2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2022-2023 Administrative Policy Manual Published September 2, 2022 [ARCHIVED COPY]

Educational and Professional Leave for Faculty

Policy Number:
Effective Date: March 14, 2023
Revision History: Reviewed May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs/Provost

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

In accordance with Board of Regents (“BOR”) Policy Manual Educational and Professional Leave, Georgia Gwinnett College (“GGC”) is committed to providing opportunities for educational and professional leave so that faculty may pursue ongoing development as scholars and teachers in support of the mission of the College.

II. Scope

This policy applies to full-time faculty (including library faculty) at GGC who are eligible to apply for educational and professional leave.

III. Definitions

Educational and professional leave (hereafter referred to as “leave”): For purposes of this policy, educational and professional leave is defined as a leave of absence with or without pay provided by the administration for full-time faculty to pursue professional development through research, writing, creative activity, training, and other projects that directly benefit the institution and the academy. During such leaves, faculty members are exempt from all GGC activities including but not limited to teaching, student engagement, and institutional service obligations.

IV. Eligibility and Faculty Obligations
  1. Full-time faculty (including library faculty) at GGC on 3 or 5 year appointments are eligible to apply in September of their sixth year for leave to begin the following year.
  2. Applicants must notify their Dean by the first Wednesday in September of their intention to submit an application for leave for the following academic year.
  3. Upon notification of award of leave, the faculty member must meet with the Dean to assure that normal responsibilities are covered, and with the Director of Benefits to make arrangements for continued insurance coverage (including notifying the hosting organization, if any, of such arrangements) and continuing retirement payments by both the individual and the institution.
  4. Should leave be awarded pending external funding, the faculty member is responsible for presenting proof of application and funding approval.
V. Period of Leave and Limitations
  1. Leave may be one semester with full pay or two consecutive semesters at half-pay. Individuals must work with the Office of Benefits to ensure continuing benefits.
  2. Benefits are allocated according to BOR policy. Time spent on leave will be considered as time in rank for the calculation of years of service towards promotion.
  3. Limitations:
    1. Leave cannot be used for the express purpose of developing courses for use at GGC. Leave cannot be used to accept a temporary teaching appointment
    2. A second leave will not be granted until the sixth year after the end of the previous leave.
    3. If the faculty member does not return to GGC at the agreed time he or she must reimburse the institution for all associated costs from salary and benefits.
VI. Proposals for Leave
  1. Proposals must have a stated outcome that focuses on scholarship and/or faculty development projects that will enhance a faculty member’s teaching, research and/or creative activity, or professional service. Appropriate activities might include, but are not limited to:
    1. Concentrated research and/or creative activity on a special project, either locally or through travel to another institution or location;
    2. Working in an applied setting related to professional training; o working in a substantial leadership position in a professional organization.
  2. Proposals may be rejected on either logistical grounds (e.g., insufficient funds) or substantive grounds (e.g., proposal was without sufficient merit or failed to meet appropriate criteria. (Please see “Proposal Review” section below.)
  3. Proposal format. In order to facilitate and expedite the review of proposals, proposals must be submitted in the following format (i.e., order of content) and explicitly address all specified proposal elements listed below. Proposals that are not consistent with the following formatting instructions may not be considered. The proposal must be paginated.
    1. Cover sheet
    2. Summary (no more than 300 words, double-spaced): Provide a short summary of the proposed activities during the leave and resulting outcomes. 
    3. Narrative (no more than 1500 words, excluding bibliography, double-spaced, 1 inch margins): The applicant will describe in detail the proposed leave using the following framework and specifically addressing all of the items listed. The reviewing committee is composed of faculty who may not be experts in the applicant’s field of scholarship. Therefore, it is important to write the narrative in clear, direct language. Make it “reader friendly” by eliminating jargon and avoiding acronyms whenever possible.
      1. Project Description: Provide a clear and documented overview of the rationale, purpose, and outcomes of the proposed leave project. Overview must include:
        1. A clear description of the project itself, including rationale, existing knowledge and/or work to date, and methodology;
        2. How the project relates to professional development that enhances teaching, research and/or creative activity, and/or professional service, and/or student engagement;
        3. Measurable outcomes/products for professional development that are a direct result of the project (expected short-term outcomes, i.e., what will be produced at the end of the leave, and long-term outcomes/products related to enhancing teaching, research and/or creative activity, and/or professional service);
        4. How the project relates to the strategic goals and mission of the discipline, school, and GGC; and,
        5. A description of any other funds or resources available during the leave (e.g., compensation for employment during the leave). Also, address any plans for collaboration and collaborative goals.
      2. Sustainability: If leave-related activities will continue after return, provide an action plan and timeline for realistic long-term goals and activities. Identify discipline, school, and/or College support and resources where applicable.
      3. Dissemination: Provide a plan for disseminating the results of the project through presentations, exhibitions, and/or publications.
    4. Timeline: Provide a timeline that delineates a realistic and achievable project schedule that indicates plans for achieving the desired outcomes/products and the specific activities planned during the leave.
    5. Current Condensed Curriculum Vitae (maximum 2 pages): Highlight up to 5 of the most relevant publications to the leave proposal)
    6. Letters of Support: The applicant will provide 2 letters of support from those familiar with the leave’s proposed activities (internal and/or external). These letters should complement the proposal by demonstrating a similar outlook on how this leave will contribute to the fields and/or the applicant’s professional development. These letters should also explain why the applicant is uniquely qualified for this particular position. If the applicant is planning to work as a research associate at a colleague’s lab, at a professional organization, or in an applied setting, provide at least one support letter from someone at that setting.
    7. Previous and Current GGC Funding Award: List all GGC internal funding awards received up to this submission.
    8. Outcomes of Past GGC Leaves: If the applicant has been on leave at GGC, describe the outcomes of most recent past leave. This statement can be based in whole or in part on the report submitted after the leave.
    9. Replacement Budget Funding Statement of Understanding: When external funding is obtained, include a statement of understanding and proposed use of replacement budget funding signed by the School Dean.
  4. Proposal Review. Leave proposals are reviewed on a competitive basis. The following criteria guide the evaluation and ranking of proposals:
    1. The quality of the proposal and application. The score on this criterion rates how thoroughly and effectively the applicant has presented the information and materials required in sections I-IX of the application for Educational and Professional Leave. This includes considering the extent to which the proposal includes an explicit action plan and timeline that delineates a realistic and achievable schedule of outcomes both during and after the leave.
    2. The contribution the leave will make towards strengthening the faculty member as a scholar and teacher. This criterion rates the effect of the proposed activities and outcomes on the strength and quality of the faculty member as a teaching scholar. Score is based on both the argument made by the applicant and the judgment of committee members.
    3. The contribution the leave will make towards fulfilling the strategic goals and mission of the faculty member’s discipline, school, and GGC. This criterion rates the potential of the proposed activities to increase the faculty member’s ability to further the goals of their particular discipline while “promoting a supportive, enhanced learning environment by developing the campus community and empowering students with opportunities for holistic development through a diversity of high quality, student-centered programs and services.”
    4. The practicability of the proposal in light of available resources for the project. This criterion rates the potential of the faculty member achieving the stated outcomes/products of the project considering the resources available during and after the leave. That includes the practicality of achieving both short-term outcomes, (the results of the project) and the extent to which there are discipline/school and college support and resources to sustain resulting initiatives after the leave. Under this criterion the leave committee should consider the degree to which the applicant achieved the stated goals and outcomes of any previous Educational and Professional Leaves.
    5. The extent to which the applicant has an established record of excellence in teaching, research and/or creative activity, and/or professional service and/or student engagement. This criterion is rated using the number of years of academic training, work experience, pattern of publications and presentations, service to the profession and to GGC, and record of student engagement. Most of this information is presented in the applicant’s CV and letters of support.
  5. Proposal Questions and Assistance
    1. Because this is a highly competitive program, applicants are strongly encouraged to attend a workshop on preparing a leave application. If there are questions concerning the application process, contact the relevant Dean or the Chair of the relevant Educational & Professional Leave Committee.
    2. As part of faculty professional development, GGC will share past successful leave applications with faculty and provide training and assistance to faculty preparing a leave proposal.
VII. Proposal Evaluation Process
  1. Educational and Professional Leave Committee Review
    1. Each school and the library will establish an Educational and Professional Leave Committee (“Leave Committee”) that consists of 3 faculty members elected by their peers.
      1. During the fourth week of the spring semester, each school and the library will make all arrangements for conducting an election to replace the member rotating off the Leave Committee. The election should be conducted promptly. Voting in the election will be by confidential ballot.
      2. Full-time faculty at the rank of Associate and Full with 3 or more years of employment at GGC who will not apply for leave during the term to which they would be elected are eligible to serve on the Leave Committee.
      3. Each Leave Committee member will serve a 3-year term. Terms are staggered by one year. To establish the first Leave Committee, three members will be elected initially with one member serving a 3-year term, one a 2-year term, and one a single year term.
      4. A special election will be held to replace Leave Committee members that resign from the committee, vacate their membership due to health or other personal reasons, or are applying for leave themselves.
    2. The goal of the Leave Committee is to score and rank all leave applications and to decide whether each has merit and should be recommended for leave. Leave Committee members will rank score the proposal and application objectively and consistently using the Faculty Leave Review and Ranking Rubric (“Rubric”) approved by the GGC Faculty Senate. The Leave Committee will maintain confidentiality concerning both the contents of leave applications and the discussion of the applications within the meetings.
    3. The Leave Committee will prepare a written evaluation of each application. The written evaluation will conclude with a statement of whether the Committee finds the proposal meritorious or not. The statement will clearly indicate whether the Leave Committee recommends or does not recommend awarding leave and why. The Committee will submit the evaluations to the appropriate Dean of the school or library.
  2. Dean and Provost Review
    1. The Dean of the school or library makes final recommendations for leave (including consideration of the logistical practicality of granting the leaves) and forwards the application and review on to the Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs/Provost (“Provost”).
    2. The Provost determines how many of the top ranked applicants will be granted leave based on the recommendations of the Leave Committee and the Dean and on logistical practicalities such as financial resources and the school’s ability to cover the responsibilities of the applicants.
    3. There are occasions when all qualified applications for leave cannot be granted because the school cannot fund all faculty members whose applications are found meritorious. BOR policy Educational and Professional Leave explains that “[i]f the employee’s work cannot be handled by other employees and if funds are not available for the employment of a substitute, the president will be justified in refusing to recommend that the leave be granted or in deferring action upon the request for a leave.”
    4. If an applicant’s proposal is considered meritorious but is not selected by the Provost, an explanation for this decision will be provided to the applicant. This explanation will include suggestions for aiding selection in a future round of applications. Any meritorious proposals not accommodated in the initial round of funding will be funded in rank order if additional funding becomes available.
VIII. Funded Leave Completion Requirements
  1. All publications and presentations must acknowledge the assistance of GGC.
  2. Within 30 days of the start of the Fall or Spring semester in which the faculty member returns, the leave recipient will submit a comprehensive final report to the Provost and the appropriate Dean addressing outcomes/products of the leave with respect to enhanced teaching, research and/or creative activity, and/or professional service.
IX. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures

BOR Policy Manual Educational and Professional Leave