2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 
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2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 [ARCHIVED COPY]

Classroom Visitors Policy

Policy Number: 3.15
Effective Date: February 27, 2023
Revision History: May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs/Provost

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

Faculty members have the right to allow or deny visitors to their classrooms, except for authorized GGC personnel or external visitors who have been authorized by the administration to visit for a valid business purpose. Faculty should give their designated Dean the courtesy of sufficient advanced notice when inviting high profile visitors to class. The Office of Enrollment Management may bring prospective students and other guests to classroom sessions, and as a courtesy, will notify instructors in advance of these visits. Occasionally a student may wish to bring a visitor to campus for participation in various events.

II. Scope

All GGC staff, faculty, and students should be familiar with this policy. 

III. Compliance
  1. The following requirements are applicable to all guests who wish to visit instructional areas while a class is in session.
    1. Visitors entering the classroom environment must comply with all GGC institutional policies and procedures.
    2. Students must obtain prior permission from the instructor before allowing visitors to enter the classroom. Approval or denial of a student’s request is within the sole discretion of the instructor. This policy is applicable to students wishing to have adults and/or children visit classroom sessions.
    3. Even with prior permission, instructors retain the right to ask a student’s visitor(s) to leave the classroom should it be deemed necessary or appropriate by the instructor. If a visitor does not leave the classroom when requested, the instructor may contact GGC security for assistance.
    4. Although visitors may generally observe classroom sessions, visitor participation in activity classes, laboratory sessions or studio work is discouraged, unless the visitor has been invited into the class as part of the curriculum. Visitor participation in other types of classroom activities may be approved or denied by the instructor.
    5. Child visitors must be under the supervision of their adult sponsor at all times. Children may not visit a class if they are ill. Nor may children be admitted to a classroom or lab area where dangerous substances or equipment are stored.
      1. This policy is generally applicable to all areas of campus operations; however, exceptions may be requested by a parenting student experiencing childcare emergencies. On an emergency basis, a parenting student with a documented childcare related emergency, may request options including but not limited to 1) an excused absence from class; 2) an extension of time for completion of course assignment; 3) a hardship withdrawal and /or incomplete. Allowances granted under this section shall be for emergency childcare related exceptions and may be limited in number and scope per term.
      2. It remains the responsibility of the parenting student to manage his/her ongoing child care needs. The College does not accept or infer responsibility for the care of children under this policy. Student parents must supervise their children at all times when on campus.
      3. Notwithstanding the above, a parenting student may not bring a child to the classroom for any reason, without the express authorization of the professor or campus official. Laboratory and other high safety areas may be excluded from this exception and access to these areas may be denied to children at any time.
      4. In the event exceptions are allowed by faculty or others, said Authorization may be revoked at any time by a campus official, as allowances under this section are not an automatic right. The allowances may be requested by the parenting student and considered or denied by the instructor/campus official based on the totality of the circumstances, safety factors, and/ or the operational needs of the College.
    6. No animals are allowed in classrooms or other instructional areas, except for service animals aiding a person with a disability. In accordance with ADA standards, effective March 15, 2011, “Service animal means any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not service animals for the purposes of this definition.”
    7. Students who invite visitors into the classroom or lab environment are expected to explain applicable rules, including but not limited to safety related policies and practices.
    8. By entering the classroom environment, all visitors accept assumption of the risks of exposure to normal classroom/lab exercises and/or related experiments.
  2. If you have any questions concerning the GGC Classroom Visitor Policy, please contact the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs/Provost.