2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 
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2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 [ARCHIVED COPY]

Alcohol and Drugs on Campus

Policy Number: 4.6.4
Effective Date: February 28, 2023
Revision History: May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Associate Provost for Student Affairs/Dean of Students

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

It is the policy of Georgia Gwinnett College to provide students and employees with the following information in compliance with the US Department of Education requirement under Part 86, the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Regulations (Education Department General Administrative Regulations [EDGAR 86]).

Georgia Gwinnett College has adopted and implemented a drug prevention program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by all students and employees both on school premises and as part of any of its activities.

GGC will annually notify employees and students by issuance of the policy for drugs and alcohol via publication in the APM. Additionally, GGC will conduct a biennial review on the effectiveness of its AOD programs and the consistency of sanction enforcement and will maintain its biennial review material on file.

II. Scope

This policy applies to all GGC faculty, staff, and students.

III. Potential Health Risks
  1. While the following list is not exhaustive, it serves to demonstrate the range of potential hazards associated with illicit drug and alcohol use.
  2. Alcohol: Loss of concentration and judgment, slowed reflexes, disorientation leading to higher risk of accidents and problem behavior; risk of liver and heart damage, malnutrition, cancer and other illnesses; can be highly addictive to some persons.
  3. Nicotine: Nicotine causes tobacco addiction. Addiction changes the wiring in the brain, making tobacco users crave nicotine. Without nicotine, they will experience symptoms of withdrawal. Nicotine increases blood pressure, blood flow and heart rate. It narrows and hardens the arteries, increasing your risk of blood clots and stroke. Nicotine increases your risk of heart attack and can cause lung disease as well as cancer of the oral cavity and respiratory tract.
  4. Amphetamines. Can cause rushed, careless behavior - pushing beyond your physical capacity, leading to exhaustion; tolerance increases rapidly, causes physical and psychological dependence; withdrawal can result in depression and suicide; continued high doses can cause heart problems, infections, malnutrition, and death.
  5. Cannabis: Causes permanent damage to lungs, reproductive organs and brain function; slows reflexes; increases forgetfulness; alters judgment of space and distance.
  6. Cocaine: Causes damage to respiratory and immune systems; induces malnutrition, seizures and loss of brain function. Some forms are highly addictive.
  7. Hallucinogens (PCP, LSD, Ecstasy): Causes extreme distortions of what’s seen and heard; induces sudden changes in behavior, loss of concentration and memory; increases risk of birth defects in user’s children; overdose can cause psychosis, convulsions, coma, and death. Frequent use can cause permanent loss of mental function.
  8. Narcotics (Heroin, morphine, opium, codeine): Tolerance increases rapidly; causes physical and psychological dependence; overdoes can cause coma, convulsions, respiratory arrest, and death; leads to malnutrition, infection and hepatitis; sharing needles is a leading cause of the spread of HIV and Hepatitis; highly addictive.
  9. Sedatives: Tolerance increases rapidly; produces physical and psychological dependence; causes reduced reaction time, and confusion; overdoses can cause coma, respiratory arrest, convulsions, and death; withdrawal can be dangerous; in combination with other controlled substances can quickly cause coma and death.
IV. Standards of Conduct
  1. Standard of Conduct for Students. All students are prohibited from the following:
    1. Possession and/or consumption of alcohol on campus. Exceptions must be approved by the President of the College.
    2. Use and/or possession of marijuana and/or other illegal drugs.
    3. Possession of alcohol beverage containers (including decorative collections).
    4. Use, possession, and/or distribution of narcotic or other controlled substances except as permitted by law.
    5. Possession of drug paraphernalia, including but not limited to bongs, glass pipes, or hookahs.
    6. Providing or facilitating the use, possession and/or distribution of alcoholic beverages.
    7. Providing or facilitating the use, possession, and/or distribution of narcotic or other controlled substances except as permitted by law.
    8. Appearing at a College activity or on College property in a state of intoxication and/or under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs.
    9. Disruptive or disorderly conduct caused by the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs.
    10. Driving under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substance.
    11. Use and/or possession of a prescription drug if the prescription was not issued to the student or the distribution or sale of a prescription drug to a person to whom the prescription was not originally issued.
  2. Standard of Conduct for Employees.
    1. The use, consumption, or possession of any narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance by any student or employee of the College for which said student or employee does not have legal license or valid prescription is strictly prohibited. The unlicensed distribution, manufacture or sale of any narcotic, dangerous drug or controlled substance by any student or employee of the College is strictly prohibited.
    2. The College supports all federal, state, and local laws relating to the use of alcoholic beverages. The College also endorses the continual development of educational materials which emphasize the problems related to alcohol abuse.
    3. The legal age for possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages in Georgia is 21. The College expects this law to be strictly followed.
    4. The use, consumption, distribution, or sale of alcoholic beverages on any property owned or leased by the College is strictly prohibited. Exceptions may be made only by the President or a designee. No college funds or student activity fees may be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.

V. Applicable Sanctions

  1. Georgia Gwinnett College will impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees (consistent with federal, state, or local law) up to and including expulsion or termination of employment  for violations of the standards of conduct. Where applicable, a referral for prosecution may be warranted under the law.
  2. GGC Sanctions for Students:
    1. Students found in violation, through the College’s Student Integrity Process, of the Alcohol, Marijuana, and Other Drug Related Misconduct (see Conduct Regulation 5) are subject to the following possible sanctions:
      1. 1st offense: Alcohol, marijuana, and/or drug awareness activity and probation for the remainder of current semester and for the next 2 semesters (Fall and Spring semesters only) enrolled at the College. Probation extends through summer terms and/or any institutional breaks.
      2. 2nd offense while on probation: Suspension from institution for current semester and 1 subsequent semester (Fall or Spring semesters only). Summer suspension may not be substituted for a Fall or Spring semester and will be included if suspension is initiated during Spring semester.
    2. Any cost associated with drug and alcohol sanctioning will be the responsibility of the student violator. These are sanctioning guidelines. The findings of fact, any particular circumstances, and prior record of the student will be factors considered when determining any appropriate sanctions.
    3. Students who are dismissed, suspended, expelled, withdrawn, or otherwise removed from the College for any length of time should be aware that this action may adversely impact the following (this is not an exhaustive list):
      1. Privilege of living in campus Housing
      2. Housing costs and fees (suspension/expulsion does not forgive financial obligations)
      3. Tuition costs and fees (suspension/expulsion does not forgive financial obligations)
      4. Student Financial Aid including HOPE Scholarship
      5. Health insurance (contact your personal health care provider)
      6. Meal Plan
      7. Use of College resources and access to College facilities
      8. Immigration status for international students
      9. Veterans and dependents of veterans
      10. Student employment on campus
      11. Internships, assistantships, and study abroad
  3. GGC Sanctions for Employees:
    1. For further details on the Drug-Free Workplace Policy, consult the Board of Regents Policy Manual.
    2. An employee who is convicted of any drug violation which occurs in the workplace shall notify the Office of Human Resources within 24 hours of the disposition of or sentencing for a criminal case (including, but not limited to, pleas of guilty, nolle prosequi, sentencing under the Georgia First Offender Act, conviction, and nolo contendere). Employees are required to report the disposition of any case or sentencing occurring during employment even if the underlying crime occurred prior to employment.  Failure to report the disposition or sentencing may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
    3. Georgia Gwinnett College is committed to establishing and maintaining a drug-free workplace, in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. Under this policy, the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of any illegal drug is prohibited in all work areas of Georgia Gwinnett College, including buildings, vehicles, and grounds. Violations of this policy shall be considered sufficient grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination, regardless of whether such violation leads to criminal proceedings.
VI. Available Programs and Services
  1. For Students:
    1. On Campus: Counseling and Psychological Services (678) 407-5592
    2. Local Support Groups: Alcoholics Anonymous (404) 525-3178: Narcotics Anonymous - (678) 405-0840
    3. Drug and Alcohol Related Courses: Choices for Life (PHED 1101); Student Health 101 (Online Magazine); Wellness and Recreation Center Programs
  2. For Employees:
    1. Local Support Groups: Georgia Crisis and Access line 1-800-715-4225; Alcoholics Anonymous (404) 525-3178; Narcotics Anonymous (678) 405-0840
    2. Employee Assistance Plan (“EAP”):Contact Human Resources for contact information
VII. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies and Procedures

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Regulations
US Drug Enforcement Administration’s drug trafficking penalties
Board of Regents Policy Manual 4.6.4 Alcohol and Drugs on Campus