2020-2021 Catalog 
    Mar 29, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED COPY]

Financial Information

See the schedule below to determine your tuition and fee rates. All tuition rates are in addition to student fees.

In-State Tuition

New and Existing Students Cost
Incoming freshmen and transfer students (per credit hour) $133.93
Flat rate tuition 15 credits and over $2009

Out-of-State Tuition

New and Existing Students Cost
Incoming freshmen and transfer students (per credit hour) $500
Flat rate tuition 15 credits and over $7,500

eCore Tuition

eCore tuition is $159 per credit hour (in-state and out-of-state residency does not apply). This is a separate tuition rate exclusively for eCore hours and is not factored into the flat rate tuition rule of 15 hours and over.


Please visit Student Housing for more information about residence options.

Mandatory Fees*

Activity Fee $55, 6 or more credit hours $25, 1-5 Credit hours
Athletic Fee $160, 6 or more credits
$80, 1-5 credits
Campus Infrastructure and Improvement Fee $35
Health Fee $40
Health and Wellness Fee $70, 6 or more credits
$35, 1-5 credits
International Studies Fee $7
Institutional Fee $245, 5 or more credit hours
$122.50, 1-4 credits
Parking Fee $100, 6 or more credit hours
$50, 1-5 credit hours
Student Center Fee $115, 6 or more credit hours
$60, 1-5 credit hours
Technology Fee $40

**New Student Fees

New Student ID $10
Orientation Fee $90, new students attending orientation

*Mandatory fees must be paid by all students, including transfer, transient and eCore students. See the descriptions of fees below for more information.

** New student fees must be paid by all new students.

Course Fees

Performing Art Fee $10
Education Field Experience $20
Liability Insurance (Internships) $20
Nursing Lab Fee $250
Nursing Program Fee $395
Physical Education Golf Class Fee $55
Science Lab Fee $75
Student Teacher Education Fee $400

Miscellaneous Fees

Application Fee $30
Background Check (Teaching/Residential Life) $25
Graduation Fee $50
ID Replacement $15
Late Graduation Fee $50
Late Registration Fee $50
NSF - Non sufficient funds or 5% of payment $30
Nursing Acceptance Fee $125
Nursing ID Card Replacement Fee $10
Nursing iPad Mini Replacement Fee $280
Transcript Fee Refer to TranscriptsPlus

Georgia Gwinnett College and the University System of Georgia reserve the right to change any of their policies, rules, regulations and fees without prior notice to the public.

Description of Mandatory Fees

Activity Fee

Student Activity fees are used Student Affairs or registered student organizations to provide recreational, entertaining, educational, or culturally enriching programs or services which do not solely support academic programs. This includes student and professional staff members in the Office of Student Involvement. Programs, services, and staff positions must directly benefit or serve the GGC student body and events and services must be free and open to all GGC students. This does not include ordinary or operational expenses of denominational or sectarian religious activities, partisan political activities, social fraternities and sororities, nor charitable causes or contributions. Student activity fees cannot be used for the direct benefit of faculty, staff, or community members or for fundraisers, benefits, or registered student organization members-only field trips or events.

Athletic Fee

The Athletics fee supports the operation of intercollegiate athletics including facilities, operations, and the issuance of a bond package.

Campus infrastructure and improvement fee

The campus infrastructure and improvement fee will be utilized to help maintain and improve GGC’s campus infrastructure.

Health Fee

The Health fee is used to offset costs associated with the physical and emotional health needs of students including basic first aid, health-related education, counseling, and disability services.

Health and Wellness Fee

The health and wellness fee is used to support the bond repayment of the Wellness and Recreation Center. Additionally, the fee supports procurement, staffing, maintenance, programming, facilities, and equipment purchases related to  the Wellness and Recreation Center. The health and wellness fee is used by Student Affairs to support student programming initiatives;  including, but not limited to, Wellness, Recreation, and Outdoor Adventure (e.g. hiking, sailing, skiing, eco tours, and rafting trips) open to all students.

International Studies Fee

The International fee is used to offset the costs of the Office of Internationalization, program development, international educational initiatives, student development programs related to international topics, and the increase of international study abroad opportunities in alignment with the mission of the institution and USG strategic goals.

Parking Fee

The Parking fee provides funding for the parking deck, residential surface parking, future parking decks, and maintenance of all parking. Permits may be picked up at the Public Safety Office. Payment of this mandatory fee provides all students with a parking permit and allows access to the appropriately designated parking lots as well as the parking deck. These permits are valid in designated student spaces on a first come/first served basis.

Institutional Fee

The Institutional Fee is determined by the Board of Regents and goes towards offsetting the gap between the cost of instruction, what the state budgets and what tuition will not cover.

Student Center Fee

The Student Center fee is used by Student Affairs to support bond repayment of the GGC Student Center. The Student Center Fee will also be used for operational costs associated with the building that benefit and serve GGC students. These costs include necessary equipment and furniture, replacement of equipment and furniture, professional and student staff support, and other Student Center services.

Technology Fee

Technology fee revenues will be used primarily for the direct benefit of students to assist them in meeting their educational objectives. Access to technology is important to the collegiate academic experience including productivity tools, specific software packages, databases, specialized computers and printers, infrastructure, etc.

Other College-related Fees


Violations and Fines

Making Payments

Registration is not complete until payment of tuition and fees are made in full by the payment date. Georgia Gwinnett College reserves the right at any time during the semester to drop any student from classes for failure to pay tuition and fees in full. Any student who signs up for course during the drop/add period must pay for those courses immediately.  If payment is not received, the student may be dropped from classes and may be subject to collection procedures. Students who cease to attend but do not formally drop their classes will incur financial and academic consequences. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the online payment system using a credit card or ACH debit from a U.S based personal savings or checking account.

To view your account balance and make an online payment, go to www.ggc.edu/payonline.

For more information, contact Student Accounts at studentaccounts@ggc.edu or 678.407.5000.

Student Accounts sends bills notifications directly to students via their GGC email accounts. Students who experience any difficulty accessing their email should seek immediate resolution by contacting the GGC Help Desk (678.407.5611), as payment will be expected on the “payment due date” published on the GGC website. Paper bills are only issued when the student is no longer enrolled in the College and a balance is due.

Payment Deadline

All tuition and fees must be paid in full by the established deadlines each semester.

Financial responsibility and contact agreement

This agreement is entered into between the Student and the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, by and on behalf of Georgia Gwinnett College. In exchange for the opportunity to enroll in courses at Georgia Gwinnett College, to receive education services, and other goods of valuable consideration such as housing, etc., students understand and agree that eligibility to enroll in classes is expressly conditioned upon acceptance of all terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

All charges on the student account become a financial obligation upon registration and once assessed, students agree to pay all tuition and fees when due to Georgia Gwinnett College (including, but not limited to, tuition, mandatory student fees, miscellaneous fee.  College Housing fees and receipt of services). Eligibility to register for courses is expressly conditioned upon the agreement to pay all fees and tuition when due.   Registration and acceptance of these terms constitute a promissory note agreement (i.e., a financial obligation in the form of an educational loan as define by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code at 11 U.S.C. §523(a)(8)) in which Georgia Gwinnett College is providing a student educational services, deferring some of all payment obligation for those services.  All assessed tuition, fees and other associated costs must be paid in full by the published or assigned due date.  An account with a delinquent balance at the time of registration for classes for the following semester will prohibit a student from completing the registration process until the account is paid in full. The College may require payment of a delinquent account to be in the form of certified funds such as cash, money order or a cashier’s check.

If a student drops or withdraws from some or all of the classes for which they register, they are responsible for paying all of the tuition and fees due immediately.  Balances due as a result of loss/reduction of financial aid, or other credits originally anticipated, due to ineligibility, attendance, incomplete paperwork, withdrawal, etc., will b the student responsibility and paid immediately.

Failure to attend classes does not absolve the student of financial responsibility as described above. Balances due as a result of loss/reduction of financial aid, or other credits originally anticipated, due to ineligibility, attendance, incomplete paperwork, withdrawal, etc., is the student’s responsibility and is required to be paid immediately.

The College uses electronic billing (e-bill) as its official billing method, and therefore each student is responsible for viewing and paying all amounts due by the scheduled due date.  Failure to review the bill does not constitute a valid reason for not paying on time.  Billing information is available at www.ggc.edu/payonline.  Administrative, clerical or technical billing errors do not absolve any student of the financial responsibility to pay the correct amount of tuition, fees and other associated financial obligations due.

Students are personally responsible for payment of all sums when due regardless of eligibility for financial aid or other financial assistance.

Failure to pay any sums when due to Georgia Gwinnett College may result in late fees and referral to collections where allowable under the law, in which event the student agrees to pay all fees and costs of collection. Once placed with a collection agency, the account may be subject to up to 15% percent collection charge, or the allowable rate. The College has the right to litigate and the student will be responsible for all associated costs including attorney fees. In addition, a delinquency report will be filed with one or more of the national credit bureaus. The College is authorized to release financial information about each account to those concerned with collecting the balance owed.

Failure to pay any sums when due to Georgia Gwinnett College will result in the placement of a hold on the student account until the account and all costs of collection, including payment of reasonable attorney’s fees, has been paid. The hold will prevent access to receiving enrollment verification, registering for courses, receiving a diploma and obtaining transcripts.

Georgia Gwinnett College will deliver the IRS Form 1098‐T electronically every year if there are reportable transactions, and it can be viewed and printed online. To opt out of the electronic delivery option, please contact student accounts directly.

Each student is responsible for updating Banner with a valid address and phone number and keeping their contact information current at all times.

Georgia Gwinnett College and its agents and contractors are authorized to contact students at the current and any future cellular telephone number(s), email address(es) or wireless device(s) regarding general information from Georgia Gwinnett College as well as on delinquent student account(s), loan(s), any other debt owed to Georgia Gwinnett College. Georgia Gwinnett College and its agents and contractors are authorized to use automated telephone dialing equipment, artificial or pre-recorded voice or text messages and personal calls and email, in their efforts to contact the student. Furthermore, consent to call the cellular phone may be withdrawn by submitting a request in writing to: The Bursar, Student Accounts Office, Georgia Gwinnett College, or in writing to the applicable office contacting the student on behalf of Georgia Gwinnett College.

All students younger than the applicable age of majority agree once they have charges that the educational services provided by Georgia Gwinnett College are a necessity, and are contractually obligated pursuant to the “doctrine of necessaries.”

The agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Georgia without regard to choice of law’s provisions, and all actions arising under this agreement will be filed and litigated exclusively in the appropriate courts within the State of Georgia.


The policy for determining refunds to be made on institutional charges and other mandatory fees and elective fees and special charges (non-mandatory fees) at USG institutions, except for those institutions for which special refund policies have been approved by the Board of Regents, follows the “institutional refunds” procedures as defined in the 1998 Amendments to the Higher Education  Act of 1965, P.L. 105-244, TITLE IV-STUDENT ASSISTANCE, PART G-GENERAL PROVISIONS, SEC.485.

Tuition and fees awarded by scholarship or grant from an agency or authority of the State of Georgia on behalf of a student receiving a refund under this policy shall be reimbursed to such agency or authority.

The Chancellor is authorized and empowered to take or cause to be taken any and all such other and further action as, in the judgment of the Chancellor, may be necessary, proper, convenient or required in connection with the execution of this policy. Such authority may be further delegated to the president of the institution.

USG institution presidents are authorized and empowered to take or cause to be taken any and all such other and further action as may be necessary, proper, convenient, or required in connection with the execution of this policy.

Students Withdrawing from an Institution

The refund amount for students withdrawing from an institution shall be based on a pro rata percentage determined by dividing the number of calendar days in the semester that the student completed by the total calendar days in the semester. The total calendar days in a semester includes weekends, but excludes scheduled breaks of five (5) or more days and days that a student was on an approved leave of absence.

The unearned portion shall be refunded up to the point in time that the amount earned equals sixty percent (60%). Students who withdraw from the institution when the calculated percentage of completion is greater than 60% are not entitled to a refund of any portion of institutional charges.

Death of a Student

A refund of all nonresident fees, matriculation fees, and other mandatory fees shall be made in the event of the death of a student at any time during the academic session

Military Service Refunds

Subject to institutional policies, full refunds of tuition and mandatory fees and pro rata refunds of elective fees are hereby authorized for students who are:

  1. Military reservists (including members of the National Guard) who, after having enrolled in a USG institution and paid tuition and fees, receive orders to active duty or are reassigned for temporary duty or mandatory training that prevents completion of the term;
  2. Commissioned officers of the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (PHSCC) who receive deployment orders in response to a public health crisis or national emergency after having enrolled in a USG institution and paid tuition and fees;
  3. Active duty military personnel who, after having enrolled in a USG institution and paid fees, receive reassignment or a temporary duty assignment or a training assignment that would prevent completion of the tern; or,
  4. Otherwise unusually and detrimentally affected by the activation of members of the reserve components or the deployment of active duty personnel of the Armed Forces of the United States who demonstrate a need for exceptional equitable relief.