2023-2024 Administrative Policy Manual Published August 22, 2023 
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2023-2024 Administrative Policy Manual Published August 22, 2023 [ARCHIVED COPY]

Employee Recruitment

Policy Number: 8.2.25
Effective Date: June 10, 2024
Revision History: None
Policy Contact: Chief Human Resources Officer

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

Georgia Gwinnett College (“GGC”) adheres to the policies and procedures of the Board of Regents (“BOR”) on employee recruitment, including the BOR Human Resources Administrative Practice Manual (“HRAP”) Policy on Employee Recruitment. When beneficial, GGC develops College-specific policies and procedures on employee recruitment to supplement the content in the BOR Policy Manual and the BOR HRAP.

GGC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Recruitment for faculty and staff will comply with BOR, state, and federal policies, regulations, and laws. As required by the BOR HRAP Policy on Employee Recruitment, recruitment for faculty and staff at GGC should be completed in accordance with the procedures set forth by the Chief Human Resources Officer (“CHRO”), approved by the President in consultation with Legal Affairs and the appropriate leadership level.

Recruitment procedures include standards for recruitment screening and guidance as to who can make hiring and compensation decisions on behalf of GGC. These procedures must be adhered to by all hiring officials and those participating in the selection process.

In accordance with the USG Statement of Principles Regarding Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression, GGC’s recruitment procedures shall be free of ideological tests, affirmations, and oaths (including diversity statements). The basis and determining factor for hiring and promotion should be that the individual possesses the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with the role, and is believed to have the ability to successfully perform the essential functions, responsibilities, and duties associated with the position for which they are being considered. At the core of any hiring, or promotion decision is ensuring GGC’s ability to achieve its mission and strategic priorities in support of student success.

II. Scope

This policy applies to all GGC employees. Human Resources staff, hiring managers, and employees within GGC should be familiar with this policy.

III. Definitions

Affirmations: The action or process of affirming a strongly held belief as a requirement for employment.

Ideological Tests: Tests or questions based on or relating to a system of ideas and ideals, especially concerning economic or political theory and policy.

Oaths: A solemn attestation of truth, adherence, or agreement to a belief system or structures unrelated to the standards required for employment. The State of Georgia Loyalty Oath is excluded from this definition and policy.

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection: In 1978, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) adopted the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures or “UGESP” under Title VII. See 29 C.F.R. Section 1607.1. UGESP provided uniform guidance for employers about how to determine if their tests and selection procedures were lawful for purposes of Title VII disparate impact theory.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. Section 2000e et seq.): As amended, this Act protects employees and job applicants from employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. Section 1681 et seq.): Protects people from sex discrimination in educational programs and activities at Institutions that receive financial assistance.

IV. Roles and Responsibilities
  1. Chief Human Resource Officer (“CHRO”): Ensure implementation of policy and development of institution level recruitment and selection procedures to include related training.
  2. GGC  Legal Affairs: Provide consultation to Human Resources and hiring managers to ensure compliance with policy.
V. Recruitment Procedures

The following guidelines apply for the recruitment of GGC faculty and staff:

  1. Screening Requirements and Data Collection:
    1. Faculty and staff recruitment at GGC should be based on institutional need and the availability of resources to fulfill the stated mission of GGC. The BOR HRAP Policy on Employment Applications governs the requisite data collection process for employment candidates. GGC has established a screening and selection framework to effectively assess the qualifications, knowledge, and skills of candidates. This process is relegated to determining whether candidates can perform the stated duties of the role. The screening process may not extend beyond the stated mission and values of GGC and the functional expectations of the departmental unit. Likewise, departmental units should not develop or institute mission or value statements that are not aligned with and in support of the overall GGC mission and values.
    2. All screening tools must be approved by the CHRO or their designee. The use of affirmations, ideological tests, and oaths (including diversity statements) are expressly prohibited and should not be utilized for recruitment and selection purposes. An appendix document with appropriate screening questions to ask during the screening and selection process is included in the BOR HRAP Policy on Employee Recruitment.
    3. Hiring managers should follow the GGC-specific guidance and should work closely with their direct supervisor and Human Resources or Academic Affairs to ensure adherence to any associated policies, guidelines, rules, or laws. The hiring manager and the appropriate Human Resources and/or Academic Affairs official will collaborate to develop an appropriate offer of employment (including position title, compensation, hire date, etc.).
  2. Georgia New Hire Reporting Program: Federal and State law requires employers to report newly hired and re-hired employees in Georgia to the Georgia New Hire Reporting Center. Human Resources oversees the process for all hires and transfers to be reported to the Georgia New Hire Reporting Program https://ga-newhire.com/.
  3. Recruitment Training Expectations/Requirements for Employees
    1. GGC will provide training to employees responsible for recruiting and hiring faculty and staff to ensure that GGC procedures are appropriately and consistently followed. All training must be approved by the CHRO and the President. The use of affirmations, ideological tests, and oaths (including diversity statements) are expressly prohibited and should not be utilized for recruitment and selection purposes. Additionally, individual units and departments are not permitted to mandate recruitment training for search committee members or departmental employees beyond that which is approved by the CHRO and President.
    2. Mandatory recruitment training should be limited to that which complies with BOR, state, and federal policies, regulations, and laws. Examples include:
      1. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
      2. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
      3. Functional training associated with hiring and recruitment software and Institutional data management.
      4. Best practices related to candidate engagement and communication.
      5. Any requirements encompassed within the USG HRAP on General Criteria for Employment.
    3. GGC shall maintain training records for all employees who are required to complete training. Records will be maintained in the Grizzly Learning Path.
VI. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures

BOR Policy Manual 6.5 Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom
BOR Policy Manual 8.2.1 Equal Employment Opportunity
BOR Policy Manual Statement of Core Values
BOR Policy Manual Conflicts of Interest, Conflicts of Commitment, and Outside Activities
BOR Policy Manual Intrasystem Recruitment
BOR Policy Manual 8.3.1 Faculty Employment
BOR HRAP Policy on Employee Recruitment
BOR HRAP Policy on Employment Applications
BOR HRAP Policy on Eligibility for Rehire
BOR HRAP Policy on Equal Employment Opportunity
BOR HRAP Policy on General Criteria for Employment
Appendix I and II - USG Recruitment HRAP Appendix Document Regarding Appropriate Screening Questions