2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 
    Sep 07, 2024  
2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 [ARCHIVED COPY]

Fleet Management

Policy Number: 9.55
Effective Date: March 14, 2023
Revision History: August 3, 2020; August 1, 2017; May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Director of Operations

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of those individuals who drive State vehicles and to provide guidance of the proper use of State vehicles.

II. Scope

This policy applies to any GGC employee who uses a College-owned vehicle managed by the GGC Fleet Management Department.

III. Definitions

Employee: Includes faculty, staff, and student employees acting on the behalf of Georgia Gwinnett College.

Vehicle: Includes all GGC-owned motorized vehicles, rental vehicles, and lease vehicles.

IV. Authorized Vehicle Use   
  1. Only College employees are authorized to drive vehicles for the State of Georgia.
  2. State vehicles are authorized only for use in the performance of essential travel duties related to the completion of State business. The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of authorized use:
    1. Travel between the place where the vehicle is dispatched and the place where the official State business is performed;
    2. When on official travel status between the place of State business and the place of temporary lodging; and,
    3. When on official travel status and not within reasonable walking distance:
      1. Transporting other officers, employees, or guests of the State when they are on official State/College business;
      2. Transporting consultants, contractors, or commercial firm representatives when such transport is in the direct interest of the State/College;
      3. Transporting materials, supplies, parcels, luggage, or other items belonging to or serving the interests of the State/College;
      4. Transporting any person or item in an emergency situation;
      5. Traveling between the place of dispatch or place of performance of State/College business and the employee’s personal residence, when specifically authorized by the proper authority and approved on Department of Administrative Services MV-1 form; and,
      6. Traveling out-of-State with written authorization from employee’s manager.
V. Unauthorized Vehicle Use
  1. Vehicles are not authorized to be used for any personal trips unrelated to the State business for which they were assigned or to transport passengers who are not College employees unless on State business. Unauthorized use of State vehicles may result in immediate disciplinary action. Such action may include suspension of all privileges to operate State/College vehicles and in some cases, dismissal. Furthermore, College drivers are not covered by liability insurance when engaging in unauthorized use of State vehicles.
  2. The following uses of State vehicles are prohibited:
    1. Using a cell phone or any other distracting device while operating a GGC vehicle;
    2. Travel or tasks which are beyond the vehicle’s rated capability;
    3. Any use for personal purposes other than commuting, which has been authorized;
    4. Transport of families, students, friends, associates, or other persons who are not employees of GGC;
    5. Transport of hitchhikers;
    6. Transport of cargo that has no relation to the performance of official State business;
    7. Transport of hazardous materials such as acids, explosives, weapons, ammunition, or highly flammable material, except by specific authorization or in an emergency situation;
    8. Transport of any item or equipment projecting from the side, front, or rear of the vehicle in a way that constitutes an obstruction to safe driving or a hazard to pedestrians or to other vehicles;
    9. Except when in official business travel status, transport of other employees and/or students;
    10. Attending sporting events including, but not limited to, hunting and fishing that are not previously authorized;
    11. Extending the length of time the vehicle is in an employee’s possession beyond that which is required to complete the official purpose of the trip;
    12. Transport of any political campaign literature or matter or to engage in soliciting votes or transport of any person or persons soliciting votes in any election or primary;
    13. Placing bumper stickers or other placards containing commercial advertising, including any form of markings that could be construed as political in nature, such as the names of elected officials, agency heads, etc.;
    14. Smoking and/or drinking of alcoholic beverages. Vehicle operators are responsible for ensuring that no passengers are allowed to smoke in a vehicle they are operating; or,
    15. Permanently attaching personal property (i.e. CB radio, radar detectors, stereo components, etc.) to a State vehicle.
VI. Driver Qualifications and Eligibility
  1. Georgia Gwinnett College has implemented the following requirements for the driver qualifications. This applies to employees as defined below.
  2. Eligible Drivers. Eligible drivers are employees that are performing GGC business duties while operating GGC vehicles. Employees must meet the following requirements to be eligible to operate GGC vehicles. Drivers must:
    1. Be an employee of Georgia Gwinnett College;
    2. Have a valid Georgia driver license;
    3. Meet all qualifications on the Driver Acknowledgement Form (obtained from the Fleet Coordinator);
    4. Complete mandatory GGC vehicle training, including the six-hour National Safety Council Defensive Driving Course if transporting seven or more individuals including the driver;
    5. Pass an annual Department Driver Services (“DDS”) Motor Vehicle Record (“MVR”) check; and,
    6. Be at least 21 years of age and have at least four years of driving experience (note: specialty vehicles could have more requirements). Employees for the Operations and Facilities departments may drive if they are 18 years of age, have at least two years of driving experience, drive within ten miles of the campus, and are not transporting students.
  3. Screening and Training. All GGC employees who drive on State business and in a State vehicle are subject to annual training regardless of frequency and location of driving. All employees who drive State vehicles will be subject to annual training, annual completion of the Driver Acknowledgement Form (obtained from Fleet Coordinator), and an annual MVR history check prior to operating vehicles on State business.
VII. Driver Disqualifications
  1. An employee who has had one of the following occurrences during the 24-month period preceding their use or request for use of a State vehicle used for State business will be considered a “Disqualified Driver”:
    1. Accumulating more than 10 points on his or her personal driving record;
    2. Receiving a citation while driving on State business;
    3. Having an “at fault” motor vehicle accident within the six months preceding an assignment to drive on State business; or,
    4. Being convicted of one of the following offenses:
      1. Driving under the influence (“DUI”)
      2. Leaving the scene of an accident
      3. Refusal to take a state administered test while involved in a serious accident or an accident involving serious injuries Vehicular homicide involving gross negligence
  2. Employees who drive on State business:
    1. In accordance withAPM Policy on Arrests and Dispositions  , any current employee who is arrested, is the subject of a warrant, or charged with a crime (other than a minor traffic offense) is required to report such incident to the Office of Human Resources within 72 hours of the employee becoming aware of such charge, warrant, arrest, or, in the case of an arrest, release from incarceration. Failure to report may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. The employee’s report will be reviewed in accordance with the procedures set out in APM and a determination will be made on what, if any, action should be taken regarding the employee’s employment status until resolution of the criminal matter. The employee should not attempt to operate state vehicles until such determination is made.
    2. In accordance with APM Policy on Arrests and Dispositions  , any current employee shall notify the Office of Human Resources within 24 hours of the disposition of or sentencing for a criminal case (including, but not limited to, pleas of guilty, nolle prosequi, sentencing under the Georgia First Offender Act, conviction and nolo contendere). Failure to report the disposition or sentencing may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. The employee’s report will be reviewed in accordance with the procedures set out in APM and a determination on what, if any, action should be taken regarding the employee’s employment status. The employee should not attempt to operate state vehicles until such determination is made.
  3. Corrective measures may be specified before an employee can be reinstated as a qualified driver. Corrective measures may include:
    1. Viewing a driver safety video;
    2. Successfully completing an approved defensive driving course; and/or,
    3. Waiting a specified period of time before being permitted to again drive on State business.
  4. Based on the nature of the events leading to disqualified driver status, it may be determined that the disqualified driver may never again be permitted to drive a vehicle on State business. Prior to making such a determination, the institutional Fleet Coordinator and the Director of Operations must consult the disqualified driver’s departmental manager to discuss the factors supporting such a determination and the effects such a determination may have on the job status of the disqualified driver.  Among the factors considered in determining whether disqualified driver status can be removed and the conditions for doing so may include:
    1. The driving conditions under which the relevant events occurred;
    2. The extent to which the disqualified driver exceeded the maximum speed, level of intoxication, or other limitation imposed pursuant to applicable law;
    3. The apparent degree of recklessness or disregard for safety on the part of the disqualified driver;
    4. Whether anyone was injured as a result of the disqualified driver’s actions; and;
    5. The amount of time that has passed since the events in question.
  5. An employee with a driver’s license that is expired, suspended, or revoked is not permitted to drive on State business until the license is reinstated. Employees who drive on State business are to disclose any license expiration, suspension, or revocation.
  6. Employees who meet all driver qualifications following disposition of the charges are permitted to resume driving on State business.
  7. If an employee does not meet all driver qualifications following disposition of the charges, the employee will not be permitted to drive on State business until the circumstances leading to such citations has been reviewed by the Director of Operations and the Fleet Coordinator, and the disqualified driver has satisfied the corrective, preventative, and/or educational measures specified by GGC. The determination of the measures to be required will be made by the institution’s risk management officer, GGC’s Chief Human Resources Officer, and Director of Operations, in consultation with the employee’s departmental manager, based on the specific citation and circumstances.
VIII. Vehicle Use Requirements
  1. Below are requirements that a state employee who is driving a fleet vehicle must adhere to:
    1. Drivers are to return fleet vehicles to the appropriate fleet parking spaces on campus after use.
    2. Drivers will not use fleet vehicles to propel or tow any vehicle, trailer or other object unless approved by the Fleet Coordinator.
    3. With the exception of service dogs, animals are not permitted in rental vehicles.
    4. Georgia Gwinnett College is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property loaded, stored, or transported in rental vehicles.
    5. Persons riding in the vehicles are to meet at the College and take the vehicle to the destination and back to the College. The vehicles should not be used to take individuals to their homes or any unauthorized location.
    6. Employees must return all vehicles in good condition. They must leave vehicles clean and with a full tank of gas.
    7. When driving a GGC van, with exception to an accessible van, the limit is 15 people only (driver included). The GGC accessible van can have up to 15 people which includes: 1 driver, 12 passengers, and 2 wheelchair passengers.
    8. All occupants of the vehicle are advised to wear a seat belt at all times.
    9. No glass bottles or cups are to be used in GGC vehicles.
    10. Driving long distances can be very tiring. Since fatigue can lead to increased potential for accidents, driving limit recommendations for all drivers are as follows:
      1. May drive a maximum of 10 hours after eight consecutive hours off duty.
      2. Driving time should be limited to four consecutive hours, with a minimum of a 15 minute break before resuming the trip.
      3. Driving between 12:00 am and 5:00 am is prohibited. In some cases, exemption may be granted by the Fleet Coordinator after the driver submits, in writing, the reason for operating a GGC Fleet vehicle during prohibited hours.
IX. Assigned Vehicles and Driven Home Overnight
  1. Georgia Gwinnett College is required by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (USG) and Department of Administrative Services Fleet Management to comply with the Georgia Office of Planning and Budget policy in the Georgia Fleet Management Manual, Section 4.4 and 4.5.
  2. To obtain permission to drive a State vehicle  home overnight, the employee must submit a request in writing using the MV-1 form to the Fleet Coordinator for approval. Approval or denial of Assigned Vehicle requests are submitted for approval by the Fleet Coordinator through the chain of command at GGC, and then forwarded to the Department of Administrative Services for approval or denial.
X. Record Keeping Requirements
  1. For all trips, employees must record the destination and beginning and ending odometer readings on the Trip Log located in the “Trip Care Package” that is given to the employee driver by the Fleet Coordinator before the trip.
  2. Employees should note any problems, noises, and wear of parts, and report them to the GGC Fleet Coordinator. If a breakdown occurs, employees should contact the GGC Fleet Coordinator and follow instructions within the trip packet.
XI. Telematics Monitoring
  1. State vehicles will have telematics monitoring systems on all vehicles, except for Public Safety vehicles. Telematics systems are used to report fuel efficiency, diagnose vehicle mechanical and computer issues remotely, identify unsafe driver habits, locate vehicles via GPS to assist in efficient route-taking, and identify repair facilities in the event of a vehicle maintenance emergency. The Office Fleet Management will solely be responsible for administering the telematics monitoring. All GGC vehicles will be equipped with telematics systems to report on:
    1. Maintenance issues
    2. Collisions involving GGC State vehicles
    3. Fuel economy
    4. Vehicle idle time
    5. Fuel transactions for fraud prevention
  2. A driver and the driver’s manager will be notified if the driver is identified as violating any policies or procedures.  Any major driver violation will result in review of driving history of the driver by the Office of Fleet Management, Human Resources, and the driver’s supervisor.  Violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, and loss of State vehicle driving privileges.
XII. Traffic Violations

Drivers are personally responsible for the cost of traffic citations, violations, and parking tickets.  Drivers are expected to obey all traffic signals and signs, observe pedestrian rights, and operate vehicles at a reasonable and prudent speed not to exceed the maximum posted speed limit.

XIII. Accidents
  1. If an accident occurs while driving a State vehicle, employees should stop immediately and turn on emergency flashers. It is against the law to leave the scene of an accident without identifying oneself. Reasonable assistance should be offered. Movement of injured persons should not be undertaken, if likely to cause further injury. The driver should call 911.
  2. Drivers must exchange information by giving their name, address, and vehicle registration number and, if requested, showing their driver’s license to any other driver in the accident. If a driver struck an unattended vehicle, she or he should leave a note with the above information and circumstances of the accident. If there were witnesses to the accident, their names and addresses should be obtained. The driver should not make a statement of any kind to anyone other than the police or a representative of GGC and must inform the GGC Fleet Coordinator of the accident as soon as possible.
  3. Georgia Gwinnett College has insurance coverage through Department of Administrative Services Risk Management for auto liability claims. A Vehicle Insurance Identification Card must be maintained at all times in each vehicle owned by GGC and covered by the Department of Administrative Services Auto Liability Policy.  This will be placed in the vehicle’s glove storage compartment or console.  The information contained on this card should be consulted in the event of an accident.
  4. All claims against GGC (and information regarding events which seem likely to give rise to claims) must be forwarded directly to the Department of Administrative Services, the GGC Fleet Coordinator, and the employee’s supervisor as soon as possible.  The Department of Administrative Services phone number as well as information needed before leaving the accident area is located on the State of Georgia Government Vehicle - Georgia Liability Insurance Identification Card located in each GGC vehicle.
XIV. Fuel Card Usage
  1. State fuel cards are assigned to each State vehicle.  Each driver is given a PIN that will allow purchase of fuel using any of the State fuel cards located in the vehicle.  Fuel cards should not be removed from any vehicle at any time unless specified by the Fleet Coordinator.  If an employee is traveling and has vehicle maintenance issues, the fuel card can be used to pay for vehicle maintenance, e.g., flat tires, battery replacement, etc.
  2. The fuel credit card is to only be used for purchasing fuel and to pay for emergency maintenance repairs only. The credit card and receipts are to be returned to the Fleet Coordinator upon returning the vehicle.  All parts and/or tires replaced during use are returned to the Fleet Coordinator for inspection and disposal.
  3. When an employee leaves employment at GGC, the employee’s supervisor must notify the Fleet Coordinator for cancellation of the employees’ fuel pin number.
XV. Prohibited Purchases
  1. The following types of purchases are strictly prohibited by State policy. No exceptions will be granted unless otherwise indicated.
    1. Personal purchases of any kind, including fuel for personal vehicles, non-State vehicles, and/or rental vehicles used for travel on official State business;
    2. Cash advances;
    3. Gift cards;
    4. Alcoholic beverages;
    5. Tobacco products;
    6. Food, ice, beverages, or related items including snacks while traveling on official business.
XVI. Commercial Rentals

Georgia Gwinnett College employees are authorized to rent automobiles while on official State business, but cannot use State fuel cards to do so.