Facilities may be available to external groups or organizations. This policy provides guidance for any non-GGC group requesting space on the GGC campus and establishes usage rules, scheduling priorities, controls, and fees associated with event management for Georgia Gwinnett College.


This policy applies to non-College groups and GGC students, faculty, staff, and volunteers who approve or participate in programs or activities involving non-College groups and who are responsible for understanding and complying with this policy.


Non-College group: For-profit and non-profit organizations, businesses, affiliations, groups, or individuals not officially associated with GGC.
Facilities: All permanent, semi-permanent, or temporary buildings or structures, the grounds, furniture, supplies, and equipment located on the GGC campus.

Roles and Responsibilities

Director of Operations: Signs off on event deliverables, event costs and whether event meets qualifications for being held at GGC
External Point of Contact (EPOC): Main contact for non-College group
Activity Lead: Main contact for GGC and liaison for EPOC
Public Safety Staff: Determines and controls public safety arrangements, including but not limited to, the type, number and placement of public safety personnel
Event Participants: Complies with all directives of all GGC event and Public Safety staff

Event Requests

All requests for use of College facilities or grounds must be made by submitting a request to the Director of Operations at least thirty (30) business days prior to the event. The Director of Operations or his/her designee will evaluate all requests and respond to requesting groups in a timely manner.

If a request is approved, it must be finalized by a legal agreement between the non-College group and GGC. Non-College groups should contact the Director of Operations for procedures.

Event Approval Requirements and Priority Hierarchy

The event must not conflict with scheduled events and activities related to the mission of the institution. Any event using Foundation facilities must also obtain approval from the GGC Foundation.

First priority for use of the College’s facilities will be given to College departments, divisions, programs, and offices for curricular, administrative, and other College purposes. Thereafter, priority for space usage will follow the order set forth below:

  1. Meetings and events where the primary participants are GGC employees, approved student clubs and organizations, and GGC alumni;
  2. GGC-sponsored community meetings and non-profit events that contribute to the academic mission of the College;
  3. Meeting and event requests by for-profit organizations and private use groups.

Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Policies

All events are subject to local, state, and federal laws and all USG and GGC regulations and policies, including but not limited to:
APM 4.1.9 Freedom of Expression
APM 8.2.89 Tobacco and Smoke Free Campus “Breathe Easy” Policy  
APM 4.6.4 Alcohol and Drugs on Campus  
APM 9.12.65 Georgia Gwinnet College Campus Security Act Compliance
APM 7.64 Corporate Relations and Sponsorship Policy  
APM 7.61 The Georgia Gwinnett College Fundraising Policy    
APM 12.9 Protection of Non-Student Minors  

Event Safety

Non-College groups must ensure the safety and accessibility of participants by arranging event furnishings and equipment to allow safe passage by participants.


Non-College groups are required to carry insurance in an amount satisfactory to GGC.  The policy should name GGC as an additional insured on a primary and noncontributory basis. Proof of insurance must be provided to the Director of Operations five (5) days prior to the event.


Rental charges may be assessed for the use of College facilities and grounds by non-College groups.  The rental fees may include, but are not limited to, charges for the use of space and expenses related to personnel, equipment, and set-up/cleanup services required for the event. Non-profit groups will provide documentation of non-profit status.  Appropriate fees are determined by the Director of Operations or his/her designee and will be assessed based on the requirements of the event. The President has the authority to override and/or reduce any fees and/or costs except for insurance requirements for the event.

Cancellation and Changes to Space Assignments

Georgia Gwinnett College Public Safety, in coordination with the Vice President of Operations, may cancel without advance notice any event not in compliance with the terms of the rental contract or to accommodate any unforeseen safety or operational need of the College.

Facility assignments may be changed to accommodate the operational needs of the College.

Commercial Activities

Any event that involves commercial activities must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Any items or services intended for sale at an event on the GGC campus must be approved by the Director of Operations or designee at least thirty (30) business days prior to the event.
  2. Approved items or services sold on campus may be subject to a commission fee.
  3. GGC accepts no liability for products or services sold by facility users.
  4. All items or services offered must be congruent with GGC’s mission and must not conflict with established contracts.
  5. Any group selling unapproved goods or services on campus may be subject to a monetary fine and denied future reservation requests.

Use of Athletics Facilities

Use of GGC Athletics facilities will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the Director of Athletics or designee.   The Director of Athletics or designee will inform the Director of Operations on all use by non-college groups when utilizing GGC Facilities. 

Political Campaigns 

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section

Food Service

Food and beverage service is available through the on-site food service provider.  Individuals or groups using the College facilities or grounds must arrange catering directly with the on-site provider.  Any outside vendor must be approved by Auxiliary Services and the campus food service provider at least fifteen (15) days before the event.

Audio-Visual and Computer Equipment

Non-College groups may use College-owned audio-visual and computer equipment (usage fee may apply) or bring in their own equipment.  Groups are responsible for all set-up of equipment brought into the College, including checking all voltages and connections prior to installing or using any equipment. The Non-College group will be held responsible for any damages caused by the use of outside equipment.

Alcohol at Events

Alcohol is prohibited at student events.  Groups that wish to serve alcohol at events must request written permission from the GGC President or designee.  If approval is granted, alcoholic beverages may be served under the following conditions:

  • Alcohol must be dispensed by and coordinated with the GGC food service provider;
  • All College policies and local and state laws must be obeyed;
  • At least one (1) police or security officer must be on duty at the event. The Chief of Public Safety will determine the number of officers who are required and will make the necessary arrangements.
  • Non-College groups are responsible for all costs associated with serving alcohol.

Non-Endorsement Statement

Any group contracting for the use of GGC facilities must include this statement in any printed materials or advertisements: “Facilities for this meeting are provided as a service by GGC.  This service in no way implies College sponsorship or endorsement.”


9.11 Use Of Property Not Owned By The Board Of Regents

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.11.

9.11.1 Leasing Authority As Tenant

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.11.1.

9.11.2 Leasing As Tenant

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.11.2.

9.11.3 Reporting Of Leases As Tenant

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.11.3.


9.12 Management And Operations

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.12.

9.12.1 Sustainability, Efficiency, And Effectiveness

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.12.1.

9.12.2 Maintenance And Upkeep

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.12.2.

9.12.3 Major Repairs And Rehabilitation

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.12.3. Campus Police Alarm Policy

Reviewed May 26, 2016


Security alarm services may be provided to the GGC campus by the Office of Public Safety in conjunction with the Office of Facilities. Security alarm systems provide an effective means of protection and deterrence against crime.

This policy is applicable to current and future College sites under the operational jurisdiction of the Office of Public Safety. It applies to alarm systems installed in new construction or as part of any major or minor capital improvement project. It does not apply to stand alone fire alarm systems maintained by the Office of Facilities. It does apply to fire sensors interfaced to systems described herein.

No security system provides total protection of life or property, and is not a substitute for care and caution. Security Alarm Services

Reviewed May 26, 2016


Alarm protection on the GGC campus is divided into four types of service:

  1. Emergency: The emergency alarm is a panic button alarm used in locations where life threatening, medical aid, or other situations requiring an immediate emergency response may arise. The panic button can be installed at a stationary location within the alarmed area, or personal portable alarms are available and can be worn on the body (used within the area of protection only). Installation of this type of alarm is limited to areas where use of the alarm is controlled by authorized personnel. The Campus Police Department would make the determination of who would need a personal Portable alarm. This would be because police have to determine the level of threat, the person’s location and appropriate response.
  2. Intrusion: The intrusion alarm is a burglary alarm which uses motion detectors for door or window contacts to detect unauthorized entry into an alarmed area. This alarm maybe used in conjunction with an emergency or holdup alarm to provide 24 hour coverage in critical areas.
  3. Holdup: The holdup alarm is reserved for use at cashiering points or other areas where money is handled. It is a panic button alarm to be activated only when a holdup (robbery) or attempted holdup takes place.
  4. Special Service: This alarm is used in areas which require monitoring environmental conditions. Examples are carbon monoxide alarms, temperature sensors, etc.
  5. Panic Alarm System Specifications: Panic Alarm Systems shall be defined as a system that sends a signal to the nearest local law enforcement agency via a button that will elicit an immediate response from the local law enforcement agency. The primary required device will be a single button with a single initiation, hard-wired or mobile (Wifi) at a location recorded at the Campus Police Department. All components necessary for system operation shall be provided with a back-up power source. Alarms must have auto reset capability or remote reset capability from the Police Department. New designs shall be submitted to the Police Department for verification of compliance.

Police Response

Campus Police will respond to alarm activations received at the Communications Center which is located in the Office of Public Safety. Campus Police will also respond to activations telephoned into the Communications Center by an outside alarm company, provided that the alarm client and installation contractor have met all system installation standards (see Protocols for alarms response rest with the Office of Public Safety and police “best practices” are normally used.

Campus Police response to an alarm activation will be determined by alarm type (intrusion, emergency, holdup, fire, etc.), and action will be taken according to the Office of Public Safety SOP (Standard Operating Procedures). The decision to modify Campus Police response to an alarm activation shall rest with the on-duty Watch Commander. The decision to authorize a No Response status for an alarm shall rest with the Chief of Police or his designee(s). See for further information. For emergency, intrusion, and holdup activations, fire, Campus Police response will be as follows:

  1. Campus police officers will be dispatched to the alarm location.
  2. Upon arrival, the officers will investigate to determine if the activation is crime related, an emergency situation, accidental, or caused by a system malfunction. If necessary, the Communications Center may notify the required emergency contact(s) and advise them of the situation.
  3. Upon request from Campus Police, an emergency contact for the alarmed area may be required to respond to the alarm location.
  4. If it is determined that the activation is not the result of a crime, Campus Police officers will secure the area and clear the scene. The Communications Center will note the alarm call in the CAD (Computer Aided Dispatching).
  5. If it is determined that the activation is the result of a crime, a police report will be filed by the responding officer. If there is an activation as a result of smoke or fire, the building may be evacuated and local fire department notified by the Communications Center. Campus police and or security personnel may conduct a sweep of the building.
  6. If the activation is caused by malfunction, it will be reported to the Office of Facilities for repair.
  7. Accidental activations and some activations caused by system malfunction are considered false alarms.

For special services activations, Campus Police response is as follows:

  1. The alarm system will automatically send a message to the Communications Center or an off campus monitoring company will notify the Communications Center.
  2. The Communications Center will notify Campus Police officers of the alarm, or
  3. The Communications Center will notify the Office of Facilities of false alarms. Acquiring An Alarm System-Procedure

Reviewed May 26, 2016

All alarm system installations must be performed by the Office of Facilities. Review of the alarm request is by the Office of Public Safety who will forward their recommendation to the Vice President for Operations for approval. If installation is performed by an alternate alarm contractor, the system may not be monitored by the Communications Center unless all information including panel access code and as-built documents are turned over to the Office of Facilities. This rule does not apply to alarms installed in a new campus building under construction, provided that the contractor have met all system installation standards (see

Service Inquiries

Prospective alarm clients may inquire about alarm service by contacting the Office of Public Safety Communications Center Manager (678-407-5554). The client will then be contacted by the Communications Center Manager to arrange a site survey.

Site Survey

At the site survey, the client’s security needs will be assessed and further defined by the Police officers and alarm technicians. The survey team shall recommend a security system that meets the client’s needs with respect to the security of the area, personnel safety, officer safety, and current alarm technologies. The system design must meet all system installation standards (see and established campus standards as applicable

Estimates and Revisions

After the site survey, the Officer of Public Safety will submit an installation proposal to the client. This proposal will include a detailed system description and cost estimate based on the information obtained during the site survey. The cost estimate will include a breakdown of all equipment, material, labor, and any training costs.

Once the alarm system is approved, the Office of Facilities will contact the vendor for installation. The vendor will provide location and alarm coding to the Communications Center. Hard wired systems will require a dedicated telephone line in order to send activations to the Communications Center. The Office of Public Safety will prioritize and schedule all approved installations based on the area’s level of risk to life and/or property. The availability of telephone lines shall also be considered when scheduling the installation.

Campus Police Forms

The Campus Police will notify the Office of Facilities when the alarm has been approved. Upon notification, the Campus Police will submit to the client two items:

  1. Copy of the most current Campus Police Alarm Policy
  2. Alarm Authorization List form.

System Installation

The Office of Facilities will be responsible for the installation of the approved system. The client may contact the Campus Police at any point during the installation process to request a change to system specifications or to cancel installation. Once installation is complete, Campus Police and the Office of Facilities will conduct a final check to verify that the system has been installed as proposed, that it meets all safety and security requirements, and conforms to best practice standards for alarms. The Campus Police will also verify that the client has been given a copy of the Campus Police Alarm Policy and an Authorization List form. The client’s alarm system will not be placed online until the receipt of these forms is confirmed by the Communications Manager.

Other required items can include but are not limited to:

  1. Maps labeled with room numbers in alarmed area(s),
  2. Floor plans of alarmed area(s).

Once all required items have been received, alarm system information will be entered into the Campus Police Alarm database and into the Communications Center database, and the alarm will be placed online. At this point the alarm system is active and will be monitored by Campus Police Communications (or an outside alarm company).

User Training

Initial system training will be provided to the client. The client may request further training. Campus Police may provide police officers and communication officers with training on responding to alarm activations if there is anything out of the ordinary they need to know (the area contains hazardous materials, special alarm points on the system, etc.). Recurring training can be provided by campus police as requested by the client. Alarm System Installation Standards

Reviewed May 26, 2016

General Standards

  1. Room numbers to all alarmed areas must be visibly displayed at all times.
  2. Key access to all alarmed areas and alarm equipment must be provided to Campus Police.
  3. The client must provide the Alarm Coordinator (678-407-5554) with a current Alarm Authorization List form annually or as needed. (Contact Alarm Coordinator for a copy of the form.)
  4. The system must be installed and wired in accordance with all manufacturer specifications.
  5. The Communications Center will only monitor and respond to approved and correctly installed alarms. Panels must be completely compatible with the Communication Center Alarm Monitoring System as currently configured.
  6. Each alarm type (robbery, burglary, fire, unknown trouble, tamper, low battery) must report on a separate zone.
  7. All areas with panic buttons must not remove the alarm hardware unless approved by the Office of Facilities and Office of Public Safety.
  8. Alarms in separate rooms must report on separate zones unless otherwise approved by the Office of Public Safety.
  9. Rooms greater than 900 square feet in area must report on separate zones (one zone for every 900 square feet) unless otherwise approved by the Office of Public Safety.
  10. If two or more detectors of the same type are installed in the same area, they must be wired in series to report to the same zone. For example, numerous motion detectors in the same room must all report on the same zone.
  11. Alarm equipment enclosure tamper alarms are required and must report on zone one.
  12. Low battery alarms are required and must report on a low battery point.
  13. Detector line trouble (open, short) must be reported as an alarm, not a trouble.
  14. Alarm panels may not transmit opening, closing, or cancel reports unless written arrangements have been made with the Communications Manager (678-407-5554).
  15. All alarm panels must be housed in locking enclosures and must be supervised by a tamper alarm.
  16. Alarm detectors using radio frequency (RF) transmissions may only be used when approved by the Office of Public Safety. The RF equipment must be listed by Underwriter Laboratories for use with security alarm detectors.
  17. System installation must be approved by the Office of Public Safety for installation quality, functionality, officer safety, and the Office of Facilities for compliance with NEC Codes and Industry Standards prior to final connection to the Communications Center.
  18. All systems must meet or exceed all local, State and Federal Codes. System Maintenance

Reviewed May 26, 2016

It is the responsibility of the client to report any damage to the sending unit and make sure the alarm sending unit is in good working order. This can be accomplished through regular alarm testing, addressing maintenance and repair problems immediately, and consulting with the Office of Public Safety and the Office of Facilities whenever modification or repair of a system is required. In general, an alarm system will be placed out of service when repairs are needed.


  1. It is the responsibility of the client to test the alarm system as needed. It is recommended that an alarm system is tested at least once each month.
  2. The client must notify the Communications Center at (678) 407-5333 to test the alarm system. This will ensure that Campus Police are not dispatched to any test alarm activations.
  3. When testing is complete the system will be put back in service. Note that some panic buttons may be required to be reset manually by the client; if not reset, the alarm will not activate when next pushed, and the Communications Center will not know that help is needed. Intrusion alarms reset automatically and require no extra intervention on the part of the client.
  4. Due to safety considerations, Campus Police will not respond to test alarm activations. Campus police will track the date of test activations initiated by each client Changes To Alarm System Status

Reviewed May 26, 2016

No Response Status

Alarm systems may be placed on No Response status in either of the following situations at the discretion of the Chief of Police or his designee(s):

  1. The ninth false alarm activation in either a 30-day or 12-month period.
  2. Non-compliance with any part of this policy. Activations received from an alarm system that is on No Response status will be disregarded by the Communications Center and police officers will not be sent to investigate. The Communications Center will be notified for follow up with the alarm client. A client will be notified via hand-delivered letter when a system is placed on No Response status.

Discontinuation of Service by Client

The client may discontinue alarm service at any time by notifying the Communications Center Manager (678-407-5554) in writing. It is the responsibility of the client to make arrangements with Facilities for the system to be disconnected. Wireless system Monthly monitoring costs will continue to be assessed until Facilities is notified that the system is in fact disconnected. Automated External Defibrilator (AED)

Reviewed May 26, 2016

Georgia Gwinnett College is committed to providing a safe and healthy campus environment for all students, staff, faculty, parents, and visitors. GGC will establish and maintain an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) program. This program includes the establishment of an oversight committee Chaired by the Associate Vice President for Public Safety/Chief of Police. The committee is responsible for the development of appropriate guidelines to ensure consistency in purchasing, placement, training, maintenance, and oversight of AEDs on the GGC campus. While participation in the AED program is highly recommended, it is optional for GGC departments. All GGC entities must gain approval of the AED Oversight Committee prior to any AED purchases. For more information about the AED program, contact the Office of Public safety.

9.12.6 Security

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.12.6.

9.12.8 Reckless Skateboard And Bicycle Use

Reviewed May 26, 2016

Policy Summary

Georgia Gwinnett College has a responsibility to prevent and deter behaviors that are likely to cause personal injury, property damage, and/or disrupt college operations. This policy bans reckless skateboarding and bicycle use that endanger safety, college property, or threatens normal campus activities. Skateboarding and bicycling are not crimes. However, actions that may endanger oneself or other individuals, damage property, or disrupt the mission of the College are not considered to be harmless activities. The Office of Public Safety is responsible for the safe operation of the campus and may adopt rules or regulations to restrict, or specify the conditions for, the use of bicycles, motorized bicycles, scooters, skateboards, and roller skates/blades on campus.

Reckless Skateboard/Bicycle Use

In the context of this policy, Reckless Skateboarding/Bicycle Use refers to the use of any wheeled vehicle or device in a manner that endangers public safety, threatens college property, or disrupts college operations. This use includes, but is not limited to, maneuvers that are aerial or that transition from campus walkways on to stairs, curbs, benches, rails, seating areas, or vice versa, as well as from or to any other elevated constructs. It also includes using skateboards, scooters, roller skates/ blades, and bicycles in ways that clearly create unsafe conditions (e.g., traveling at unsafe speeds, traversing downhill with no method of stopping, etc.). The use of any such device is not permitted in any building on GGC property unless authorized by the Office of Public Safety.

Due to fire concerns surrounding Hoverboards, GGC has chosen to prohibit the use, possession, or storage of Hoverboards, Swagways, or similar devices in all GGC buildings. This includes, but is not limited to residence halls, classroom buildings, administration buildings, and indoor recreational facilities. Residential students who own Hoverboards and similar devices shall not bring them to campus due to fire concerns regarding the batteries that operate the boards. Although not prohibited, GGC strongly cautions against storing these products in vehicles.


All students, staff, faculty, and campus visitors are required to use wheeled vehicles in a manner that is safe, respects the rights of others, and adheres to applicable Georgia statutes and other related campus policies. Moreover, the reckless use of skateboards and bicycles, as defined in this policy, is not permitted. Pedestrians have the right of way on sidewalks in the interior of campus. Those individuals using wheeled vehicles are encouraged to walk their wheels in areas of campus where there is high pedestrian traffic.

All faculty, staff, students, and visitors to Georgia Gwinnett College are expected to adhere to this policy and the applicable procedures. All have a collective responsibility to promote the safety and health of the campus community. Effective implementation depends on the respect and cooperation of all members of the College community. Members of the campus community are encouraged to be aware and remain in compliance with the policy. Overall responsibility for the policy includes providing guidance concerning the scope, definitions, requirements, and enforcement.


Campus Police are solely charged with the enforcement of this policy by preventing or stopping individuals who are engaged in reckless skateboarding and bicycling activities, as defined in this policy. Campus Police may refer Georgia Gwinnett College student violators to Student Integrity, and in the case of Georgia Gwinnett College faculty and staff, to the appropriate Dean or Department Head. In accordance with O.C.G.A. 16-11-35, Campus Police may advise those not affiliated with Georgia Gwinnett College to leave the campus.

For comments or questions regarding this policy, members of the campus community and the community at large are encouraged to call Campus Police 678-407-5333 for more information.

9.12.65 Georgia Gwinnett College Campus Security Compliance Act Policy

Reviewed May 26, 2016

It is the policy of Georgia Gwinnett College for all employees to abide by the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 and its1992 through 2000 amendments, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) (Pub. Law 113-4). Among other provisions, this law amended section 485(f) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), otherwise known as the Clery Act (20 U.S.C. 1092(f)).


  • Reporting Crimes and Other Emergencies
  • Pastoral and Professional Counselors
  • Victim Resources
  • Preparation of the Annual Security Report and Disclosure of Crime Statistics
  • Retaliation Policy
  • Crimes Involving Student Organizations at Off-Campus Locations
  • Timely Warning Reports - Crime Alerts
  • Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures
  • Drills, Exercises and Training
  • Emergency Notification
  • Security Considerations for the Maintenance of Campus Facilities
  • Campus Security Policies, Crime Prevention and Safety Awareness Programs
  • Georgia Gwinnett College’s Response to Sexual and Gender Violence
  • Missing Residential Student Notification Policy
  • Daily Crime and Fire Log

Reporting Crimes and Other Emergencies

Georgia Gwinnett College has a number of ways for campus community members and visitors to report crimes, serious incidents, and other emergencies to appropriate College officials. Regardless of how and where someone decides to report these incidents, it is critical for the safety of the entire College community that all incidents are reported to the Office of Public Safety (Campus Police) to ensure an effective investigation and appropriate follow-up actions, including issuing a Crime Alert or emergency notification.

  1. Voluntary, Confidential Reporting

    If crimes are never reported, little can be done to help other members of the community from also being victims. We encourage our campus community members to report crimes promptly to Campus Police and to participate in and support crime prevention efforts. The campus community will be much safer when all our members participate in safety and security initiatives.

    Persons may report crimes confidentiality. The purpose of a confidential report is to comply with the desire to keep personally identifying information confidential, while taking steps to ensure the reporting person’s safety and the safety of others. The confidential reports allow Georgia Gwinnett College to compile accurate records on the number and types of incidents occurring on campus. Reports filed in this manner are counted and disclosed in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. In limited circumstances, the Department may not be able to assure confidentiality and will inform the reporting person in those cases. Anyone may call the Campus Police at 678-407-5333 to report concerning information. Callers may request to remain anonymous.
  2. Reporting to Campus Police

    GGC encourages all members of the campus community to report all crimes and other emergencies to campus police in a timely manner. Though there are many resources available, campus police should be notified of any crime, whether or not an investigation continues, to assure Georgia Gwinnett College can assess any and all security concerns and inform the campus community if there is a significant threat to the campus community.
  3. Anonymous Reporting

    Persons interested in reporting a crime anonymously can utilize the Anonymous Tips that can be accessed through the GGC Public Safety website. By policy, campus police do not attempt to trace the origin of the person who submits this form, unless such is deemed necessary for public safety.
  4. Reporting to Other Campus Security Authorities

    The Georgia Gwinnett College policy is that community members promptly report all crimes and other emergencies directly to the Campus Police. GGC also recognizes that some may report to other individuals or College offices. The Clery Act recognizes certain College officials and offices as “Campus Security Authorities (CSA).” The Act defines these individuals as an “official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, athletics, student organizations, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings.

Pastoral and Professional Counselors

According the Clery Act, pastoral and professional counselors who are appropriately credentialed and hired by Georgia Gwinnett College to serve in a counseling role are not considered Campus Security Authorities when they are acting in the counseling role. As a matter of policy, Georgia Gwinnett College encourages pastoral and professional counselors to notify those whom they are counseling of the voluntary, confidential reporting options available to them. Reports made to medical professionals, licensed mental health counselors and pastoral counselors will not be shared with any third parties except in cases of imminent danger to the victim or a third party.


Pastoral counselor: A person who is associated with a religious order or denomination, is recognized by that religious order or denomination as someone who provides confidential counseling, and is functioning within the scope of that recognition as a pastoral counselor.

Professional counselor: A person whose official responsibilities include providing mental health counseling to members of the institution’s community and who is functioning within the scope of his or her license or certification.

Victim Resources

A victim need not make a formal report to law enforcement or the College to access these resources that include but are not limited to the following:

Resource Phone Number
Student Counseling Center 678-407-5592
Student Health Services 678-407-5675
Human Resources 678-407-5216
Available Counseling for Faculty & Staff 678-407-5851
Domestic Violence Hotline 800-334-2836
Georgia Crisis and Access Hotline 800-715-4225
Georgia Drug Abuse Helpline 800-338-6745
Gwinnett Medical Center 678-442-4321
Gwinnett Sexual Assault Center (GSAC) 770-476-7407
Suicide Helpline 800-784-2433
Gwinnett County Courts 770-822-8000
GGC Title IX Program Administrator 678-407-5010

Preparation of the Annual Security Report and Disclosure of Crime Statistics

The Office of Public Safety prepares the Annual report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Crime Statistics Act using information maintained by the Campus Police, information provided by other College offices such as Student Affairs, Residence Life, Human Resources and other Campus Security Authorities and information requested from local law enforcement agencies surrounding the main campus. Each of these offices provides updated policy information and crime data.

This report provides statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned, leased or controlled by Georgia Gwinnett College. This report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies regarding sexual assault, alcohol and other drugs.

Georgia Gwinnett College distributes a notice of the availability of this Annual Security and Fire Safety Report by October 1 of each year to every member of the campus community. Anyone, including prospective students and employees, may obtain a paper copy of this report by contacting the Office of Public Safety at 678-407-5710 or by visiting the Public Safety website.

The College is committed to providing accurate crime statistics in its annual report and will not withhold, or subsequently remove, a reported crime from its crime statistics based on a decision by a court, coroner, jury, prosecutor, or other similar non-campus official. Only crimes investigated by law enforcement that are found to be false or baseless will be classified as “unfounded’ and deleted from the crime statistics annual report. All Clery Act reportable crimes reported to any Campus Security Authority will be included in the Annual Security Report Crime Statistics section unless the incident is investigated by law enforcement and subsequently classified as unfounded.

Members of the campus community are encouraged to use the annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report as a guide for safe practices on and off-campus; however, nothing in this policy or other publications of the College is intended to represent the College as an insurer of any individual’s personal safety or security. Ultimately, students, employees and visitors are expected to use caution and good judgment, and make decisions to ensure their own safety and security.

Retaliation Policy

The College prohibits retaliation by any College officer, employee, or agent against any individual for exercising their rights or responsibilities under any provision under the Clery Act. Any such retaliation may be the basis for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

Crimes Involving Student Organizations at Off-Campus Locations

In coordination with local law enforcement agencies, the Campus Police may actively investigate certain crimes occurring on or near campus. If the Campus Police learn of criminal activity involving students or student organizations, it may coordinate with the appropriate external law enforcement agency to forward information about the situation to the Office of Student Integrity or other applicable campus resource as appropriate.

Georgia Gwinnett College requires all recognized student organizations to abide by federal, state, and local laws, policies and regulations. Georgia Gwinnett College may become involved in the off-campus conduct of recognized student organizations when such conduct is determined to affect a Substantial College Interest (as defined in Georgia Gwinnett College Off-Campus Misconduct Policy) found at Student Integrity.

Timely Warning Reports - Crime Alerts

In an effort to provide timely notice to the campus community in the event of a Clery Act crime that may pose a serious or on-going threat to members of the community, the Campus Police issues “Crime Alerts.” The Campus Police will generally issue Crime Alerts for the following if there is an on-going threat of a crime: arson; aggravated assault; criminal homicide; robbery; burglary; sex assaults; and hate crimes. Campus Police will post these warnings through a variety of ways, including but not limited to posters, e-mails, and media. Georgia Gwinnett College also has the ability to send text message alerts to those who register their cell phone numbers.

Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures

The Office of Emergency Management is responsible for the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). This plan is designed to be an all-hazards disaster response and emergency management plan that complies with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidelines for Higher Education that includes planning, mitigation, response, and recovery actions.

Drills, Exercises and Training

Annually, Georgia Gwinnett College conducts an emergency management exercise to test emergency procedures. The scenarios for these exercises change from year-to-year, and include several departments from across the campus.

To ensure the GGC’s emergency management plans remain current and actionable, the College will conduct an emergency management exercise, at a minimum once yearly. These exercises may include tabletop drills, emergency operations center exercises, or full-scale emergency response exercises. Georgia Gwinnett College conducts after-action reviews of all emergency management exercises.

In conjunction with at least one emergency management exercise each year, Georgia Gwinnett College will notify the community of the exercise and remind the community of the information included in the College’s publicly available information regarding emergency response procedures at Campus Police.

Emergency Notification

The campus community will receive timely, accurate, and useful information in the event of a significant emergency or dangerous situation on campus or in the local area that poses an immediate threat to the health and safety of campus community members.

College-wide will be tested annually using the following procedures:

  1. Procedures Used to Notify the Campus Community

In the event of a situation that poses an immediate threat to members of the campus community, Georgia Gwinnett College has various systems in place for communicating information quickly. Some or all of these methods of communication may be activated in the event of emergency notification to all or a segment of campus community. Georgia Gwinnett College will post updates during a critical incident on the homepage. If the situation warrants, Georgia Gwinnett College will establish a telephone call-in center to communicate with the campus community during an emergency situation.

  1. Determining Who Receives an Emergency Notification

College and/or local first responders on the scene of a critical incident or dangerous situation will assist Office of Public Affairs in preparing the emergency notification(s) with determining what segment or segments of the campus community should receive the notification. If the emergency affects a significant portion of the entire campus, College officials will distribute the notification to the entire campus community.

  1. Determining the Contents of the Emergency Notification

The office responsible for issuing the initial emergency notification (usually the Police communications officers) will, in concert with College and local first responders, determine the contents of the notification. Georgia Gwinnett College has developed a wide range of template messages addressing several different emergency situations. The individual authorizing the alert will select the template message most appropriate to the on-going situation and modify it to address the specifics of the present incident. In those cases where there are no pre-determined template messages in the system, the individual authorizing the alert will develop the most succinct message to convey the appropriate information to the community. The goal is to ensure individuals are aware of the situation and that they know the steps to take to safeguard their personal and community safety.

  1. Procedures for Disseminating Emergency Information to the Greater Community

The Office of Public Affairs is responsible for preparing and disseminating all external media communications for Georgia Gwinnett College. All communications will contain as much information that is necessary for the local community and public safety agencies to take appropriate safety measures to protect their citizens. The Office of Public Affairs will coordinate and inform local media outlets through telephone, email and text communications. The Office of Public Affairs will provide critical incident information to local elected officials.

Security Considerations for the Maintenance of Campus Facilities

Georgia Gwinnett College is committed to campus safety and security. At the College, locks, landscaping and outdoor lighting are designed for safety and security. Sidewalks are designed to provide well-traveled, lighted routes from parking areas to buildings and from building to building. Sidewalks and building entrances are illuminated to provide well-traveled, lighted routes from parking areas to buildings and from building to building.

The Campus Police, conducts surveys of College property twice each year to evaluate campus lighting. At night, building walkways, parking lots and roadway lighting provide most of the pedestrian illumination on campus. Temporary parking lot lighting have been placed in some of the gravel lots.

We encourage community members to promptly report any security concern, including concerns about locking mechanism, security lighting, or landscaping to Georgia Gwinnett College Police.

Campus Security Policies, Crime Prevention & Safety Awareness Programs

In addition to the many programs offered by the Campus Police and other College offices, Georgia Gwinnett College has established a number of policies and procedures related to ensuring a reasonably safe campus community. These policies include:

  1. Weapons Policy

Georgia Gwinnett College conforms to the current Georgia Law regarding the possession, carrying and use of weapons, ammunition, or explosives on College owned or controlled property. Please contact the Campus Police for more information.

Authorized law enforcement officers or others, specifically authorized by the College are allowed to carry firearms on campus. Campus Police do not provide storage facilities for the personal weapons for members of Georgia Gwinnett College. Failure to comply with Georgia Gwinnett College weapons policy may result in disciplinary and/or criminal action against violators.

  1. Crime Prevention and Safety Awareness Programs

In an effort to promote safety awareness, The Campus Police maintains a strong working relationship with the campus community. This relationship includes offering a variety of safety and security programs and services and crime prevention programming. If you or your organization would like to request a specific program, please contact the Crime Prevention and Community Education Office, 678-407-5330. Below are some of the programs and services available:

  • Human Resources

Human Resources provides programing for employees designed to inform, educate and help prevent crime and workplace violence.

  • Office of Student Affairs

Some of the resources available are: Counseling and Psychological services, Disability Services, Health Services, and Student Integrity. Student Affairs provides programing to GGC students designed to inform, educate and help prevent students from becoming victims of crimes.

  1. Types of Training Programs

Student Affairs, Human Resources and Campus Police are available to conduct group training for students, staff, and faculty. Training is available on demand:

  • Campus Emergency Operations Orientation - Staff and Faculty
  • Dealing with Difficult People and Troubled Students - Staff and Faculty
  • Emergency Management Orientation - Staff and Faculty
  • Personal Safety - Student Safety Training
  • Social Networking Safety - Student Safety Training
  • Emergency Operations Training - Selected Employees
  • Internet Safety and Identity Theft - Campus Safety Training
  • General Student Safety Training
  • Bystander intervention

Georgia Gwinnett College’s Response to Sexual and Gender Violence

In compliance with federal laws policies and procedures have been adopted to prevent and respond to incidents of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking involving members of our campus community. These guidelines apply to all students, faculty, staff, contractors and visitors.

  1. Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking

    The Violence against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 added the following crimes to be reported in the institutions Annual Security Report (ASR):
  • Domestic Violence - A felony or misdemeanor crime of violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim or by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common or by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner or by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred.
  • Dating Violence - Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the reporting party’s statement and with consideration of the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. Dating violence does not include acts covered under the definition of domestic violence.
  • Stalking - Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others or suffer substantial emotional distress. For the purpose of this definition:
  1. Course of conduct means two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts in which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means follows, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates to or about, a person, or interferes with the person’s property.
  2. Substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.
  3. Reasonable person means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim.


  1. Sexual exploitation, intimidation, sexual harassment
    1. Recording Reports of Stalking.

      The information below is provided to clarify how the College will handle recording reports of stalking, which, by definition involves a pattern of incidents.
      1. When reports of stalking include activities in more than one calendar year, the College will include stalking in the crime statistics for the calendar year in which the course of conduct is first reported to law enforcement or to a campus security authority. If the stalking behavior continues into a subsequent year it would also be counted in the subsequent year crime statistics report.
      2. Each report of stalking will be recorded as occurring at the first location within the College’s Clery Geography in which either the perpetrator engaged in the stalking course of conduct or the victim first became aware of the stalking.
      3. The College will only count as a new and distinct stalking crime that is not associated with a previous report of stalking when the stalking behavior continues after an official intervention including, but not limited to, a disciplinary action or the issuance of a no-contact order, restraining order, or any other warning by a College official or a court.
    2. Reporting an Incident

      If a student, employee or visitor has been the victim of an incident of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking they should immediately report to the GGC Campus Police. Any GGC office such as Student Affairs, Resident Life, Counseling and Psychological Services, Athletics, and Dean of Students will assist any victim of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking in notifying law enforcement, including local police.

      Victims are not required to report to law enforcement in order to receive assistance from or pursue any options with Georgia Gwinnett College.

      College employees who receive a report of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking are required to report all details of an incident(s), including identities of the parties involved to the Office of Diversity, Institutional Equity, and Title IX Program Administration (678-407-5010), or his/her supervisor, or any member of the College’s administration such as a Vice President, academic dean, director, or other College administrator. Regardless of the rank or level of the employee receiving notice of a potential complaint, all personnel and shall respond in a timely manner to complaints of discrimination or harassment and forward such information the Office of Diversity, Institutional Equity, and Title IX Program Administration, when they receive or otherwise become aware of such complaints. Prompt reporting of complaints is vital to the College’s ability to resolve the matter.
    3. Written Notification of Rights and Options

      Any student or employee who reports an incident of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, whether the incident occurred on or off campus, shall receive a written explanation of their options and rights as provided for under this policy.
    4. On & Off Campus Resources

      Both the Georgia Gwinnett College and Gwinnett County offer important resources to the victims of sexual violence including medical treatment, counseling and advocacy they may wish to utilize. On and off campus assistance is available to any student or employee free of charge. A victim need not make a formal report to law enforcement or Georgia Gwinnett College to access these resources.
    5. Accommodations

      Whether or not a student or employee reports to law enforcement and/or pursues any formal action, if a student or employee reports an incident of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking Georgia Gwinnett College is committed to providing them as safe a learning or working environment as possible. The Chief Diversity/Institutional Equity Title IX Program Administrator will consider reasonable requests to change to a victim’s academic, living, transportation, and or working situation. If a complainant reports to law enforcement, law enforcement may assist the individual in obtaining a Temporary Protection/Restraining Order from a criminal court. Georgia Gwinnett College is committed to ensuring the compliance of any such order on all institutionally owned and controlled property. Georgia Gwinnett College is also committed to protecting individuals from any further harm, and the Campus Police, Provost, President or designee may issue an institutional no-contact order.
    6. Victim Confidentiality

      Georgia Gwinnett College recognizes the often-sensitive nature of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking incidents. To the best of the College’s ability the College will take every effort to protect the confidentiality of the party. Different officials and personnel are, however, able to offer varying levels of privacy protection to victims. Reports made to law enforcement, including if criminal prosecution is pursued, may be made public (identification of victim identity in incident reports or when used in a criminal prosecution) and shared with the accused. Where applicable, complaints may be investigated in a manner that protects the confidentiality of the parties and the facts of the case to the extent allowed by applicable law, including the Georgia Open Records Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). A record of each complaint and subsequent related actions will be maintained by the College.
  2. Education Programs

    Georgia Gwinnett College is committed to increasing the awareness of and preventing violence. Ongoing prevention, Bystander intervention, and awareness campaigns are also offered throughout the year via Student Affairs and Human Resources. These programs are designed to be comprehensive, intentional, and integrated programming, initiatives, and strategies intended to stop domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking that–

    • Are culturally relevant, inclusive of diverse communities and identities, sustainable, responsive to community needs, informed by research; and
    • Consider risk and protective factors as they occur on the individual, relationship, institutional, community and societal levels.

    Programs to prevent include both primary prevention programs directed at incoming students and new employees and ongoing prevention and awareness campaigns directed at students and employees,

    Awareness programs means community-wide or audience-specific programming, initiatives, and strategies that increase audience knowledge and share information and resources to prevent violence, promote safety, and reduce perpetration.

    Bystander intervention means safe and positive options that may be carried out by an individual or individuals to prevent harm or intervene in situations of potential harm for another person; or to prevent institutional structures or cultural conditions that facilitate violence, including recognizing situations of potential harm, overcoming barriers to intervening, identifying safe and effective intervention options, and taking action to intervene.

    Ongoing prevention and awareness campaigns means programming, initiatives, and strategies that are sustained over time and focus on increasing understanding of topics relevant to and skills for addressing dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, using a range of strategies with audiences throughout the institution and including information described in paragraph (j)(1)(i)(A) through (j)(1)(i)(F).

    Primary prevention programs means programming, initiatives, and strategies informed by research that are intended to stop dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking before they occur through the promotion of positive and healthy behaviors and beliefs that foster healthy, mutually respectful relationships and sexuality, encourage safe bystander intervention, and seek to change behavior and social norms in healthy and safe directions.

    Risk reduction means options for mitigating risk factors through efforts designed to decrease perpetration and bystander inaction, and to increase empowerment for victims through the augmentation of protective factors in order to promote safety and to help individuals and communities address conditions that facilitate violence.

    GGC’s programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking are included in the following training:
  • New student orientation
  • New employee orientation
  • Rape Aggression Defense (RAD)
  • Residence Hall floor programs
  • Poster campaigns
  • Seminars for employees
  1. Administrative Proceedings

    Georgia Gwinnett College strictly prohibits all acts of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. In addition to facing criminal investigation and prosecution, students, employees and other affiliates may also face disciplinary action by Georgia Gwinnett College. Individuals found responsible for having committed such a violation face permanent expulsion, termination of employment, suspension, probation, counseling, or other educational sanctions such as completion of a course or writing an essay, and no contact orders, restitution, written statements, or similar actions. Allegations involving students and employees will be handled administratively by the Office of Diversity, Institutional Equity, and Title IX Program Administration. Phone and email TitleIX@ggc.edu.

    All administrative proceedings, whether the allegation is reported to have occurred on or off campus, shall provide a prompt, equitable and impartial investigation and resolution. All investigations and proceedings shall be conducted by officials who have received annual training on the nature of the types of cases they are handling, on how to conduct an investigation, and conduct a proceeding. Investigations shall be conducted within a timeframe of 60 days or less, unless there are mitigating circumstances in which case the accuser and accused shall be notified, providing an explanation, and the amount of additional time required. Phone and email TitleIX@ggc.edu.
  2. Our Commitment to Addressing Sexual Assault/Rape

    Georgia Gwinnett College does not tolerate sexual misconduct or abuse, such as sexual assault, rape or any other forms of nonconsensual sexual activity. Sexual misconduct in any form violates the Student Code of Conduct, College Policies and may violate Federal and State Laws. Violations of this policy are subject to disciplinary sanctions. Please visit to review procedures, policies and protocols for reporting and addressing allegations of student sexual misconduct. Georgia Gwinnett College provides the following rights to all sexual assault victims:
  • On campus counseling services are available to students through Counseling and Psychological Services
  • Reasonable academic accommodations.
  1. College Procedures for Responding to Reports of Sexual Assault

    If you or someone you know is the victim of a sexual assault, the victim has several rights, including:
  • The right to report the incident to the Campus Police or local authorities. Georgia Gwinnett College will assist victims in notifying either Georgia Gwinnett College or local police. Filing a police report does not mean the victim must pursue criminal charges. The victim maintains his or her rights throughout the process.
  • In addition to the campus service listed below, there are also several community service organizations that can provide counseling, mental health, and other related services to sexual assault victims. Please note that not all services are always available.

Counseling and Psychological Services, 678-407-5592

Gwinnett Sexual Assault Center & Children’s Advocacy Center (GSAC-CAC)

770-476-7407 (Crisis hotline)

770-497-9122 (Office Phone)

  • If a victim of a sexual assault or relationship violence incident requests a change in her or his living arrangements or academic schedule, the Dean of Students, and other offices at the College, will assist the individual with making these changes, as long as they are reasonably available.
  1. Consent
  • Consent is obtained through a conscious and voluntary verbal agreement to engage in mutually agreed-upon activities.
  • Consent cannot be gained by force, by ignoring objections of others, or by taking advantage of an incapacitated individl.
  • Silence or absence of resistance does not imply consent.
  • Past consent does not constitute future consent.
  • Consent may be withdrawn at any time.
  • Age of Consent in Georgia Is 17 years or older.
  1. Sexual Assault Prevention Education Programs

    Student Affairs is primarily responsible for sexual assault education and awareness in collaboration with many offices at the College. Together, these offices offer a variety of programming focusing on sexual and gender violence.
  • Rape Aggression Defense System (RAD) - Annually, Student Affairs in collaboration with College Police offer a free 12-hour course to enrolled women students.
  • Each April, Student Affairs and Human Resources sponsor National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.
  • Human Resources and Student Affairs and sponsor sexual assault prevention and awareness and educational seminars annually.
  1. Sex Offender Registration (Megan’s Law)

    Members of the general public may request community notification flyers for information concerning sexually violent predators in a particular community by visiting the chief of law enforcement officer in that community. In Gwinnett County, the Sheriff maintains the local sex offender list and it may be accessed at Gwinnett County Sex Offender List; at the State level, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation maintains the sex offender list and it may be accessed at Georgia Sex Offender List; and Federal (National Sex Offender) at National Sex Offender Registry.

    Missing Residential Student Notification Policy

    The Clery Act requires institutions that maintain on campus housing facilities to establish a missing student notification policy and related procedures (20 USC 1092 (j) Section 488 of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008).

    When it is determined that a residential student is missing from the College, staff at Georgia Gwinnett College, in collaboration with local law enforcement, will be guided by this Missing Student Notification Policy and related procedures.

    • Provisions

    In accordance with general institutional emergency notification procedures, when a resident student is thought to be missing from the campus, staff in Georgia Gwinnett College administration should be immediately notified. Specifically, staff members in the Student Life area including the Senior Student Affairs Officer, Dean of Students, and Campus Police, should be contacted so that they can coordinate efforts to locate the student. The designated Senior Student Affairs Officer and/or the Dean of Students, is to be notified immediately of all students thought to be missing. He/she has the authority and the responsibility for coordinating the efforts made by the College to locate the missing student and assist the missing student’s family.

    The appropriate Student Affairs representative, or other individual learning that a resident student is missing, will immediately file a formal missing student report with the Campus Police who will coordinate with local law enforcement agencies.

    It will be made clear to all residential students annually, that each residential student of the College has the option to designate an individual to be contacted by the College administration as soon as Campus Police determine the student is missing. Georgia Gwinnett College provides each student with the means and opportunity to register their confidential Missing Student contact information by logging into Banner system and filling out the Address and Contact Information form. This information is only accessible to College employees who are authorized campus officials and this information will not be disclosed to others with the exception to law enforcement personnel in the furtherance of a missing student investigation.

    In accordance with the Georgia Gwinnett College’s Missing Student Policy, it should be noted that Georgia Gwinnett College notifies each student who is under 18 years of age (and not an emancipated individual), that Georgia Gwinnett College is required to contact the student’s parents or guardian in addition to the person identified as the missing student contact person. This contact will be made as soon as the Campus Police determine that the student is missing.

    In accordance with established procedures, it should be noted that the College will inform each residential student that Campus Police and the appropriate local law enforcement agency will be notified when a student is reported missing, unless the local law enforcement agency was the entity that made the determination that the student was missing. This notification will be made promptly when the student is determined missing.

    If Campus Police have been notified that a student has gone missing, and through their initial investigation make a determination that a student should be the subject of a missing person report, College staff will initiate emergency contact procedures as outlined in the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Missing Student Annex.

    Georgia Gwinnett College’s missing student investigative procedures include following:
  • Include communication procedures for official notification of appropriate individuals at Georgia Gwinnett College that a student has been missing for more than 24 hours.
  • Require an official Missing Person Report relating to a College residential student to be referred immediately to the Campus Police or campus security department.
  • If through investigation of an official report, the Campus Police determines a student has been missing for more than 24 hours, they will:
    • Notify local police.
    • Contact those individuals provided by the student, as their missing student contact person.
    • If a student is under 18 years of age, and not an emancipated individual, immediately contact the custodial parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the student, in addition to the student’s missing student contact person.

Daily Crime and Fire Log

Campus Police& Public Safety maintains a combined Daily Crime and Fire Log of all crime and fire incidents reported to the Department. The Campus Police publishes the Daily Crime and Fire Log, Monday - Friday, when Georgia Gwinnett College is open. The log is available 24 hours per day to members of public. GGC Public Safety Fire Log. This log identifies the type, location, and time of each criminal incident reported to College Police.


Environmental Health and Safety

Policy Number: 9.12.4
Effective Date: August 23, 2017
Revision History: May 28, 2013
Policy Contact: Director, Environmental Health and Safety

Purpose and Policy Statement

This policy formalizes the Georgia Gwinnett College commitment to safety, health, and environmental protection and defines the strategy for achieving and maintaining compliance with applicable laws and regulations.  Written programs, plans, manuals and safety guidelines designed to accomplish environmental health and safety goals are incorporated into this policy by reference and upon approval by the Environmental Health and Safety Committee.


All employees are responsible for understanding and complying with this policy.

Roles and Responsibilities

Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) is considered one entity from a legal, regulatory, and public perspective and is held accountable as such by federal, state, and local authorities and granting agencies. Therefore, the actions of GGC individual constituents are those of the entire College. When one constituent does not adhere to procedures, it has the potential to affect the entire community.

Members of the GGC Community: It is the responsibility of individuals at GGC to conduct their activities in a safe manner and in compliance with all applicable policies, laws, and regulations. This responsibility includes participation in training, abiding by established safety procedures and reporting safety hazards and/or potential violations of regulations to their supervisor or to Environmental Health and Safety.

Supervisors: Supervisors are responsible for ensuring compliance with environmental health and safety standards and policies as well as applicable local, state, and federal regulations for those under their authority. Supervisors are responsible for assessing the potential hazards associated with the tasks of the participants in the programs under their authority, reducing or eliminating identified hazards, communicating those hazards and protective measures to the participants in their programs, and for determining the ability of those participants to perform their tasks safely. Therefore, each supervisor is responsible for ensuring that participants in their programs are adequately trained. Supervisors are also responsible for facilitating internal and external inspections and audits as well as taking prompt action when unsafe or noncompliant acts or conditions are discovered or reported to them. Supervisors must report unsafe acts or conditions, noncompliance, injuries, or incidents to the appropriate internal department.

Deans, Directors, Administrators: It is the responsibility of Deans, Directors, and Administrators to ensure that each academic or administrative unit under their authority conducts its operations in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and University System of Georgia and GGC policies. This responsibility includes, but is not limited to, ensuring the use of appropriate safety practices, equipment, and facilities in activities under their authority; establishing safety programs (including safety committees) in their school, department, or center; and implementing specific school, department, or center-level policies and procedures for safety and compliance.

Executive Administration (President, Provost, and Vice Presidents): Executive Administration provides appropriate financial and organizational support to assure GGC operations are conducted safely and in compliance with applicable environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations. Executive Administration approves and authorizes the implementation of policies and programs for safety and compliance including the establishment of consequences for non-compliance as well as unsafe acts or creating unsafe working conditions.

Core Requirements

Georgia Gwinnett College will support and maintain a strong commitment to safety, health and environmental protection through:

  • Assuring compliance with federal, state and local safety, health, and environmental requirements;
  • Minimizing hazards, reducing pollution and continuously improving our practices regarding safety, health, and environmental protection;
  • Empowering our faculty, staff, and students to demonstrate individual and institutional leadership in all matters pertaining to safety, health, and environmental protection while preserving academic freedom in research and education and evidence-based practices;
  • Protecting and maintaining safe and secure facilities for teaching, patient care, research, living and work;
  • Emphasizing open communication with our community regarding safety, health, and environmental issues;
  • Instilling in and exemplifying for our students the values of environmental stewardship and sustainability of resources.

Environmental Health and Safety Management

GGC has established an Environmental Health and Safety Department within Operations and standing committees to assist in maintaining compliance and managing the multitude of issues associated with environmental health and safety regulations and laws, to provide oversight and recommend policy, and to guide campus sustainability initiatives.   These are identified and described below:

GGC Environmental Health and Safety: Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is funded and supported by GGC to serve as a central management resource on matters related to environmental health and safety. EHS serves as a technical resource and provides a broad range of environmental health and safety services to the college including: development of policies and programs, assessment and recommendations for the control of safety and environmental hazards, oversight/auditing of GGC environmental health and safety management activities, providing safety support to emergency-response teams, and management of a comprehensive web-based learning management system for safety training. EHS provides analysis and required oversight of environmental health and safety regulatory requirements that impact GGC operations. EHS coordinates the GGC response to matters pertaining to external regulatory inspections, enforcement actions, investigations, or employee complaints related to workplace safety or environmental compliance.

Standing Committees: Standing Committees are chartered to manage environmental health and safety issues. Administrative members are appointed by the Vice President of Operations.

Environmental Health and Safety Committee (EHSC): The EHSC is a deliberative body, which is representative of the GGC community, and includes members from academic and administrative divisions on campus. It is the committee’s responsibility to advise the President through the Vice President of Operations, to administratively coordinate the various environmental health and safety-related efforts of the GGC community, to develop policy in all areas affecting the maintenance of safe campus environments, and to guide and support the environmental health and safety efforts at GGC.  This committee develops and recommends to the Vice President of Operations policies and actions that will reduce sources and levels of risk. This is accomplished through proactive assessment of potential safety, health, and environmental issues, by responding to concerns raised by members of the campus community, and with respect to applicable regulatory requirements. Administrative responsibility for support of the EHSC has been delegated by the President to the Vice President of Operations.  The Vice President of Operations can redelegate this responsibility to a senior member within their chain-of-command. Consistent with USG and the Board of Regents guidance and particular regulations which may apply, standing committees exist within the GGC structure to develop specific policies and procedures related to hazardous materials and hazardous operations (radiological, biological, chemical and occupational). Although College-wide in the scope of its activities, service of individuals appointed to the EHSC does not change established line authorities and reporting responsibilities. Standing committees that are assigned safety responsibilities at GGC are responsible for reviewing issues and recommending specific operational programs and practices within their areas of expertise. The EHSC, based on thorough consideration of the collected technical input and administrative advice submitted by the standing committees, officially formulates policy and recommends actions for approval by the Vice President of Operations. The body of approved EHSC policy and associated guidelines and procedures constitutes the standard for safe facilities, operations, and practices at GGC. The EHSC can review procedures, programs, and protocols approved by the standing committees and vote to override the committees’ action when an unacceptable safety or environmental risk is posed or inappropriately addressed. However, the EHSC cannot approve procedures, programs, or protocols that have been rejected by the standing committees.

Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures

BOR 7.15 Risk Management Policy
BOR 9.12.4 Environmental and Occupational Safety
BOR 9.12.1 Sustainability, Efficiency, and Effectiveness
BOR 9.1.3 Compliance and Risk Management
APM Code of Conduct
CFR Title 29 Parts 1901 - 1999 Occupational Safety and Health Act
CFR Title 40 Protection of the Environment
CFR Title 49 Parts 100 - 199 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
CFR Title 10 Parts 1 - 50 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
OCGA 120-3 Rules of Fire Safety Commissioner
OCGA 300-3-19 Public Employees Hazardous Chemicals Protection and Right to Know
Georgia Environmental Protection Division Rules and Laws
OCGA 12-6-1 Georgia Environmental Policy Act
GGC SST Chemical Hygiene Plan
GC SST Biological Safety Manual
GGC SST Chemistry Safety Manual
GGC SST Physics Safety Manual


9.50 Georgia Gwinnett College Posting Policy

Reviewed January 20, 2017

College Regulation for Posting, Promotion and Active Distribution of Materials on Campus

Any Georgia Gwinnett College entity, defined as any division, department, office, academic unit, program, center, faculty, staff, or registered student organization, regulated, or supervised by GGC, may publicly post on college property in designated areas consistent with these terms and all applicable state and federal laws. Any non-GGC entity is eligible to distribute materials by contacting the GGC Office of Public Relations and must meet all provisions of this regulation. 

The GGC Posting Policy has been adopted for these purposes:

  • Creation of an Educational Campus Culture. GGC is committed to creating a campus that supports the academic mission of the college, provides a campus culture conducive to learning, and is free from obscene materials and hostile workplace environments.

  • Information and Promotion. To provide information and a means for GGC entities to promote activities, events and services as well as allow for the announcement of matters directly related to the health, safety, security, or welfare of the college community.

  • Regulation of Commercial Material. To protect the campus from promotional materials and activities sponsored by non-GGC entities and to protect the health, safety and welfare of the students entrusted to the college.

  • Appearance of the Physical Environment. To maintain and improve the appearance of the physical environment of the campus. The campus should be free from excessive and abusive postings and litter which defaces the grounds and facilities of the campus.

  • Sustainability. To cultivate an atmosphere that supports a sustainable environment by reducing the amount of paper used for posting, eliminating use of products that have a negative impact on the environment, and encouraging recycling of materials. Electronic distribution of materials is encouraged over paper postings.

  • Provide Notice. To provide all entities with information and terms of this regulation so they are well informed of the terms and the consequences should the regulation be broken. 

General Provisions

  • Georgia Gwinnett College has the right to deny or remove any posting, material, individual or entity not in adherence with terms of this regulation, regardless of whether promotional or informational in nature.

  • All materials must be clear and legible, bear the name of the sponsoring GGC entity and provide event and current contact information.

  • Any materials that include the GGC logo, Seal, Grizzly or other trademarked indicia must be approved by the Office of Public Relations prior to posting or distribution.

  • Campus entities are responsible for immediate removal of materials that are in violation of this policy; otherwise, materials are to be removed within 24-hours of completion of an event.

  • Any entity that posts or distributes materials in a way that damages college property is financially responsible for the damage.

  • Materials posted or distributed may not glorify, edify, promote or support the use or sale of alcohol, tobacco products or illegal drugs; display trademarks and or brand names of alcohol, tobacco products or illegal drugs; contain material that is obscene or defamatory; or be directed to incite or produce imminent lawless action.

  • Posted or distributed material by GGC entities does not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs or practices of Georgia Gwinnett College.

  • Bulletin or posting boards maintained and monitored by college offices or schools are managed by individual offices and schools. Permission to post materials on these posting boards must be obtained through the appropriate college office or school.

  • GGC schools, offices or units may impose area-specific procedures for posting and promotions on their posting boards and/or facilities.

  • All postings by registered student organizations must be approved and stamped by the Office of Student Involvement.

  • The placement of any material or free-standing signs on vehicles, sidewalks, walkways or any paved areas is prohibited, except for emergency, safety, warning or directional signs placed by college officials announcing a matter directly related to the health, safety, benefit or welfare of the college community, or other exceptions approved by the Office of Public Relations. 

Active Distribution of Materials

  • For off-campus entities, the active distribution or handing out of materials shall be limited to the designated free speech area on campus. Individuals or organizations wishing to actively distribute materials must request to utilize the free speech area through the Office of Student Affairs prior to distribution.

  • Registered Student Organizations and other approved entities may distribute handbills from a reserved table space on campus.

Posting of Physical/Paper Materials

  • Posting of physical/paper materials is limited to bulletin boards located in common areas within buildings. Materials may not be posted on walls, doors or windows. The use of glues, adhesive tape, or other similar materials is prohibited on painted drywall surfaces, masonry block or brick, and finish materials such as metal, stone and glass.

  • No more than one (1) flyer per event, maximum size of 11”X17”, may be posted on the same bulletin board at any time. 


  • The placement of any banner on or inside a building or any other structure must be approved by the building manager.

Commercial Posting

  • Commercial vendors must bring material to be posted to the Office of Public Relations. After approval, permission will be granted to post materials in designated areas. Material will be required to comply with existing college policies. 

Electronic Posters/Digital Signs

  • Digital signs located throughout the campus should be used for promoting student, faculty and/or staff events or specific information that benefits the college. Requests for posting digital signs must be submitted to the Office of Digital Communications two weeks prior to posting and will be removed immediately after each event.

  • There is an electronic bulletin board in the main lobby of the Student Center. Availability of electronic bulletin board in the Student Center space is managed by the Student Center staff.

  • The 316 Billboard consists of two electronic billboards positioned in a “V” shape facing Highway 316 near I building. For the purpose of this policy, these billboards will jointly be referred to as “the 316 billboard.”

  • The 316 billboard displays both GGC promotions and external advertisements purchased by outside individuals or organizations. GGC promotions content is equally proportioned to the paid advertising.

  • The Office of Public Relations is responsible for all aspects of the 316 billboard’s GGC promotions. Like GGC’s website, the 316 billboard is a public-facing, recruitment-focused communications tool. The 316 billboard’s GGC promotions will align with the college’s recruitment cycle and their content will support the college’s overall marketing plan.

  • The Office of Auxiliary Services is responsible for all aspects of the 316 billboard’s purchased advertising. At no time will purchased advertising compete or conflict with the interests of GGC, its brand or its mission and vision. Acceptance or rejection of copy rests the sole and absolute discretion of GGC.  The rationale for accepting or rejecting copy for purchased advertising will be documented by the Office of Auxiliary Services.  During any periods without purchased advertisements, GGC promotions may be displayed in their place.

  • General and/or short-term college announcements such as payment/registration deadlines, internal college event promotions or emergency alerts will not be displayed on the 316 billboard, unless otherwise determined on a case-by-case basis by the president, after legal review. The college’s campus digital sign system and RAVE alert system will continue to be the primary outlets for such messaging.

Free-Standing Signs

  • The placement of Free-Standing signs on campus is limited to the promotion of events or activities for up to 7 days prior to its occurrence and must be removed within 24-hours upon completion of the event/activity. Permission for placing free-standing signs must be obtained through the Office of Public Relations prior to placement.

  • Up to five (5) A-Frames/Sandwich Boards/Tee Pees, (no larger than 4’X3’) and ten (10) Stake Signs (no larger than 24”X18”) may be placed on campus at one time for a single event/activity.

  • The placement of free-standing signs must be in accordance with terms in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are not to block sidewalks or walkways.

  • Signs may be removed or special requests denied due to harm posed to the college community, damage or deterioration, excessive postings or space constraints.

Office Nameplates

  • Office nameplates have been designed for the purpose of identifying offices, areas, groups and employees of the college. As such, they represent GGC and cannot contain school crests, organizational logos or other non-GGC marks.

  • Templates for nameplates are available through the Copy Center.

Posting in Residential Areas

  • Material approved by the Office of Residence Life can only be posted on bulletin boards or in approved posting areas.

  • Only one copy can be posted on each approved area.

  • No material is to be posted on any glass, walls or any door in any residential areas by anyone other than members of the Residence Life staff.

  • Material posted in unapproved areas will be removed.


  • Plastering (covering areas with the same poster) is prohibited anywhere on campus.

Political Elections

  • The active distribution and/or posting of material and the placement of free-standing signs during federal, state and local elections is prohibited except in the free speech area.

Sanctions and Enforcement

  • College officials and members of the college community are to take the appropriate action to uphold a positive campus culture by educating the citizens of the community, encouraging positive participation in campus activities, and addressing any improper posting or distribution of materials on the campus.

  • Any entity whose postings, promotions or actions violate any terms of this regulation are subject to sanctions that may include but are not limited to warnings, restitution, loss or suspension of privileges, trespass or expulsion from campus, and or disciplinary/legal action.

  • Enforcement of this regulation and assignment of sanctions shall reside in the Division of Student Affairs for individual student and registered student organization cases; the Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs/Provost for faculty related violations; the Office of Human Resources for staff related violations, and the Vice President for Business and Finance for all other groups, including outside groups, organizations, and individuals. 


9.51 Georgia Gwinnett College Library Facility Use Policy

Reviewed May 26, 2016

The mission of the Georgia Gwinnett College Library is to support the institutional goals of the College by serving the information and research needs of the students, faculty, and staff of Georgia Gwinnett College, a four year unit of the University System of Georgia. The library also serves as a resource center for the Gwinnett County community.

As the primary purpose of the Library is to serve as the intellectual commons of the College, policies have been developed in order to maximize its utility for all users. The overarching principle guiding facility use at the Library is that users should exercise courtesy and respect toward their fellow scholars and toward the facility. These policies are designed to give the greatest amount of freedom and discretion to the user while maintaining an atmosphere conducive to study and research.

Any users who fail to comply with any of these rules and regulations may be escorted from the premises and prohibited from further use of the Library.


Please be advised that security cameras are in use and all bags are subject to inspection.


Library patrons have the right to expect a quiet and pleasant library environment conducive to research and scholarship and free of disruptive activity. Only whispering is allowed in open areas of the Library. Patrons bothered by excessive noise should contact a library employee at one of the service desks. Library employees are authorized to resolve any noise complaints. Absolutely no noise or conversation is allowed in the Quiet Reading Room.

Unattended Items

Items may not be left unattended in any areas of the library and cannot be used to reserve any spaces. Security Guards will remove any unattended personal items. The Library is not responsible for the loss or theft of personal property.

Bicycles, Scooters And Skateboards

Bicycles and motorized scooters are not allowed inside the library building. They must be placed in the bike racks in the plaza between the Library and Student Center, not left on or attached to benches, railings or landscaping. Non-motorized scooters or skateboards are allowed inside the building, but must be carried and not ridden. They must be kept off of any furniture and out of the way of other patrons.

Food And Drink

Users are asked to adhere to the following basic guidelines:

  • Only foods that are contained and do not disrupt others are allowed. This includes foods that are overly aromatic. Messy foods are not permitted. Eating is not allowed in the computing areas.
  • All drinks must be in spill proof containers.
  • Group and/or party foods such as pizza or cake are not permitted.
  • Food may not be delivered to the Library.

The Library staff has sole authority in its discretion to enforce any food and beverage related requirements under this policy.

Cell Phones/Electronic Devices

Cell phone ring tones must be turned off and no calls should be taken in the open areas. Cell phone conversations may take place in the stairwells and in the Cell Phone Zone, located on the first floor near the elevators. All portable electronic devices, except cell phones, are required to be used with headphones.


Tobacco use of any kind, including chewing tobacco, is prohibited in the Library. Use of electronic cigarettes or similar devices is also prohibited.


Children and young adults under the age of 17 may not use GGC Library facilities unless they are enrolled at GGC or accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times Children and young adults under the age of 17 may not use GGC Library computers unless they are enrolled at GGC, even if accompanied by a parent or guardian. Violations will be referred to Public Safety.


Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) wishing to post materials in the GGC Library must have flyers approved and stamped by the Office of Student Involvement with a date indicating final day of posting. The stamped copy of the flyer must be presented at the Circulation Desk before being posted to the bulletin board near the first floor elevators. Materials without stamps or posted outside of the approved area will be removed.

Campus entities other than RSOs wishing to post or distribute materials in the GGC Library must have them cleared through the office of the Dean of Library Services.


Selling, peddling and/or soliciting of services or materials of any kind is prohibited. Any violation under this entire solicitation statement may result in a trespass warning issued and/or further judicial action may be pursued.

Video Recording/Photography

Video recording and/or photo shoots in the Library are generally prohibited as they can be disruptive to the users in the building. On an exceptional basis, with advanced approval by the Dean of Library Services Library, filming, video recording, or photo shoots in the Library are permitted for college related purposes and/or student projects. On a rare exceptional basis, with advanced approval of the Dean of Library Services and the GGC Office Public Relations, outside entities may be granted permission to video record or conduct photo shoots.


  • A responsible party wanting to video record and/or photograph must contact the Dean of Library Services for approval at least two weeks before the proposed video recording/photo shoot date.
  • During the approved activity, the following procedures shall be followed:
    • Security shall be notified when videographers/photographers enter the building;
    • Persons involved in the approved activity shall keep conversations as quiet as possible and not distract others in the library;
    • Persons involved shall maintain the agreed upon time and schedule for the video recording/photo shoot;
    • The videographers/photographers shall refrain from capturing video/photo images of library users who are not specified as part of the shoot;
    • If library users are shot, the responsible party involved in the approved activity shall obtain a written authorization from library users when photographing or videoing identifiable persons


Users must provide their own supplies, including but not limited to dry erase markers, erasers, headphones and flash drives. These supplies may be purchased at the Book Store, located in the Student Center.


Photocopies cost ten cents per page. Photocopiers do not accept cash, but operate on a swipe card system. Cave Cash must be added to your Claw Card either at the kiosk located in the Building B Atrium, Student Center or at Student Accounts in Building D. Guest cards may be purchased for $2 from the kiosk located in the Building B Atrium. Additional funds must be added to the Guest Card at the kiosk in order to make copies. The Library cannot make change. Change may be obtained in Student Accounts in Building D. Note: GGC faculty/staff cannot make photocopies in the Library using departmental account numbers. Library photocopies only work via swipe cards with Cave Cash. The main Library first floor and second floor photocopiers do allow users to e-mail materials. The copyright law of the United States (Title 17 U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. The person using the equipment is liable for any infringement.

Computer Use

Please see Georgia Gwinnett College Library Computer Use Policy.


Rules and regulations of Georgia Gwinnett College, as stated in the Student Handbook: Rights, Responsibilities and General Information, are to be followed. Violators may be forbidden future use of GGC library facilities and/or recommended for disciplinary action.

Library Spaces

The GGC Library contains a number of unique spaces that have specific use policies.

  • Quiet Reading Room - No cell phone use allowed. Audio must be listened to through headphones rather than computer speakers. No food allowed. Drinks must be in spill proof containers. Book bags should not be placed on the tables. Absolutely no noise or conversation is allowed in the Quiet Reading Room.
  • Instruction Rooms - Drinks must be in spill proof containers. Eating is not allowed in the instruction rooms.
  • Information Commons - Drinks must be in spill proof containers. Eating is not allowed at computers.
  • Study Rooms - Priority of use is given to groups of two or more students. If you are using a study room alone for quiet study, please allow others students to share the room with you. First floor study rooms may be reserved; see procedure below. Users of study rooms must abide by the rules that are posted outside every study room.

Reservations of Library Spaces

  • Heritage Lecture Room - The HLR is reserved for official functions of the President’s Office and educational presentations sponsored by the Library or a School of GGC. Reservations are coordinated through the Library Administrative Office. Event sponsors are responsible for arranging for setup, breakdown and cleanup of the HLR. Event sponsors are also responsible for access and security for any events which take place outside of Library hours.
  • Administrative Conference Room (L3121) - The ACR is reserved for College related meetings. Reservations are coordinated through the Library Administrative Office. Recurring meetings can only be on monthly or greater sequences. Use of this facility can only take place during Library hours.
  • Instruction Rooms - The Library Instruction Rooms are designated for the delivery of library instruction classes and may be reserved by library employees to provide instruction and training sessions; this usage will have priority over all other uses of the rooms. During non-peak times, the rooms may be scheduled by GGC faculty and staff for College related meetings and training at the discretion of the Head of Research Services.
  • First Floor Study/Presentation Rooms - These study rooms may be reserved by GGC students, faculty and staff for periods of up to 2 hours. They must be reserved at least 2 hours ahead of the reservation time. Reservations can be made at any Info Commons Help Desk. Recurring reservations are not allowed for these rooms. Preference of use for Presentation Room L1128 is given to students. Faculty and staff who need a conference room will be referred to the Library Administrative Office for availability of L3121. Only if that room is reserved will L1128 be reserved for faculty or staff events.
  • Study Rooms in Library Information Commons - Study rooms in computing facilities that are managed by the Library but located in buildings other than L are subject to the same rules as in the Library. These rooms may be reserved at any of the three computing area Help Desks.

Free Speech

All library users are reminded that if they desire to exercise their Freedom of Expression they must complete a Free Speech Area Request form and it must be submitted according to Administrative Policy Manual 4.19 GGC Freedom of Expression policy.

Note: Activities not included in this policy statement may be deemed inappropriate by the Library staff member on duty, and users may be asked to stop engaging in such activity. Violators may be forbidden future use of GGC Library facilities and/or recommended for disciplinary action.


9.52 Space Management Policy

Reviewed May 26, 2016

This policy consolidates existing Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) policies governing space management. The President has designated the Vice President for Operations through the Space Management Team to coordinate space management related policies and procedures governing space utilization.

In instances in which space becomes vacant due to events such as moves to new space, elimination, reduction or change of an existing function, downsizing of staff, or any other reason, such space may be considered unassigned and revert to the control of GGC through the Space Management Team. All requests, including new/modification/move requests, for space needs must be sent through and approved by the Space Management Team. Before any office reassignments are made, the Space Management Team shall contact the applicable Vice President or equivalent operating head to confirm in writing whether or not the office space is to be retained for a current FTE and/or if the vacated position is slated to be filled for their respective unit. This notification will serve as the due process opportunity for each operating unit.

No operating unit or individual is authorized to occupy space simply because an office space is vacant. The office space must be authorized and reassigned through the appropriate chain of command. Although the Space Management Team is designated to coordinate and maintain office space inventory, the ultimate decision on office space allocation for the campus remains with the Office of the President.

Space Management Team Members
Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs/Provost
Vice President for Operations (Chair)
Vice President for Business and Finance/CFO

Space Inquiries Contact:
Director of Operations-Chris Smith


9.53 Parking Regulations

Reviewed May 26, 2016

Campus parking regulations apply to students, faculty, staff and visitors.


Students must park in designated “Student Parking” areas only. If a student is driving a vehicle of a family member who is employed at GGC, and the vehicle has a staff and faculty decal, then the student must pick up a student parking hang tag from the Parking Office. When the student is operating the vehicle, the student must park in a student parking space and the student must display the student parking hang tag from the rearview mirror.

Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff must park in designated “Staff Parking” areas only. Personnel are advised that the Building 1000 parking lot is reserved only for Housing staff who have the required resident decal. If an employee has an individual in their family whose vehicle is registered under a student parking decal, the employee should pick up a staff parking hanging tag from the Parking Office. The staff parking hanging tag allows employees to park in a staff parking spot when the employee is operating the vehicle.


Visitors must park in designated Visitors parking spaces. Absolutely no student, faculty or staff members may park in “Visitor” or “Reserved” spaces.

Service Vehicles

Service vehicles must park in marked “Service Vehicle” spaces or display a service vehicle parking permit. Only Service vehicles may park in marked “Service Vehicle” spaces. Service vehicle parking permits are issued by the Parking Office.

Disabled Permit Parking

Disabled parking is available throughout the GGC campus for vehicles displaying a valid disabled permit decal, tag, or license plate.

24 Hour Parking Enforcement and Penalties

All parking regulations are enforced 24 hours a day. View Maps and Directions for more information.

The following parking or traffic violations may result in a citation, towing of the vehicle or other actions:

  • Parking in non-designated parking areas around buildings, drop-off sites or otherwise (other than authorized emergency vehicles and commercial deliveries).
  • Parking in posted restricted/reserved space, handicap space, yellow curb, fire lane, no parking space or visitor space.
  • Parking illegally, such as parking on a curb, seeded areas, walkways, blocking a driveway, blocking dumpsters or wheelchair ramps, or occupying more than one parking space.
  • Improper parking in gravel lots - all vehicles must be parked in front of a car-stop bumper.
  • Vehicle registration violation, such as not displaying a current decal or a temporary permit.
  • Failure to comply with traffic control devices, such as exceeding the campus speed limit of 25 miles per hour or 10 miles per hour in the parking lots.
  • Extended parking in 15-minute parking zones.
  • Leaving an inoperable vehicle parked on campus.
  • Overnight parking, and
  • Any other applicable parking lot violations as noted by the Office of Public Safety.

For any transactions with the GCG Parking Office, the parties should bring their tag number, student ID number (if applicable), faculty/staff ID (if applicable), and government issued driver’s license.

Student Housing Resident Parking

The Student Housing Resident Parking is an effort to address the specific needs of residents in Housing Buildings 1000, 2000 and 3000 where the demands for overnight and extended stay parking are considered to be greatest.

Only individuals issued a “Housing Resident” decal are authorized to park in the Building 1000 parking lot. All Student Housing residents registering a vehicle on campus will be issued a Student Housing Resident decal for their vehicle. This decal is required to park in the Student Housing resident only parking lot.

Only Housing staff who are issued a resident parking decal are authorized to park in the Building 1000 parking lot.

Authorized visitors must go to the Parking Office and request a temporary Student Housing Resident Parking visitor pass. The temporary Student Housing Resident Parking visitor pass must be displayed in the windshield of the vehicle.

Building 1000 parking passes may be obtained at the Parking Office, Building D, Room 1123.

Disabled Permit Parking - Resident Housing Area

The disabled parking spaces in the Building 1000 parking lot area are always available to anyone displaying a valid disabled permit decal or tag.

Student Parking Appeals

Students wishing to appeal a traffic/parking fine may appeal to the Parking & Appeals Committee. Traffic/Parking appeals must be filed in the Office of Parking Services within seven (7) business days of the issue date of the citation.

Students wishing to appeal the decision of the Parking & Appeals Committee may submit a written request for appeal to the Senior Associate Provost for Student Affairs or his/her designee within 15 calendar days of the decision of the Parking & Appeals Committee.

Faculty, Staff, and Visitor Parking Appeals

Faculty, staff, and visitors wishing to appeal a traffic/parking fine may file a written appeal to the Parking & Appeals Committee. Traffic/Parking appeals must be filed in the Office of Parking Services within seven (7) business days of the issue date of the citation. Faculty, staff, and visitors wishing to appeal the decision of the Parking & Appeals Committee may submit a written request for appeal to the Senior Associate Provost for Student Affairs or his/her designee within fifteen (15) calendar days of the decision of the Parking & Appeals Committee. If the faculty, staff or visitor wishes to appeal the Senior Associate Provost for Student Affairs or designee’s decision, he/she may then appeal to the Vice President of Operations by submitting the same documentation as was submitted earlier in the process within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Senior Associate Provost for Student Affairs’ decision.

The decision of the Vice President of Operations or his/her designee represents the final institutional decision for Parking Appeals.

Parking Office Hours and Address

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Parking Office
Georgia Gwinnett College
Building D, Room 1123
1000 University Center Lane
Lawrenceville, GA 30043


Fleet Management

Policy Number: 9.55
Effective Date: August 1, 2017
Revision History: May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Director of Operations

Purpose and Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of those individuals who drive state vehicles and to provide guidance of the proper use of state vehicles.


Georgia Gwinnett College has established the Fleet Management Department to create and maintain the following policies that will be used to maintain Georgia Gwinnett College Fleet in support of all employees.


Employee: Includes Faculty, Staff, and Student Employees acting on the behalf of Georgia Gwinnett College.

Vehicle: Includes all GGC owned motorized vehicles, Rental Vehicles, Lease Vehicles.

Operating College Vehicles 

Only college employees are authorized to drive vehicles for the State of Georgia.

Authorized Vehicle Use   

State vehicles are authorized only for use in the performance of essential travel duties related to the completion of state business. Following are examples (but not limited to) of authorized use:

  1. Travel between the place where the vehicle is dispatched and the place where the official state business is performed,
  2. When on official travel status between the place of state business and the place of temporary lodging;
  3. When on official travel status and not within reasonable walking distance between either of the above places and:
  • Transport of other officers, employees, or guests of the State when they are on official state/college business;
  • Transport of consultants, contractors, or commercial firm representatives when such transport is in the direct interest of the State/College;
  • Transport of materials, supplies, parcels, luggage, or other items belonging to or serving the interests of the State/College;
  • Transport of any person or item in an emergency situation;
  • Travel between the place of dispatch or place of performance of State/College business and the employee’s personal residence, when specifically authorized by the proper authority and approved on DOAS MV-1;
  • Out-of-state travel with written authorization from the agency head or designee on an as needed basis.

Unauthorized Vehicle Use

Vehicles are not authorized to be used for any personal trips unrelated to the State business for which they were assigned or to transport passengers who are not College employees unless on State business. Unauthorized use of State vehicles may result in immediate disciplinary action. Such action may include suspension of all privileges to operate State/College vehicles and in some cases, dismissal. Furthermore, College drivers are not covered by liability insurance when engaging in unauthorized use of State vehicles.


The following uses of State vehicles are prohibited:

  1. The driver may not use a cell phone or any other distracting device while operating a GGC vehicle.
  2. Travel or tasks which are beyond the vehicle’s rated capability;
  3. Any use for personal purposes other than commuting which has been authorized;
  4. Transport of families, students, friends, associates or other persons who are not employees of GGC;
  5. Transport of hitchhikers;
  6. Transport of cargo that has no relation to the performance of official state business;
  7. Transport of hazardous materials such as acids, explosives, weapons, ammunition, or highly flammable material, except by specific authorization or in an emergency situation;
  8. Transport of any item or equipment projecting from the side, front, or rear of the vehicle in a way that constitutes an obstruction to safe driving or a hazard to pedestrians or to other vehicles;
  9. Except when in official business travel status, transport of other employees and/or students from work centers to restaurants, cafes or drugstores;
  10. Attending sporting events including, but not limited to, hunting and fishing which are not business and previously authorized;
  11. Extending the length of time the vehicle is in an employee’s possession beyond that which is required to complete the official purpose of the trip;
  12. To transport any political campaign literature or matter or to engage in soliciting votes or to transport any person or persons soliciting votes in any election or primary;
  13. The placement of bumper stickers or other placards containing commercial advertising is prohibited. This includes any form of markings that could be construed as political in nature, such as the names of elected officials, agency heads, etc.;
  14. Smoking and/or drinking of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all state vehicles. Vehicle operators are responsible for ensuring that no passengers are allowed to smoke in a vehicle they are operating;
  15. Personal property (i.e. CB radio, radar detectors, stereo components, etc.) shall not be permanently attached to a state vehicle.

Driver Qualifications

Georgia Gwinnett College has implemented the following policies for the Driver Qualifications. This applies to employees as defined below.

Eligible Drivers (Does not apply to APM 9.55 Low-Speed Vehicle, Safety, Registration, and Designated Parking)

Eligible drivers are employees that are performing GGC business duties while operating GGC vehicles. Employees must meet the following requirements to be eligible to operate GGC vehicles.

Drivers must:

  1. Be an employee of Georgia Gwinnett College.
  2. Have a valid Georgia driver license and meet all qualifications on the Driver Acknowledgement Form (obtained from the Fleet Coordinator), and pass an annual Department Driver Services (DDS) Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) check.
  3. Be at least 21 years of age and have at least 4 years of driving experience (note: specialty vehicles could have more requirements). Employees for Fleet and Facilities departments may drive if they are 18 years of age and have at least two (2) years of driving experience and drive within ten (10) miles of the campus.


All GGC employees who drive on state business and in a state vehicle shall be subject to annual training regardless of frequency and location of driving. All employees who drive state vehicles will be subject to annual training, annual completion of the Driver Acknowledgement Form (obtained from Fleet Coordinator), and an annual MVR History check prior to operating vehicles on state business.

Driver Qualifications

  1. Georgia Gwinnett College has adopted the following processes to assure compliance with the CLCP and the safety of its employees and students:  All employees must complete the Mandatory GGC Vehicle Training, see Fleet Coordinator for specifics on accessing this training.
  2. All employees who operate vehicles that transport seven or more individuals (including the driver) must complete the 6-hour National Safety Council Defensive Driving Course. Upon successful completion of the course, the participant receives an official Certificate of Completion from the National Safety Council which he or she may also submit to their personal auto insurance carrier for possible premium discounts.  Please see Fleet Coordinator for specific instructions on how to obtain training.

Driver Disqualifications

An employee who has had one of the following occurrences during the 24-month period preceding their use or request for use of a state vehicle used for state business will be considered a “Disqualified Driver”:

  1. Accumulating more than 10 points on his or her personal driving record,
  2. Receiving a citation while driving on state business,
  3. Having an “at fault” motor vehicle accident within the six (6) months preceding an assignment to drive on state business, or
  4. Having been convicted of one of the following offenses:
  • Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
  • Driving While Intoxicated
  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • Refusal to take a chemical test for intoxication

Employees who drive on state business are to disclose receipt of the above charges by submitting the Driver Notification Form no later than the workday following the chargesEmployees subject to completion of the Driver Acknowledgement Form (obtained from Fleet Coordinator) shall be required to disclose to the Fleet Coordinator if any of the above apply. A Disqualified Driver may not drive on state business until: (a) his or her Motor Vehicle Record has been reviewed by the Fleet Coordinator and (b) the Disqualified Driver has satisfied the corrective, preventative, and/or educational measures specified by the College.

1. The measures specified may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Viewing a driver safety video;
  • Successfully completing an approved defensive driving course;
  • Waiting a specified period of time before being permitted to again drive on state business.

2. Based on the nature of the events leading to Disqualified Driver status, it may be determined that the Disqualified Driver may never be permitted again to drive a vehicle on state business. Prior to making such a determination, the institutional Fleet Coordinator and the Director of Operations must consult the Disqualified Driver’s departmental manager to discuss the factors supporting such a determination and the effects such a determination may have on the job status of the Disqualified Driver.

3. Among the factors that should be considered in determining whether Disqualified Driver status can be removed and the conditions for doing so may include:

  • The driving conditions under which the relevant events occurred;
  • The extent to which the Disqualified Driver exceeded the maximum speed, level of intoxication, or other limitation imposed pursuant to applicable law;
  • The apparent degree of recklessness or disregard for safety on the part of the Disqualified Driver;
  • Whether anyone was injured as a result of the Disqualified Driver’s actions; and;
  • The amount of time that has passed since the events in question.

An employee with a driver’s license that is expired, suspended, or revoked is not permitted to drive on state business until the license is reinstated. Employees who drive on state business are to disclose any license expiration, suspension, or revocation.

Employees who meet all Driver Qualifications following disposition of the charges are permitted to resume driving on state business.

If an employee does not meet all Driver Qualifications following disposition of the charges, the employee will not be permitted to drive on state business until the circumstances leading to such citations has been reviewed by the Director of Operations and the Fleet Coordinator, and the Disqualified Driver has satisfied the corrective, preventative and/or educational measures specified by GGC. The determination of the measures to be required will be made by the Institution’s Risk Management Officer, GGC’s Chief Human Resources Officer, and Director of Operations, in consultation with the employee’s departmental manager, based on the specific citation and circumstances.

Motor Vehicle Pool

  • Drivers are to return fleet vehicles to the appropriate fleet parking spaces on campus after use.
  • Drivers will not use fleet vehicles to propel or tow any vehicle, trailer or other object unless approved by the Fleet Coordinator. With the exception of service dogs, animals are not permitted in rental vehicles.
  • Georgia Gwinnett College is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property loaded, stored, or transported in rental vehicles.
  • Vehicles are not to be used as a shuttle service.  Therefore persons riding in the vehicles are to meet at the College and take the vehicle to the destination and back to the College. The vehicles should not be used to take individuals to their homes or any unauthorized location.
  • Employees must return all vehicles in good condition. They must leave vehicles clean and with a full tank of gas.
  • When driving a GGC van, with exception to an accessible van, the limit is 12 people only (driver included). All occupants of the vehicle are advised to wear a seat belt at all times. The GGC accessible van can have up to 15 people which includes: 1 driver, 12 passengers, and 2 wheelchair passengers.
  • No glass bottles or cups are to be used in GGC vehicles.
  • Driving long distances can be very tiring. Since fatigue can lead to increased potential for accidents, driving limit recommendations for all drivers are as follows:
    • May drive a maximum of 10 hours after 8 consecutive hours off duty.


Assigned Vehicles and Driven Home Overnight

Georgia Gwinnett College is required by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (USG) and DOAS Fleet Management to comply with the Georgia Office of Planning and Budget policy in the Georgia Fleet Management Manual, Section 4.4 & 4.5.

To obtain permission to drive a state vehicle to an employee home overnight, the employee must submit a request in writing to the Fleet Coordinator. Approval or denial of Assigned Vehicle requests are submitted for approval by the Fleet Coordinator for DOAS approval or denial.

Record Keeping Requirements

For all trips, employees shall record destination and beginning and ending odometer readings on the Trip log located in the “Trip Care Package” that is given to the employee driver by the Fleet Coordinator before the trip.

Employees should note any problems, noises, and wear of parts, and report them to the GGC Fleet Coordinator. If a breakdown occurs, employees should contact the GGC Fleet Coordinator and follow instructions within the trip packet.

Traffic Violations

Drivers are personally responsible for the cost of traffic citations, violations and parking tickets.  Drivers are expected to obey all traffic signals and signs, observe pedestrian rights and operate vehicles at a reasonable and prudent speed not to exceed the maximum posted speed limit.


If an accident occurs while driving a state vehicle, employees should stop immediately and turn on emergency flashers. It is against the law to leave the scene of an accident without identifying oneself. Offer reasonable assistance. Movement of injured persons should not be undertaken, if likely to cause further injury. Call 911.

Exchange information: Drivers must give their name, address and vehicle registration number and, if requested, show their driver’s license to any other driver in the accident. If a driver struck an unattended vehicle, leave a note with the above information and circumstances of the accident. If there were witnesses to the accident, obtain their names and addresses. DO NOT MAKE A STATEMENT OF ANY KIND TO ANYONE OTHER THAN THE POLICE OR A REPRESENTATIVE OF GGC. Inform the GGC Fleet Coordinator of the accident as soon as possible.

Georgia Gwinnett College has insurance coverage through DOAS Risk Management for auto liability claims. A Vehicle Insurance Identification Card shall be maintained at all times in each vehicle owned by GGC and covered by the DOAS Auto Liability Policy.  This shall be placed in the vehicle’s glove storage compartment or console.  The information contained on this card should be consulted in the event of an accident.


All claims against GGC (and information regarding events which seem likely to give rise to claims) must be forwarded directly to the Department of Administrative Services, GGC Fleet Coordinator, and your supervisor as soon as possible.  The telephone number for the DOAS is 1-877-656-7475. This number as well as information needed before leaving the accident area is located on the State of Georgia Government Vehicle - Georgia Liability Insurance Identification Card located in each GGC vehicle.

Fuel Card Usage

State fuel cards are assigned to each state vehicle.  Each driver is given a PIN that will allow purchase of fuel using any of the state fuel cards located in the vehicle.  Fuel cards should not be removed from any vehicle at any time unless specified by the Fleet Coordinator.  If an employee is traveling and has vehicle maintenance issues, the fuel card can be used to pay for vehicle maintenance, e.g., flat tires, battery replacement, etc.


Prohibited Purchases

The following types of purchases are strictly prohibited by State policy. No exceptions will be granted unless otherwise indicated.

  1. Personal purchases of any kind, including fuel for personal vehicles, non-State vehicles, and/or rental vehicles used for travel on official State business;
  2. Cash advances;
  3. Gift cards;
  4. Alcoholic beverages;
  5. Tobacco products;
  6. Food, ice, beverages or related items including “snacks” while traveling on official business

Purchases on the trip: Each vehicle contains a state issued gasoline credit card to purchase fuel and to pay for emergency maintenance repairs only. The credit card and receipts are to be returned to the Fleet Coordinator upon returning the vehicle.  All parts and/or tires replaced during use are returned to the Fleet Coordinator for inspection and disposal.

When an employee leaves employment at GGC, the employee’s supervisor must notify Fleet Coordinator for cancellation of the employees’ fuel pin number.

Commercial Rentals

Georgia Gwinnett College employees are authorized to rent automobiles while on official state business.

9.55.3 Low-Speed Vehicle Safety, Registration, And Designated Parking Policy

Reviewed May 26, 2016

Georgia Gwinnett College recognizes the necessity and service provided by Low-Speed Vehicles (LSV), as defined by Georgia Department of Driver Services (GDDS) and establishes the following policy for safe use on campus.


  • A Low-Speed Vehicle is any four-wheeled electric/gas vehicle whose top speed attainable in one mile is greater than 20 miles per hour but not greater than 25 miles per hour on a paved level surface and which is manufactured in compliance with those federal motor vehicle safety standards for low-speed vehicles set forth in 49 C.F.R. Section 571.500 and in effect on January 1, 2001.
  • When referring to Faculty, Staff, or Student Workers this includes fulltime faculty, fulltime staff, part-time faculty, part-time staff, student assistants, and federal work study students.

Low-Speed Vehicle Driver Eligibility

Eligible drivers include faculty, staff, and student workers. Special approval for volunteers for special events must be approved and monitored by the Fleet Coordinator. All drivers must have a valid driver’s license. The Fleet Coordinator has the right to run an annual Motor Vehicle Records request on any eligible driver requesting driving privileges driving GGC vehicles.

Each GGC employee (including Student Workers) will complete the GGC Low-Speed Vehicle training before operating a GGC Low-Speed Vehicle. Each driver will comply with the Low-Speed Vehicle acknowledgement form which can be obtained from the Fleet Coordinator.

Low-Speed Vehicle Registration

Low-Speed Vehicles owned by Georgia Gwinnett College must be purchased by and registered with the Fleet Coordinator. Low-Speed Vehicles owned by on-campus-vendors/providers must be registered with the Fleet Coordinator. Each Low-Speed Vehicle will prominently display a registration number that will be installed by the Fleet Coordinator once the cart is registered.

Low-Speed Vehicle Parking and Storage

All Low-Speed Vehicles will be parked and stored in approved locations by the Fleet Coordinator. See the Fleet Coordinator for Low-Speed Vehicle Designated Parking areas.


The Fleet Coordinator will be responsible for reporting any violations of this policy to the Director of Operations. Consequences could include driving privileges being revoked for employees, and vendors could lose Low-Speed Vehicle privileges on campus.

Rules to Operate Low-Speed Vehicles on Campus:

Drivers of College-owned Low-Speed Vehicles will comply with the Uniform Rules of the Road except with regard to provisions that cannot apply to such vehicles by virtue of their nature.

  1. All Low-Speed vehicles are entitled to full use of a lane, and no motor vehicle shall be driven in such a manner as to deprive any low-speed vehicle of the full use of a lane.
  2. The operator of a Low-Speed Vehicle shall not overtake and pass in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken.
  3. No person shall operate a Low-Speed Vehicle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles.
  4. Low-Speed Vehicles shall not be operated two or more abreast in a single lane.
  5. Low-Speed Vehicles shall be operated only on any highway where the posted speed limit does not exceed 35 miles per hour.
  6. The operator of a Low-Speed Vehicle shall not operate such vehicle on any highway where the posted speed limit exceeds 35 miles per hour.
  7. Pedestrians on the GGC campus always have the right-of-way and operators of Low-Speed Vehicles will permit this right-of-way. If the Low-Speed Vehicle is being operated on a sidewalk, the operator will stop until pedestrians have safely passed.
  8. Low-Speed Vehicles should be operated on campus streets when possible. Sidewalks should be used only where streets and/or parking lots are not available, and then only to the nearest adjacent street or parking lot. Operating a Low-Speed Vehicle on a sidewalk is permissible for police patrols and for workers having to transport equipment to or from a work site, but then only from the nearest street.