2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 
    Sep 07, 2024  
2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 [ARCHIVED COPY]

Georgia Gwinnett College Posting Policy

Policy Number: 9.50
Effective Date: March 14, 2023
Revision/Review History: January 20, 2017
Policy Contact(s): Director of Operations

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

The Georgia Gwinnett College (“GGC”) Posting Policy has been adopted for these purposes:

  1. Creation of an Educational Campus Culture. GGC is committed to creating a campus that supports the academic mission of the College, provides a campus culture conducive to learning, and is free from obscene materials and hostile workplace environments.
  2. Information and Promotion. To provide information and a means for GGC entities to promote activities, events and services as well as allow for the announcement of matters directly related to the health, safety, security, or welfare of the College community.
  3. Regulation of Commercial Material. To regulate the distribution of promotional materials and activities sponsored by non-GGC entities and to support the health, safety and welfare of the students entrusted to the College.
  4. Appearance of the Physical Environment. To maintain and improve the appearance of the physical environment of the campus. The campus should be free from excessive and abusive postings and litter which defaces its grounds and facilities.
  5. Sustainability. To cultivate an atmosphere that supports a sustainable environment by reducing the amount of paper used for posting, eliminating use of products that have a negative impact on the environment, and encouraging recycling of materials. Electronic distribution of materials is encouraged over paper postings.
  6. Provide Notice. To provide all entities with information and terms of this regulation so they are well informed of the terms and the consequences should the regulation be broken. 
II. Scope

Any Georgia Gwinnett College entity, defined as any division, department, office, academic unit, program, center, faculty, staff, or registered student organization, regulated, or supervised by GGC, may publicly post on College property in designated areas consistent with these terms and all applicable state and federal laws. Any non-GGC entity is eligible to distribute materials by contacting the GGC Office of Operations and must meet all provisions of this policy. 

III. General Provisions
  1. Georgia Gwinnett College has the right to deny or remove any posting, material, individual, or entity not in adherence with terms of this regulation, regardless of whether promotional or informational in nature.
  2. All materials must be clear and legible, bear the name of the sponsoring GGC entity and provide event and current contact information.
  3. Any materials that include the GGC logo or other trademarked indicia must adhere to the GGC Brand Standards and be approved by Communications prior to posting or distribution.
  4. Campus entities are responsible for immediate removal of materials that are in violation of this policy; otherwise, materials are to be removed within 24-hours of completion of an event.
  5. Any entity that posts or distributes materials in a way that damages College property is financially responsible for the damage.
  6. Materials posted or distributed may not glorify, edify, promote or support the use or sale of alcohol, tobacco products or illegal drugs; display trademarks and or brand names of alcohol, tobacco products or illegal drugs; contain material that is obscene or defamatory; or be directed to incite or produce imminent lawless action.
  7. Posted or distributed material by GGC entities does not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs or practices of Georgia Gwinnett College.
  8. Bulletin or posting boards can only be approved to be installed on campus by the Office of Operations. Once installed, boards are maintained and monitored by College offices or schools. Permission to post materials on these posting boards must be obtained through the appropriate College office or school.
  9. All postings by registered student organizations must be approved and stamped by the Office of Student Involvement.
  10. The placement of any material or free-standing signs on vehicles, sidewalks, walkways or any paved areas is prohibited, except for emergency, safety, warning or directional signs placed by College officials announcing a matter directly related to the health, safety, benefit or welfare of the College community, or other exceptions approved by the Office of Operations. 
IV. Active Distribution of Materials
  1. For off-campus entities, the active distribution or handing out of materials shall be limited to the designated free speech area on campus. Individuals or organizations wishing to actively distribute materials must request to utilize the free speech area through the Office of Student Affairs prior to distribution.
  2. Registered Student Organizations and other approved entities may distribute handbills from a reserved table space on campus.
V. Posting of Physical/Paper Materials
  1. Posting of physical/paper materials is limited to bulletin boards located in common areas within buildings. Materials may not be posted on walls, doors, or windows. The use of glues, adhesive tape, or other similar materials is prohibited on painted drywall surfaces, masonry block or brick, and finish materials such as metal, stone and glass.
  2. Approved hanging systems within campus buildings is approved for official use only.  Schools and campus departments manage and maintain assigned hanging systems in their areas.  The Office of Operations has overall management responsibilities of hanging systems.
VI. Banners

The placement of any banner on or inside a building or any other structure must be approved by the Office of Operations.

VII. Commercial Posting

Commercial vendors must bring material to be posted to the Office of Operations. After approval, permission will be granted to post materials in designated areas. Material will be required to comply with existing College policies. 

VIII. Electronic Posters/Digital Signs
  1. Digital signs located throughout the campus should be used for promoting student, faculty and/or staff events or specific information that benefits the College. Digital signage requests must be submitted to Communications four weeks prior to the event. Approved signage will be posted no more and no less than two weeks in advance and will be removed immediately after each event.
  2. The 316 Billboard consists of two electronic billboards positioned in a “V” shape facing Highway 316 near I building. For the purpose of this policy, these billboards will jointly be referred to as “the 316 billboard.”
    1. The 316 billboard displays both GGC promotions and external advertisements purchased by outside individuals or organizations. GGC promotions content is equally proportioned to the paid advertising.
    2. Communications is responsible for all aspects of the 316 billboard’s GGC promotions. Like GGC’s website, the 316 billboard is a public-facing, recruitment-focused communications tool. The 316 billboard’s GGC promotions will align with the College’s recruitment cycle and the content will support the College’s overall marketing plan.
    3. The Office of Auxiliary Services is responsible for all aspects of the 316 billboard’s purchased advertising. At no time will purchased advertising compete or conflict with the interests of GGC, its brand or its mission and vision. Acceptance or rejection of copy rests the sole and absolute discretion of GGC.  The rationale for accepting or rejecting copy for purchased advertising will be documented by the Office of Auxiliary Services.  During any periods without purchased advertisements, GGC promotions may be displayed in their place.
    4. General and/or short-term college announcements such as payment/registration deadlines, internal College event promotions or emergency alerts will not be displayed on the 316 billboard, unless otherwise determined on a case-by-case basis by the president, after legal review. The College’s campus digital sign system and RAVE alert system will continue to be the primary outlets for such messaging.
IX. Free-Standing Signs
  1. The placement of free-standing signs on campus is limited to the promotion of events or activities for up to 7 days prior to its occurrence and must be removed within 24-hours upon completion of the event/activity. Permission for placing free-standing signs must be obtained through the Office of Operations prior to placement.
  2. The placement of free-standing signs must be in accordance with terms in the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and are not to block sidewalks or walkways.
  3. Signs may be removed or special requests denied due to harm posed to the College community, damage or deterioration, excessive postings or space constraints.
X. Office Nameplates

Office nameplates have been designed for the purpose of identifying offices, areas, groups and employees of the College. As such, they represent GGC and cannot contain school crests, organizational logos or other non-GGC marks. Nameplates are managed through the Office of Operations.

XI. Posting in Residential Areas
  1. Material approved by the Office of Residence Life can only be posted on bulletin boards or in approved posting areas.
  2. Only one copy can be posted on each approved area.
  3. No material is to be posted on any glass, walls or any door in any residential areas by anyone other than members of the Residence Life staff.
  4. Material posted in unapproved areas will be removed.
XII. Plastering

Plastering (covering areas with the same poster) is prohibited anywhere on campus.

XIII. Political Elections

The active distribution and/or posting of material and the placement of free-standing signs during federal, state, and local elections is prohibited except in the free speech area.

XIV. Sanctions and Enforcement
  1. College officials and members of the College community are to take the appropriate action to uphold a positive campus culture by educating the citizens of the community, encouraging positive participation in campus activities, and addressing any improper posting or distribution of materials on the campus.
  2. Any entity whose postings, promotions or actions violate any terms of this regulation are subject to sanctions that may include but are not limited to warnings, restitution, loss or suspension of privileges, trespass or expulsion from campus, and or disciplinary/legal action.
  3. Enforcement of this regulation and assignment of sanctions shall reside in the Division of Student Affairs for individual student and registered student organization cases; the Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs/Provost for faculty related violations; the Office of Human Resources for staff related violations, and the Associate Vice President for Operations for all other groups, including outside groups, organizations, and individuals.