2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 
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2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 [ARCHIVED COPY]

Grade Point Average Upon Academic Renewal

Policy Number: 3.5.3
Effective Date: February 27, 2023
Revision History: May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs/Provost

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

Georgia Gwinnett College adheres to Board of Regents Policy Manual 3.5.3 Grade Point Average Upon Academic Renewal.

II. Scope

All GGC staff, faculty and students should be familiar with this policy. 

III. Definitions

Academic Renewal (“AR”): Allows Georgia Gwinnett College degree-seeking students who earlier experienced academic difficulty the opportunity to make a fresh start and have one final opportunity to earn an associate or bachelor’s degree.

IV. Compliance
  1. Application for Academic Renewal (“AR”):
    1. Students must be admitted to GGC and have had a previous absence of three (3) years from GGC or a regionally accredited institution of higher education to apply for AR.
    2. Students with transfer credit taken during the period of absence will receive transfer credit for all coursework eligible to be awarded; however only credit taken over three years ago is eligible for AR.
    3. Students are encouraged to apply for AR as soon as possible after admission to GGC. Students may not apply for AR if they were admitted one full year or longer prior to their application for AR.
    4. Students must have a GGC transfer grade point average (GPA) of less than 2.0 at the time of admission in order to be considered for AR.
    5. Students who are approved for AR will be eligible to graduate with honors based on GGC’s policy regarding academic honors at graduation.
    6. All previously attempted coursework continues to be recorded on the student’s official transcript.
    7. GGC’s registrar will review the application and determine eligibility.
    8. Students who are denied AR can appeal. Appeals will go to the AR appeal committee for a decision.
  2. Procedures for Academic Renewal (“AR”):
    1. The Academic Renewal GPA will be used for determining academic standing and eligibility for graduation.
    2. To earn a degree, a student must meet the institution’s residency requirements after acquiring academic renewal status.
    3. At least 50% of work toward a degree must be completed after the granting of Academic Renewal status for a student to be eligible for honors at graduation.
    4. Academic credit for previously completed coursework – including transfer coursework taken more than three (3) years ago – will be retained only for courses in which an A, B or C grade has been earned.
    5. Retained grades are not calculated in a Renewal GPA. Such credit is considered in the same context as transfer credit, credit by examination and courses with grades of “S.”
    6. Courses with D or F grades must be repeated at the Academic Renewal institution if they are required in the student’s degree program. Further, all remaining courses for the current degree objective must be completed at the Academic Renewal institution, i.e., no transient credit will be accepted.
    7. Applicability of retained credit to degree requirements will be determined by the degree requirements currently in effect at the time Academic Renewal status is conferred on the student. Specific institutional program regulations must also be met.
    8. If a student does not request Academic Renewal status at the time of re-enrollment after a three (3) year or greater period of absence, the student may do so within one full calendar year.
    9. The Renewal GPA begins with the semester following re-enrollment.
    10. Reentry into any program is not automatic.
    11. If a student is denied Academic Renewal and subsequently does not re-enroll, he/she may resubmit an Academic Renewal application after no fewer than three semesters have passed since the initial petition.
    12. The granting of Academic Renewal does not supersede financial aid policies regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress.
    13. The granting of Academic Renewal does not supersede the admissions requirements of certain programs (e.g., teacher education, nursing) which require a specific minimum grade point average based upon all coursework.
    14. The Academic Renewal GPA will include all coursework taken since re-enrollment.
V. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures
BOR Policy Manual 3.5.3 Grade Point Average Upon Academic Renewal