2021-2022 Administrative Policy Manual 
    Jul 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Administrative Policy Manual [ARCHIVED COPY]

9.10 Use Of Board Of Regents Property

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.10.

9.10.1 Leasing Authority As Landlord

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.10.1.

9.10.2 When To Lease As Landlord

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.10.2.

9.10.3 Lease Of Residential Facilities

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.10.3.

9.10.4 Lease Of Research Facilities

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.10.4.

9.10.5 Presidents’ Homes

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.10.5.

9.10.6 Use Of Institutional Facilities/Property

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.10.6. In Political Campaigns

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section By Affiliated Organizations

Reviewed May 26, 2016

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section

Facilities Use by Non-College Groups

Policy Number:
Effective Date: May 25, 2017
Revision History: August 1, 2022; September 16, 2021; May 1, 2017; May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Director of Operations

Purpose and Policy Statement

Georgia Gwinnett College facilities and grounds are utilized for the primary purpose of fulfilling the educational mission of the College. Facilities may be available to external groups or organizations. This policy provides guidance for any non-GGC group requesting space on the GGC campus and establishes usage rules, scheduling priorities, controls, and fees associated with event management for Georgia Gwinnett College.


This policy applies to non-College groups and GGC students, faculty, staff, and volunteers who approve or participate in programs or activities involving non-College groups and who are responsible for understanding and complying with this policy.


Non-College group: For-profit and non-profit organizations, businesses, affiliations, groups, or individuals not officially associated with GGC.
Facilities: All permanent, semi-permanent, or temporary buildings or structures, the grounds, furniture, supplies, and equipment located on the GGC campus.

Roles and Responsibilities

Director of Operations: Signs off on event deliverables, event costs and whether event meets qualifications for being held at GGC
External Point of Contact (EPOC): Main contact for non-College group
Activity Lead: Main contact for GGC and liaison for EPOC
Public Safety Staff: Determines and controls public safety arrangements, including but not limited to, the type, number and placement of public safety personnel
Event Participants: Complies with all directives of all GGC event and Public Safety staff

Event Requests

All requests for use of College facilities or grounds must be made by submitting a request to the Director of Operations at least thirty (30) business days prior to the event. The Director of Operations or his/her designee will evaluate all requests and respond to requesting groups in a timely manner.

If a request is approved, it must be finalized by a legal agreement between the non-College group and GGC. Non-College groups should contact the Director of Operations for procedures.

Event Approval Requirements and Priority Hierarchy

The event must not conflict with scheduled events and activities related to the mission of the institution. Any event using Foundation facilities must also obtain approval from the GGC Foundation.

First priority for use of the College’s facilities will be given to College departments, divisions, programs, and offices for curricular, administrative, and other College purposes. Thereafter, priority for space usage will follow the order set forth below:

  1. Meetings and events where the primary participants are GGC employees, approved student clubs and organizations, and GGC alumni;
  2. GGC-sponsored community meetings and non-profit events that contribute to the academic mission of the College;
  3. Meeting and event requests by for-profit organizations and private use groups.

Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Policies

All events are subject to local, state, and federal laws and all USG and GGC regulations and policies, including but not limited to:
APM 4.1.9 Freedom of Expression
APM 8.2.89 Tobacco and Smoke Free Campus “Breathe Easy” Policy  
APM 4.6.4 Alcohol and Drugs on Campus  
APM 9.12.65 Georgia Gwinnet College Campus Security Act Compliance
APM 7.64 Corporate Relations and Sponsorship Policy  
APM 7.61 The Georgia Gwinnett College Fundraising Policy    
APM 12.9 Protection of Non-Student Minors  

Event Safety

Non-College groups must ensure the safety and accessibility of participants by arranging event furnishings and equipment to allow safe passage by participants.


Non-College groups are required to carry insurance in an amount satisfactory to GGC.  The policy should name GGC as an additional insured on a primary and noncontributory basis. Proof of insurance must be provided to the Director of Operations five (5) days prior to the event.


Rental charges may be assessed for the use of College facilities and grounds by non-College groups.  The rental fees may include, but are not limited to, charges for the use of space and expenses related to personnel, equipment, and set-up/cleanup services required for the event. Non-profit groups will provide documentation of non-profit status.  Appropriate fees are determined by the Director of Operations or his/her designee and will be assessed based on the requirements of the event. The President has the authority to override and/or reduce any fees and/or costs except for insurance requirements for the event.

Cancellation and Changes to Space Assignments

Georgia Gwinnett College Public Safety, in coordination with the Vice President of Operations, may cancel without advance notice any event not in compliance with the terms of the rental contract or to accommodate any unforeseen safety or operational need of the College.

Facility assignments may be changed to accommodate the operational needs of the College.

Commercial Activities

Any event that involves commercial activities must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Any items or services intended for sale at an event on the GGC campus must be approved by the Director of Operations or designee at least thirty (30) business days prior to the event.
  2. Approved items or services sold on campus may be subject to a commission fee.
  3. GGC accepts no liability for products or services sold by facility users.
  4. All items or services offered must be congruent with GGC’s mission and must not conflict with established contracts.
  5. Any group selling unapproved goods or services on campus may be subject to a monetary fine and denied future reservation requests.

Use of Athletics Facilities

Use of GGC Athletics facilities will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the Director of Athletics or designee.   The Director of Athletics or designee will inform the Director of Operations on all use by non-college groups when utilizing GGC Facilities. 

Political Campaigns 

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section

Food Service

Food and beverage service is available through the on-site food service provider.  Individuals or groups using the College facilities or grounds must arrange catering directly with the on-site provider.  Any outside vendor must be approved by Auxiliary Services and the campus food service provider at least fifteen (15) days before the event.

Audio-Visual and Computer Equipment

Non-College groups may use College-owned audio-visual and computer equipment (usage fee may apply) or bring in their own equipment.  Groups are responsible for all set-up of equipment brought into the College, including checking all voltages and connections prior to installing or using any equipment. The Non-College group will be held responsible for any damages caused by the use of outside equipment.

Alcohol at Events

Alcohol is prohibited at student events.  Groups that wish to serve alcohol at events must request written permission from the GGC President or designee.  If approval is granted, alcoholic beverages may be served under the following conditions:

  • Alcohol must be dispensed by and coordinated with the GGC food service provider;
  • All College policies and local and state laws must be obeyed;
  • At least one (1) police or security officer must be on duty at the event. The Chief of Public Safety will determine the number of officers who are required and will make the necessary arrangements.
  • Non-College groups are responsible for all costs associated with serving alcohol.

Non-Endorsement Statement

Any group contracting for the use of GGC facilities must include this statement in any printed materials or advertisements: “Facilities for this meeting are provided as a service by GGC.  This service in no way implies College sponsorship or endorsement.”