Feb 12, 2025
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED COPY]
Geography Minor
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Geography is the study of spatial distributions and interactions of peoples, places and environments throughout the world. The discipline describes, analyzes and represents these spatial phenomena. The world is built of countries and regions that are undergoing transformations at many different spatial scales, local to global. Major sub-fields include Human Geography, Physical Geography, World Regions, Economic Geography, Cultural Geography, Environmental Geography, World Population, Mapping Science, Urban/Regional Planning, and Global Conflict. What these studies have in common is the spatial perspective. Students who wish to minor in geography must take 15 hours of GEOG courses toward the minor. GEOG 1101 , Introduction to Human Geography does not fulfill minor hours but serves as a prerequisites for many GEOG courses at Georgia Gwinnett College. There are three required courses: GEOG 1125 , GEOG 3320 , and GEOG 3340 Students will then take 6 hours of GEOG courses from any available at Georgia Gwinnett College, excluding GEOG 1101 with at least 12 hours at the 3000 level or above. A grade of “C” or better is required in all courses counting towards the minor.
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