2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 [ARCHIVED COPY]

Amorous Relationships

Policy Number: 8.2.23
Effective Date: February 27, 2023
Revision History: June 30, 2016
Policy Contact: Chief Human Resource Officer; Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

This policy addresses the potential professional risks associated with even consensual amorous relationships between members of the Georgia Gwinnett College (“GGC”) campus community. A sense of fairness by supervisors and teaching faculty is a fundamental prerequisite for fulfilling the College mission. When one party stands in a position of authority over the other, even an apparently consensual amorous relationship may lead to allegations of sexual harassment, or other breaches of professional obligations. This policy is not intended to preclude couples from working together as long as there are no supervisory or evaluative oversight duties.

GGC prohibits all faculty, staff, and administrators, including teaching assistants, interns, externs, tutors, volunteers, contractors, etc., from pursuing, or accepting advancements for, amorous relationships with students whom they currently supervise, teach, evaluate, or with whom a professional power/status advantage could potentially exist. This prohibition also includes, but is not limited to, students whom they are mentoring, advising, tutoring, or working with through student clubs, student publications, student affairs projects and initiatives, enrollment management and/or other campus-related functions, programs, and activities. 

All GGC employees are prohibited from having an amorous relationship with any other employee if either employee supervises, evaluates, or in any other way directly affects the terms, or conditions, of the other’s employment. This includes, but is not limited to, faculty or administrators, interns/externs, professional/graduate students from other areas who may be completing service requirements on the GGC campus, student employees who supervise other students, or student employees engaged in the ordinary course of campus business.

GGC is committed to providing a harassment free environment for all faculty, staff, and students. Even the appearance of impropriety between members of the campus community should be avoided.

II. Scope

This policy pertains to all employees of Georgia Gwinnett College.

III. Roles and Responsibilities
  1. Chief Human Resource Officer (“CHRO”) or designee: Oversees the updating and maintenance of this policy and provides interpretation of this policy when questions arise.
  2. Human Resources: Maintains this policy and fields, researches, and responds to questions related to this policy.
  3. Direct Manager: Keeps updated on policy guidelines and related materials; responds to employee questions; and, carries out all supervisory duties should a breach of this policy occur.
  4. Cabinet Member or designee: Responsible for being familiar with this policy and guidelines; provides guidance to supervisors when questions arise.   
IV. Requirement to Disclose Amorous Relationship
  1. Any employee with a current or past involvement in an amorous relationship with another employee over whom they have supervisory/instructional power, or influence over their work, or scheduling of their assignments, must immediately disclose the relationship to the appropriate supervisor. All staff and administrators must report the relationship to their supervisor. All faculty members must report the relationship to their dean. The supervisor/dean will take the appropriate steps to ensure compliance under this policy.
  2. If a situation arises in which parties who are, or have been, involved in an amorous relationship moves into a position in which they would be called upon to supervise, review, recommend, or evaluate one another, the individual in authority must immediately  report this fact to their supervisor. The supervisor will then arrange for those who are, or have been involved, in an amorous relationship to not evaluate each other. If a faculty member has had, or engages in an amorous relationship with a student over whom the faculty member has authority, as described above, the faculty member must immediately  report this to the dean, who will plan for an alternate evaluation arrangement.
V. Disciplinary Actions for Violation of Amorous Relationship Policy
  1. All available sanctions shall be considered for violations under this policy, including, but not limited to, dismissal from the College and cancellation of contractual obligations. Any faculty member, staff, and administrator including student employees, teaching assistants, interns, externs, tutors, volunteers and contractors, who fail to promptly report an otherwise prohibited amorous relationship to the appropriate individual is in violation of College policy and is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
  2. Any faculty member found in violation of this policy may be subject to dismissal before the end of their contract term. Faculty violations under this section shall be deemed as a criteria invoking Removal for Cause.
  3. Complainants who feel they are victims under this policy should notify the Title IX Coordinator.
VI. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures

APM Grounds for Removal
BOR Policy Manual Grounds for Removal
BOR Policy Manual Amorous Relationships