Policy Number: 3.5.2
Effective Date: February 27, 2023
Revision History: May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs/Provost
I. Purpose and Policy Statement
Georgia Gwinnett College adheres to Board of Regents Policy Manual 3.5.2 Symbols Not Included in Determining the Grade Point Average.
II. Scope
All GGC staff, faculty and students should be familiar with this policy.
III. Definitions
The following grade symbols will be used in the cases indicated but will not be included in computing the student’s grade point average:
I = indicates an incomplete grade for the course due to non-academic reasons which prohibited the student from completing the requirements for a course. The assignment of the “I” grade is at the discretion of the course instructor and Dean but should only be assigned if the student has completed satisfactory work up to the last two weeks of the semester then faced extreme personal hardships in completing the semester. Prior to the last two weeks of the semester, the grade assigned should be “W” or “WF.”
Assignment of an “I” grade indicates that the instructor and the student have worked out a plan for completing the remaining course requirements unless otherwise stated in the incomplete contract. The deadline for removing an “I” grade is the last day of the following semester. If the “I” grade is not removed within the defined time period, the “I” converts to a grade of “F” and is then factored into the student’s grade- point average. Requests for the approval of extensions must be made to the office of the dean.
IP = indicates a student has made progress in a Student Success course, but not sufficient progress to meet the requirements for the next course in the Learning Support sequence. The “IP” grade is not included in the calculation of the student’s grade-point average.
K = indicates credit given by external examination (CLEP, AP, etc.). The “K” grade is not included in the calculation of the student’s grade-point average.
S = indicates successful completion of the Regents’ Writing Skills course and/or the Regents’ Reading Skills course and successful completion of the corresponding Regents’ Test. The “S” grade is not included in the calculation of the student’s grade-point average.
U = indicates unsuccessful completion of the Regents’ Writing Skills course and/or the Regents’ Reading Skills course and unsuccessful completion of the corresponding Regents’ Test. The “U” grade is not included in the calculation of the student’s grade-point average.
V = indicates that a student was given permission to audit this course. Students may not transfer from audit to credit status or vice versa. Students may register, however, on a credit basis for a course that has previously been audited.
W = indicates that a student was permitted to withdraw without penalty. Withdrawals without penalty will not be permitted after mid-semester except in cases of hardship as determined by the Registrar.
WM= indicates a student was permitted to withdraw under the Board of Regents policy for military service refunds. The use of this symbol indicates that this student was permitted to withdraw without penalty at any time during the term.