Policy Number: 4.1.5
Effective Date: February 28, 2023
Revision History: May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Director of Disability Services
I. Purpose and Policy Statement
As required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), Disability Services at GGC ensures non-discrimination by facilitating the necessary modification or accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. GGC follows the established USG common standards and procedures for evaluating and administering accommodations for students with documented disabilities. These standards and procedures can be found in the Board of Regents Academic and Student Affairs Handbook. GGC is committed to providing opportunities for all students to reach their full potential, both academically and personally, by ensuring an equal educational experience and equivalent access to classes and campus life. Any student with a documented disability or special need who requires assistance or accommodations based on their disability, should notify and register with Disability Services as soon as possible upon acceptance to the College.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all GGC faculty, staff, and students as well as any associated vendor or contractor who may be providing services or events to GGC students.
III. Definitions
Qualified Students with Disabilities: A qualified student with a disability is one who has met the minimum requirements of the program with or without accommodations and has submitted their documentation that meets the common USG standards and followed the established procedures to register with Disability Services at GGC.
IV. Roles and Responsibilities
Ensuring non-discrimination is a shared responsibility with all areas of the College faculty, staff, and constituents. Disability Services is the established office for facilitating accommodations with students who self-identify and register with the College. Faculty are responsible for ensuring accessible content and teaching strategies within their individual classrooms. Collaboratively, facilities, operations, procurement, auxiliary, student affairs, information technology, admissions, and all other administrative offices on campus also have a responsibility for non-discrimination and ensuring practices meet the common need for inclusion of people with disabilities.
V. Compliance
An employee or course instructor’s failure to comply with the Disability Services policy may result in a violation of the state or federal laws as well as GGC policies.
VI. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures
Board of Regents Policy Manual 4.1.5 Student with Disabilities