MATH 1001 - Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (3) Credit Hours Prerequisite: HSGPA >=3.2 or ACT MATH=17 or SAT MATH >=400 or ACCM >=67 or ACCNGM>=258 AND ACT ENGL >=17 or SAT CR READ >=430 or (ACCR >=61 and ACCW >=4) or (ACCNGR>=237 and ACCW>=4) or ENGL 1101, ENGL 1101H, ENGL 1101*, ENGL 1101^ concurrently This course emphasizes quantitative reasoning skills needed for informed citizens to understand the world around them. Topics include logic, basic probability, data analysis, and modeling from data. After successfully completing this course, students will be able to: 1. Interpret and use precise mathematical language appropriately, including (but not limited to) the areas of set theory, logic, probability and statistics. 2. Use appropriate technology in the evaluation, analysis, and synthesis of information in problem-solving situations. 3. Use logical connectors appropriately to form compound statements and apply them to ap0plications such as searching databases. 4. Read, interpret, and present data in multiple representations, especially graphical and numerical. 5. Create and analyze combinatorial arguments using tools such as permutations and combinations. Note: This course is an alternative in Area A of the Core curriculum and is not intended to supply algebraic background for students who intend to take Pre-Calculus or the Calculus sequences for mathematics and science majors.
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