2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 
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2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 [ARCHIVED COPY]

Admission Requirements Exceptions

Policy Number: 4.2.2
Effective Date: March 14, 2023
Revision History: August 2, 2019; February 10, 2017
Policy Contact:  Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management Services

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to provide an alternate evaluation process for admissions requirements that fulfill the stated mission of the College, by encouraging students of diverse levels of preparation, ethnicity, and age to enroll and develop their full potential. These requirements are in keeping with Georgia Gwinnett College’s strong commitment to student success. Georgia Gwinnett College complies with the access mission institution admission standards established under University System of Georgia Board of Regents policies and is committed to ensuring that the admissions procedures support these standards.


This policy applies to all applicants to Georgia Gwinnett College (“GGC”) and to all GGC faculty, staff, and administrators with the authority to make or influence admissions decisions.

III. Limited Admissions Category
  1. In recognition of the fact that a limited number of students do not meet established standards but do demonstrate special potential for success, GGC grants admission to a limited number of such students. Multiple measures are used whenever possible, such as interviews, portfolios, and records of experiential achievements, for students being considered for Limited Admission. The number of students who may be granted Limited Admissions is restricted and cannot exceed 33%  of the institution’s annual first-time freshman headcount enrollment.
  2. Students who enter under the Limited Admissions category (including Presidential Exceptions as described below) must make up any Required High School Curriculum unit deficiencies in accordance with University System of Georgia procedures. They must also be screened, as applicable, for placement in Learning Support courses based on their standardized test scores and must meet University System of Georgia criteria for exemption or exit of Learning Support in reading, English, and mathematics. If no test scores are provided, the student will automatically default into the English and Math Learning Support courses.
  3. Presidential Exceptions. The President of GGC is authorized by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents to grant Presidential Exceptions to the Required High School Curriculum units and requirements for Limited Admissions if the student shows promise for academic success in college and has at least a high school diploma or General Educational Development (“GED”), Test Assessing Secondary Completion (“TASC”), or High School Equivalency Test (“HiSET”) approved by the Board of Regents. College officials are required to report to the University System of Georgia chief academic officer on those students granted Presidential Exceptions. Presidential Exceptions must be included as part of GGC’s maximum percentage for Limited Admissions.
IV. General Educational Development (“GED”), Test Assessing Secondary Completion (“TASC”), and High Equivalency Test (“HiSET”)
  1. Persons over 18 years of age (or whose class has already graduated from high school) whose secondary schooling was interrupted may be admitted by presenting the GED, TASC, or the HiSET and other approved high school equivalency. test Official GED, TASC, and HiSET transcripts must be mailed directly from the Testing Service to the Georgia Gwinnett College Admissions Office.
  2. GED, TASC, and HiSET applicants are  encouraged to submit College Board Scholastic Assessment Test (“SAT”) scores, American College Test (“ACT”) scores, or Next-Gen Accuplacer scores for course placement consideration. If standardized test scores are not submitted for placement consideration, the student’s course placement will automatically default to English and Math Learning Support.
  3. GED, TASC, and HiSET applications may be reviewed by the Admissions Committee, and an interview with the candidate may be required. In addition, all GED, TASC, and HiSET applicants must meet the regular freshman admissions requirements. 
V. Addressing Required High School Curriculum (“RHSC”) Deficiencies
  1. Students with RHSC deficiencies are required to satisfy those deficiencies using one of the following methods:
    1. Address Deficiency Prior to Enrollment
      1. Applicants, including those coming from other states, who have RHSC deficiencies but can demonstrate competency in the deficient area(s) will be deemed as meeting the RHSC requirements. If these students meet all other requirements for regular admission, GGC is not required to admit them under the Limited Admissions category.
      2. A student can satisfy any RHSC deficiency by demonstrating competency in the subject matter area(s) considered deficient or by addressing the deficiency through an appropriate course successfully completed prior to enrollment at another institution.
      3. Option 1: Demonstrate Subject Matter Proficiency through Approved Standardized Tests
        1. A student may demonstrate competency through standardized examinations such as the SAT, ACT, College Level Examination Program (“CLEP”), DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (“DSST”), Next-Gen Accuplacer, or other comparable examinations approved by the BOR.
        2. Students must complete four Board of Regents-approved science units, including two units with a laboratory component, as outlined in the Staying on Course document. Additionally, Georgia public high school students are required to complete coursework in four areas of science (see “Required High School Curriculum” for science in the previous section).  Students with a science deficiency may address the deficiency prior to enrollment through a standardized examination provided the examination demonstrates competency in an area not already reflected in their high school coursework.
        3. A student whose SAT or ACT score in the deficient area is at or above the average SAT or ACT score of the previous year’s fall semester first-time freshmen admitted to GGC indicates competency in the area.
        4. A student may use the following SAT Subject Tests to demonstrate competency in a deficient area: English, Writing, Literature, Foreign Languages, Math Level 1 or Math Level 2, American History and Social Studies, World History, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Students may use SAT Subject Tests to demonstrate exposure and competencies for areas not reflected in their course work.
        5. A student may use the CLEP and DSST subject examination to demonstrate competency in a deficient area.
        6. Students with an English deficiency who are placed into co-requisite English will satisfy the deficiency upon successfully exiting Learning Support English. Students with a mathematics deficiency who are placed into co-requisite mathematics will satisfy the deficiency upon successfully exiting co-requisite mathematics.
      4. Option 2: Demonstrate Subject Matter Proficiency Through Approved Coursework.
        1. A student may address the deficiency prior to enrollment by taking a USG-approved high school course in the deficiency area(s) or a three-credit collegiate course (with a course grade of “C” or better) in the appropriate subject area(s). A student who has taken a terminal course in a subject area (for example, a student who has completed calculus in the eleventh grade) will be deemed as meeting the RHSC requirement in that subject area.
    2. Address Deficiency After Enrollment
      1. Students who have RHSC deficiencies that are addressed after enrollment can be admitted under the Limited Admissions category.
      2. Students who have RHSC deficiencies and who successfully complete collegiate courses addressing all of their deficiencies within their first 30 credit hours will be considered as having satisfied the deficiency or deficiencies. These students will receive collegiate credit that can count towards the student’s degree program. If a student does not address the deficiencies within the first 30 credit hours, then the student may not register for other courses, unless they also register for the appropriate deficiency course or courses. Successful completion (“C” or better) of a three-credit collegiate course in the appropriate subject area demonstrates collegiate-level preparedness and is sufficient for satisfying an RHSC deficiency in that subject area.
VI. Persons 62 and Over Program
  1. Persons 62 years of age or older may be admitted to GGC to take courses on a space available basis at little to no cost. To be eligible for GGC enrollment in the program, applicants:
    1. Must be residents of Georgia, 62 years of age or older at the time of registration, and shall present a birth certificate or other comparable written documentation of age to enable the institution to determine eligibility.
    2. May enroll as a regular or auditing student in courses offered for resident credit on a “space available” basis without payment of fees, except for supplies, laboratory, or shop fees.
    3. Will meet all University System of Georgia and institution undergraduate or graduate admission requirements; however, GGC officials may exercise discretion in exceptional cases where circumstances indicate that certain requirements such as high school graduation and minimum test scores are inappropriate. In instances involving discretionary admission, GGC staff will provide diagnostic methods to determine whether or not participation in Learning Support will be required prior to enrollment in regular credit courses. Reasonable prerequisites may be required in certain courses.
    4. Must meet all GGC and legislated degree requirements if they are degree-seeking students.
VII. Admission Requirements for Undergraduate Programs Not Leading to the Baccalaureate Degree
  1. Admission of Non-Degree Students. Georgia Gwinnett College will not allow students to apply under this status, but will permit the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management Services to allow students to be admitted under this category on an as needed basis. Students may be permitted to enroll as non-degree students for a maximum of 18 semester credit hours, including institutional credit. Students may not enroll in any course for which there is a learning support prerequisite unless they have been screened for and have exempted the relevant learning support course. ESL coursework does not count towards the 18 semester hour limit.
  2. Admission of Postbaccalaureate Students. Students who have earned the baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution may enroll as non-degree students in courses with no limitation on the number of hours of undergraduate credit these students can earn. Postbaccalaureate applicants must provide an official transcript reflecting the appropriate baccalaureate degree.
  3. Admission of Auditors. Students who submit evidence of graduation from a high school, as specified in the undergraduate admissions policy, or a GED, TASC, and HiSET transcript approved by the Board of Regents may register to audit a course as space in the course permits. Under extraordinary circumstances, the President may waive the requirement of high school diploma or equivalent. Students registered as auditors shall be required to pay the regular tuition and fees for enrollment.
VIII. Admission of Transient Students
  1. Transient Students from Other Institutions. A student enrolled in a degree program at another accredited college or university may apply to Georgia Gwinnett College for transient status. Such a student is one who expects to return to the college or university where currently or previously enrolled and must have the permission of the home institution to attend Georgia Gwinnett College. The applicant who desires transient status must submit an application for admission and transient permission form from the home institution and must be in good academic standing at their home institution. Transient students are admitted on a semester basis only. Georgia Gwinnett College does not guarantee that a transient student will be able to secure the courses desired, nor is Georgia Gwinnett College responsible for advising a transient student of courses that are applicable to their program of study at the home institution. Transcripts are not automatically forwarded to the home institution. Transient students must submit a written request to have a transcript sent back to the home institution.
  2. Georgia Gwinnett College Students Enrolling at Other Institutions as Transient Students
    1. A Georgia Gwinnett College student who wishes to take a course at another institution must complete an application for admission to the transient institution. Transient enrollment requires approval by both institutions, and it is the student’s responsibility to comply with that college’s standards and application deadlines. Georgia Gwinnett College students seeking transient approval should coordinate the process with his/her academic advisor and  Registration Services. Students who seek transient status must obtain approval from the appropriate dean.
    2. Georgia Gwinnett College students may request to be a transient student at other institutions provided that the courses they seek to take at another institution fall into one of the following categories:
      1. The course(s) which the student is requesting to take is/are not offered at Georgia Gwinnett College during the semester in which the student desires to take the course(s).
      2. The course(s) which the student is requesting to take is/are closed due to full enrollment during the semester in which the student desires to take the course(s).
    3. Students also must complete the Request for Transient Permission. This form is valid for one term of enrollment only. In order to receive transient permission, it is the student’s responsibility to:
      1. Be currently enrolled at Georgia Gwinnett College as a degree-seeking student.
      2. Be in good academic standing.
      3. Have completed all Learning Support and/or English for Academic Purposes requirements.
      4. Have completed all Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) requirements.
    4. In order to receive transfer credit at Georgia Gwinnett College for the specified courses, it is the responsibility of the student to:
      1. Enroll in courses appropriate to his/her major at the proper level and in the proper sequence.
      2. Complete the courses with a grade of “C” or better. Grades obtained in courses taken as a transient student will be calculated in the student’s cumulative GPA at Georgia Gwinnett College.
      3. Have an official transcript of transient courses sent to the following address at the end of the transient term: Georgia Gwinnett College, Enrollment Management Office
    5. Students receiving HOPE scholarship or Veteran’s Affairs Benefits must coordinate payment details with the financial aid offices at both Georgia Gwinnett College and the transient institution.
IX. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures

BOR Exceptions to Freshman Requirements
BOR Academic and Student Affairs Handbook Exceptions to Freshman Requirements
BOR Persons Aged 62 and Over Program
BOR Admission of Non-Degree Students
BOR Admission of Postbaccalaureate Students

BOR Admission of Auditors
BOR Admission of Transient Students