Policy Number: 8.3.9
Effective Date: March 1, 2023
Revision History: Reviewed May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs/Provost; Chief Human Resources Officer
I. Purpose and Policy Statement
The Georgia Gwinnett College (“GGC”) President or his or her designee may at any time remove any faculty member or other employee for cause. Cause shall include willful or intentional violation of Board of Regents (“BOR”) or GGC policies or as otherwise set forth in BOR or GGC policies.
A faculty member, before the end of his/her contract term, may be dismissed for any of the reasons specified below (under “Grounds for Removal”), provided that GGC has complied with procedural due process requirements. Removals for cause shall be governed by the policies specified herein. Remedial actions taken as part of the annual evaluation process for faculty are not governed by this policy, but rather are governed by the procedures set out in the GGC Faculty Evaluation Manual.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all GGC faculty members and other employees.
III. Roles and Responsibilities
School Deans will submit recommendations about dismissal of faculty to the Office of Academic Affairs and Human Resources for review and approval.
IV. Grounds for Removal
- A faculty member may be dismissed before the end of his/her contract term for any of the following reasons:
- Conviction or admission of guilt of a felony or of a crime involving moral turpitude during the period of employment–or prior thereto if the conviction or admission of guilt was willfully concealed;
- Professional incompetency, neglect of duty, or default of academic integrity in teaching, in research, or in scholarship;
- Unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale, use, or possession of marijuana, a controlled substance, or other illegal or dangerous drugs as defined by applicable laws; teaching or working under the influence of alcohol or illegal or dangerous drugs, which interfere with the faculty member’s performance of duty or his/her responsibilities to the institution or to his/her profession;
- Conviction or admission of guilt in a court proceeding of any criminal drug offense;
- Physical or mental incompetency as determined by law or by a medical board of three or more licensed physicians and reviewed by a committee of the faculty;
- False swearing with respect to official documents filed with or given to the institution;
- Disruption of any teaching, research, administrative, disciplinary, public service, or other authorized activity;
- Theft, intentional destruction, or defacing of the College’s property or the personal property of others;
- Deliberate or careless conduct endangering the safety of self or other employees, including provoking/instigating a fight during working hours, on College property, or while conducting College business matters;
- Abusive, threatening, or coercive treatment of another individual while on duty or on College property;
- Harassment (including sexual harassment), discrimination, or other violations under federal/state laws or in accordance with Board of Regents and/or campus harassment and discrimination policies;
- Possession of firearms or explosives on College property without written permission from management, except as authorized under Georgia law.
- Violation of BOR or GGC policies, including BOR Policy 8.2.1 (non-discrimination), BOR Policy (sexual harassment), or BOR Policy (amorous relationships, including but not limited to inappropriate relationships with students).
- Standards governing faculty conduct, including sanctions short of dismissal, and procedures for implementation of such sanctions, are found in the Faculty Manual of Policies and Procedures and the Administrative Policy Manual.
V. Procedures for Dismissal
GGC adheres to BOR Policy Manual Procedures for Dismissal.
VI. Dismissal of Temporary, Limited Term, or Part-Time Instructional Personnel
GGC adheres to BOR Policy Manual Dismissal of Temporary, Limited Term, or Part-Time Instructional Personnel.
VII. Temporary Suspension During Pendency of Criminal Charges
GGC adheres to BOR Policy Manual Temporary Suspension During Pendency of Criminal Charges.
VIII. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures
BOR Policy Manual 8.3.9 Discipline and Removal of Faculty Members