2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 
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2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 [ARCHIVED COPY]

Georgia Gwinnett College Ethics

Policy Number: 8.2.20
Effective Date: February 24, 2023
Revision History: May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Chief Human Resource Officer

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

Georgia Gwinnett College (“GGC”) is committed to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct in pursuit of its mission and commitment to student success. Accomplishing this mission demands integrity, good judgment, and dedication to public service from all members of the GGC community. As a University System of Georgia (“USG”) member institution, Georgia Gwinnett College affirms each person’s accountability for individual actions in advancing the mission of both the College and USG. GGC subscribes to a shared set of core values and ethical conduct to which each member of the GGC community must be held accountable.

Every member of the GGC community is required to adhere to the GGC Statement of Core Values and Code of Conduct that form and guide the daily work of the organization. GGC recognizes that each member of the GGC community attempts to live by his or her own values, beliefs, and ethical decision-making processes. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to guide members of the GGC community in applying the underlying GGC Statement of Core Values to the decisions and choices that are made in the course of everyday endeavors.

Furthermore, GGC acknowledges that an organizational culture grounded in trust is essential to supporting these core values and ethical conduct. The Statement of Core Values and Code of Conduct are intended to build, maintain and protect that trust, recognizing that each member of the GGC community is responsible for doing their part by upholding the highest standards of competence and character.

II. Scope

This policy pertains to all members of the Georgia Gwinnett College campus community which includes all individuals employed by, or acting on behalf of, GGC including volunteers, vendors, contractors, members of the governing boards, and employees of all cooperative organizations affiliated with GGC.

III. Roles and Responsibilities
  1. Chief Human Resource Officer (“CHRO”) or designee: Oversees policy updating and maintenance; provides interpretation of the policy when questions arise.
  2. Human Resources: Maintains the policy; fields, researches and responds to questions; investigates potential violations of the policy.
  3. Direct Manager: Keeps updated on policy guidelines and responds to employee questions; directs employees to the appropriate institution resource.
  4. Cabinet Member or designee: Responsible for being familiar with the policy and guidelines; supports compliance within their area of responsibility.
IV. Applicability
  1. The Statement of Core Values and the Code of Conduct comprise the GGC Ethics Policy. Violations of the GGC Ethics Policy may result in disciplinary action including dismissal or termination.
  2. In support of sustaining a positive ethical campus culture, all individuals employed by GGC in any capacity shall participate in GGC Ethics Policy training and shall certify compliance with the GGC Ethics Policy on a periodic basis, when requested by the institution. Cooperative organizations, vendors, and contractors shall certify compliance with the GGC Ethics Policy by written agreement. The GGC Ethics Policy governs only official conduct performed by, or on behalf of, GGC.
V. Statement of Core Values
  1. Integrity: We will be honest, fair, impartial and unbiased in our dealings both with and on behalf of the GGC.
  2. Excellence: We will perform our duties to foster a culture of excellence and high quality in everything we do.
  3. Accountability: We firmly believe that education in the form of scholarship, research, teaching, service and developing others is a public trust. We will live up to this trust through safeguarding our resources and being good stewards of the human, intellectual, physical and fiscal resources given to our care.
  4. Respect: We recognize the inherent dignity and rights of every person, and we will do our utmost to fulfill our resulting responsibility to treat each person with fairness, compassion and decency.
  5. Diversity and Inclusion: We will strive to be an inclusive college community which fosters a strong sense of belonging through honoring the diverse identities, cultures, experiences, and perspectives of our students, faculty, staff, and alumni. 
VI. Code of Conduct
  1. We will:
    1. Uphold the highest standards of intellectual honesty and integrity in the conduct of teaching, research, service, and grants administration.
    2. Act as good stewards of the resources and information entrusted to our care.
    3. Perform assigned duties and professional responsibilities in such a manner so as to further the GGC mission.
    4. Treat fellow employees, students, and the public with dignity and respect.
    5. Refrain from discriminating against, harassing, or threatening others.
    6. Comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and professional standards.
    7. Respect the intellectual property rights of others.
    8. Avoid improper political activities as defined in law and Board of Regents Policy.
    9. Protect human health and safety and the environment in all GGC operations and activities.
    10. Report wrongdoing to the proper authorities; refrain from retaliating against those who do report violations; and cooperate fully with authorized investigations.
    11. Disclose and avoid improper conflicts of interest.
    12. Refrain from accepting any gift or thing of value in those instances prohibited by law or Board of Regents and institutional policy.
    13. Not use our position or authority improperly to advance the interests of a friend or relative.
    14. Refrain from acts of insubordination - intentional refusal to comply with reasonable and appropriate supervisory directions.  
    15. Refrain from theft, or stealing of any kind, including fraudulent time card reporting, theft of money, information, products, inventory, tools or any item, information or idea that belongs to the institution, or anyone within the College community.     
VII. Interpretation and Sources
  1. The Statement of Core Values and Code of Conduct do not address every conceivable situation or ethical dilemma that may be faced by members of the GGC community. Members of the GGC community are expected to exercise good judgment absent specific guidance from this policy or other applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Specific questions pertaining to the Statement of Core Values or Code of Conduct should be directed to a supervisor, person of authority at Georgia Gwinnett College, Office of Human Resources, or the Office of Legal Affairs.
  2. Further, in accordance with Board of Regents Ethics Policy, GGC employees and affiliates should refer to the specific explanatory notes and references found on the University System of Georgia Ethics and Compliance webpage.
VIII. Related Regulations, Statues, Policies and Procedures

Board of Regents Policy Manual Ethics Policy
USG Explanatory Notes and References