2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 
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2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 [ARCHIVED COPY]

Employee Transfers

Policy Number:        
Effective Date: February 28, 2023
Revision History: March 17, 2022    
Policy Contact: Chief Human Resources Officer

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to ensure consistency regarding the transfer of employees within Georgia Gwinnett College (“GGC”) and from GGC to other USG institutions, including the University System Office.  GGC encourages employees who express an interest and have the necessary qualifications and abilities, to pursue appropriate opportunities to foster their career development.  Where feasible, GGC supports employees’ efforts to transfer from one position to another within the College, or the System. 

II. Scope

All GGC employees are covered by this policy.

III. Definitions

Internal Transfer:  The interim or permanent move (as documented at time of transfer) of an employee from one position to another position of the same classification or to one with comparable skills and in the same general pay range within the College.

External Transfer: The permanent move of a GGC employee to another USG institution or to the University System Office.

Salary/Pay Range: The GGC approved pay range for a position, consisting of a minimum zone, proficiency zone, and maximum zone base salary amount.

Break in Service: A gap in employment that exceeds thirty (30) calendar days.  A break in service occurs when an employee is off pay status for more than 30 consecutive calendar days for reasons other than an approved leave without pay, furlough, or temporary layoff.  A return to pay status on the next working day following a separation is not a break in service.

IV. Roles and Responsibilities
  1. Chief Human Resource Officer (“CHRO”) or designee: Ensures all hiring managers are aware of the policy.  Ensures that appropriate procedures are in place to facilitate internal and external transfers.
  2.  Human Resources: Provides guidance to management on appropriate application of the policy.  Ensures that appropriate procedures are in place to notify, in writing, the institution to which an employee is transferring of the benefits held by the employee as of the last day of employment at GGC as well as leave balances eligible for transfer.
  3. Chief Business Officer (“CBO”) or designee:  Certifies availability of funding associated with compensation changes and alignment with fiscal affairs policies.
  4. Manager: Responsible for transferring employees fairly and consistently in compliance with institutional policy, USG policy, budgetary limitations, and in accordance with applicable federal and state laws.
V. Compliance
  1. An employee may: (a) apply for a posted position in another GGC department, another USG institution, or the University System Office, or (b) be identified for transfer, when appropriate, based on the business needs of the institution.  The College shall have the discretion to make interim or permanent transfers of employees when deemed appropriate.
  2. Internal Transfer
    1. Employees considered for internal transfers shall have no formal disciplinary or performance-related actions on file for the current, or preceding, 12-month calendar year period.  Employees within their original provisional period are not eligible for transfer.  Transfers within the same reporting division may be considered by exception at the request of the respective chief officer and with approval by the CHRO.
    2. Employees affected by an internal transfer will continue all benefits uninterrupted and will not restart their provisional period.
  3. External Transfer
    1. In the event of an external transfer, an employee’s accumulated sick leave, retirement benefits and service continuity will be transferred, if the break in service does not exceed thirty (30) calendar days.
    2. When the external transfer occurs with no break in service, an employee must transfer accrued vacation leave of between one (1) and twenty (20) days.  For employees with accrued vacation leave of greater than twenty (20) days, the employee may elect one of the following options:
      1. Transfer of the total accrued vacation balance, not to exceed forty-five (45) days; or
      2. Payment of accrued vacation leave greater than twenty (20) days by the institution from which the employee is moving.  The payment may not exceed twenty-five (25) days.
    3. An external transferring employee will serve a six (6) month provisional period in their new position, subject to the terms and conditions of the provisional period policy.
    4. An employee who terminates from one USG institution and is then hired by another USG institution is not considered an external transfer under this policy.  If, however, the termination and subsequent hiring occurs within a thirty (30) day window, the CHRO and/or their designee of the new employer may choose to treat such an action as an external transfer at their sole discretion.
VI. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures

BOR Human Resources Administrative Practice Manual (“HRAP”) Policy on Transfers