2024-2025 Administrative Policy Manual Published August 1, 2024 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Administrative Policy Manual Published August 1, 2024

Section 9 - Facilities

Facilities Compliance

Policy Number: 9.1 
Effective Date: February 20, 2023
Revision History: None
Policy Contact: Associate Vice President of Operations; Executive Director of Facilities

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

As a member of the University System of Georgia (“USG”), Georgia Gwinnett College (“GGC”) complies with the Facilities requirements and recommendations documented in the Board of Regents (“BOR”) Policy Manual Section 9.0: Facilities. When beneficial, GGC develops College-specific policies and procedures to supplement the content in the BOR Policy Manual.

II. Scope

This policy applies to all members of the campus community. The campus community includes all faculty, administrators, staff including student workers, students, alumni, interns, and volunteers as well as members of the Board of Trustees, College-sponsored advisory committees, visitors, vendors, and other service providers.

III. Definitions

Facilities: Facilities includes all space, buildings, and grounds across the campus used to conduct the business of GGC. Scope includes all programming, design, construction, and maintenance/upkeep of the built environment

IV. Roles and Responsibilities

The office of Facilities at GGC provides leadership and support for any new or remodeled space on campus, to ensure they meet all State and Federal codes and guidelines, as well as USG policies.
All community members are responsible for complying with Facilities policies, standards, and procedures.

V. Compliance

Individuals found to be in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary or legal action.

VI. Related Regulations, Statues, Policies, and Procedures

Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.0: Facilities


Facilities Use by Non-College Groups

Policy Number:
Effective Date: May 25, 2017
Revision History: August 1, 2022; September 16, 2021; May 1, 2017; May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Director of Operations

Purpose and Policy Statement

Georgia Gwinnett College facilities and grounds are utilized for the primary purpose of fulfilling the educational mission of the College. Facilities may be available to external groups or organizations. This policy provides guidance for any non-GGC group requesting space on the GGC campus and establishes usage rules, scheduling priorities, controls, and fees associated with event management for Georgia Gwinnett College.

This policy applies to non-College groups and GGC students, faculty, staff, and volunteers who approve or participate in programs or activities involving non-College groups and who are responsible for understanding and complying with this policy.

Non-College group: For-profit and non-profit organizations, businesses, affiliations, groups, or individuals not officially associated with GGC.
Facilities: All permanent, semi-permanent, or temporary buildings or structures, the grounds, furniture, supplies, and equipment located on the GGC campus.

Roles and Responsibilities

Director of Operations: Signs off on event deliverables, event costs and whether event meets qualifications for being held at GGC

External Point of Contact (EPOC): Main contact for non-College group

Activity Lead: Main contact for GGC and liaison for EPOC

Public Safety Staff: Determines and controls public safety arrangements, including but not limited to, the type, number and placement of public safety personnel

Event Participants: Complies with all directives of all GGC event and Public Safety staff

Event Requests

All requests for use of College facilities or grounds must be made by submitting a request to the Director of Operations at least thirty (30) business days prior to the event. The Director of Operations or his/her designee will evaluate all requests and respond to requesting groups in a timely manner. If a request is approved, it must be finalized by a legal agreement between the non-College group and GGC. Non-College groups should contact the Director of Operations for procedures.

Event Approval Requirements and Priority Hierarchy

The event must not conflict with scheduled events and activities related to the mission of the institution. Any event using Foundation facilities must also obtain approval from the GGC Foundation.

First priority for use of the College’s facilities will be given to College departments, divisions, programs, and offices for curricular, administrative, and other College purposes. Thereafter, priority for space usage will follow the order set forth below:

  1. Meetings and events where the primary participants are GGC employees, approved student clubs and organizations, and GGC alumni;
  2. GGC-sponsored community meetings and non-profit events that contribute to the academic mission of the College;
  3. Meeting and event requests by for-profit organizations and private use groups.
Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Policies

All events are subject to local, state, and federal laws and all USG and GGC regulations and policies, including but not limited to:APM 4.1.9 Freedom of Expression
APM 8.2.89 Tobacco and Smoke Free Campus “Breathe Easy” Policy 
APM 4.6.4 Alcohol and Drugs on Campus 
APM 9.12.65 Georgia Gwinnet College Campus Security Act Compliance
APM 7.64 Corporate Relations and Sponsorship Policy 
APM 7.61 The Georgia Gwinnett College Fundraising Policy   
APM 12.9 Protection of Non-Student Minors 

Event Safety

Non-College groups must ensure the safety and accessibility of participants by arranging event furnishings and equipment to allow safe passage by participants.


Non-College groups are required to carry insurance in an amount satisfactory to GGC.  The policy should name GGC as an additional insured on a primary and noncontributory basis. Proof of insurance must be provided to the Director of Operations five (5) days prior to the event.


Rental charges may be assessed for the use of College facilities and grounds by non-College groups.  The rental fees may include, but are not limited to, charges for the use of space and expenses related to personnel, equipment, and set-up/cleanup services required for the event. Non-profit groups will provide documentation of non-profit status.  Appropriate fees are determined by the Director of Operations or his/her designee and will be assessed based on the requirements of the event. The President has the authority to override and/or reduce any fees and/or costs except for insurance requirements for the event.

Cancellation and Changes to Space Assignments

Georgia Gwinnett College Public Safety, in coordination with the Vice President of Operations, may cancel without advance notice any event not in compliance with the terms of the rental contract or to accommodate any unforeseen safety or operational need of the College.

Facility assignments may be changed to accommodate the operational needs of the College.

Commercial Activities

Any event that involves commercial activities must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Any items or services intended for sale at an event on the GGC campus must be approved by the Director of Operations or designee at least thirty (30) business days prior to the event.
  2. Approved items or services sold on campus may be subject to a commission fee.
  3. GGC accepts no liability for products or services sold by facility users.
  4. All items or services offered must be congruent with GGC’s mission and must not conflict with established contracts.
  5. Any group selling unapproved goods or services on campus may be subject to a monetary fine and denied future reservation requests.
Use of Athletics Facilities

Use of GGC Athletics facilities will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the Director of Athletics or designee.   The Director of Athletics or designee will inform the Director of Operations on all use by non-college groups when utilizing GGC Facilities. 

Political Campaigns 

See Board of Regents Policy Manual Section

Food Service

Food and beverage service is available through the on-site food service provider.  Individuals or groups using the College facilities or grounds must arrange catering directly with the on-site provider.  Any outside vendor must be approved by Auxiliary Services and the campus food service provider at least fifteen (15) days before the event.

Audio-Visual and Computer Equipment

Non-College groups may use College-owned audio-visual and computer equipment (usage fee may apply) or bring in their own equipment.  Groups are responsible for all set-up of equipment brought into the College, including checking all voltages and connections prior to installing or using any equipment. The Non-College group will be held responsible for any damages caused by the use of outside equipment.

Alcohol at Events

Alcohol is prohibited at student events.  Groups that wish to serve alcohol at events must request written permission from the GGC President or designee.  If approval is granted, alcoholic beverages may be served under the following conditions:

  • Alcohol must be dispensed by and coordinated with the GGC food service provider;
  • All College policies and local and state laws must be obeyed;
  • At least one (1) police or security officer must be on duty at the event. The Chief of Public Safety will determine the number of officers who are required and will make the necessary arrangements.
  • Non-College groups are responsible for all costs associated with serving alcohol.
Non-Endorsement Statement

Any group contracting for the use of GGC facilities must include this statement in any printed materials or advertisements: “Facilities for this meeting are provided as a service by GGC.  This service in no way implies College sponsorship or endorsement.”


Sustainability, Efficiency, And Effectiveness

Policy Number: 9.12.1
Effective Date: February 20, 2023
Revision History: Reviewed May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Director of Environmental Health and Safety

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

In accordance with Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 9.11.1, Georgia Gwinnett College shall:

  1. Manage natural and fiscal resources in a responsible and balanced way that intentionally reduces negative environmental impacts, restores natural systems, and promotes long-term prosperity;
  2. Design, construct, operate, and maintain facilities in consideration of the environmental, social and economic systems on which our campuses depend;
  3. Remain committed to the implementation of best practices related to buildings, climate, energy, food systems, grounds, purchasing, renewable resources, transportation, waste streams, and water;
  4. Create a culture of sustainability in thought and action by promoting awareness, encouraging participation, and leading by example; and,
  5. Engage in measures to maximize and improve the quality of life within the communities GGC serves.
II. Scope

Responsibility for overall implementation lies with the GGC President, but students, faculty, and staff share in the responsibility to promote these principles


Environmental Health and Safety

Policy Number: 9.12.4
Effective Date: February 20, 2023
Revision History: August 31, 2021; Auguat 23, 2017
Policy Contact: Director of Environmental Health and Safety

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

This policy formalizes the Georgia Gwinnett College commitment to safety, health, and environmental protection and defines the strategy for achieving and maintaining compliance with applicable laws and regulations.  Written programs, plans, manuals and safety guidelines designed to accomplish environmental health and safety goals are incorporated into this policy by reference and upon approval by the Environmental Health and Safety Committee.

II. Scope

All GGC faculty, staff, and students are responsible for understanding and complying with this policy.

III. Roles and Responsibilities
  1. Georgia Gwinnett College (“GGC”) is considered one entity from a legal, regulatory, and public perspective and is held accountable as such by federal, state, and local authorities and granting agencies. Therefore, the actions of GGC individual constituents may be perceived as the actions of the entire College. When one constituent does not adhere to procedures, it has the potential to affect the entire community.
  2. Members of the GGC Community: It is the responsibility of individuals at GGC to conduct their activities in a safe manner and in compliance with all applicable policies, laws, and regulations. This responsibility includes participation in training, abiding by established safety procedures and reporting safety hazards and/or potential violations of regulations to their supervisor or to Environmental Health and Safety.
  3. Supervisors: Supervisors are responsible for ensuring compliance with environmental health and safety standards and policies as well as applicable local, state, and federal regulations for those under their authority. Supervisors are responsible for assessing the potential hazards associated with the tasks of the participants in the programs under their authority, reducing or eliminating identified hazards, communicating those hazards and protective measures to the participants in their programs, and for determining the ability of those participants to perform their tasks safely. Therefore, each supervisor is responsible for ensuring that participants in their programs are adequately trained. Supervisors are also responsible for facilitating internal and external inspections and audits as well as taking prompt action when unsafe or noncompliant acts or conditions are discovered or reported to them. Supervisors must report unsafe acts or conditions, noncompliance, injuries, or incidents to the appropriate internal department.
  4. Deans, Directors, Administrators: It is the responsibility of Deans, Directors, and Administrators to ensure that each academic or administrative unit under their authority conducts its operations in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and University System of Georgia and GGC policies. This responsibility includes, but is not limited to, ensuring the use of appropriate safety practices, equipment, and facilities in activities under their authority; establishing safety programs (including safety committees) in their school, department, or center; and implementing specific school, department, or center-level policies and procedures for safety and compliance.
  5. Executive Administration (President, Provost, and Vice Presidents): Executive Administration provides appropriate financial and organizational support to assure GGC operations are conducted safely and in compliance with applicable environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations. Executive Administration approves and authorizes the implementation of policies and programs for safety and compliance including the establishment of consequences for non-compliance as well as unsafe acts or creating unsafe working conditions.
IV. Core Requirements
  1. Georgia Gwinnett College will support and maintain a strong commitment to safety, health and environmental protection through:
    1. Assuring compliance with federal, state and local safety, health, and environmental requirements;
    2. Minimizing hazards, reducing pollution and continuously improving our practices regarding safety, health, and environmental protection;
    3. Empowering GGC’s faculty, staff, and students to demonstrate individual and institutional leadership in all matters pertaining to safety, health, and environmental protection while preserving academic freedom in research and education and evidence-based practices;
    4. Protecting and maintaining safe and secure facilities for teaching, patient care, research, living and work;
    5. Emphasizing open communication with our community regarding safety, health, and environmental issues;
    6. Instilling in and exemplifying for GGC’s students the values of environmental stewardship
V. Environmental Health and Safety Management
  1. GGC has established an Environmental Health and Safety Department within Operations and standing committees to assist in maintaining compliance and managing the multitude of issues associated with environmental health and safety regulations and laws and, to provide oversight and recommend policy. These are identified and described below:
    1. GGC Environmental Health and Safety: Environmental Health and Safety (“EHS”) is funded and supported by GGC to serve as a central management resource on matters related to environmental health and safety. EHS serves as a technical resource and provides a broad range of environmental health and safety services to the College including: development of policies and programs, assessment and recommendations for the control of safety and environmental hazards, oversight/auditing of GGC environmental health and safety management activities, providing safety support to emergency-response teams, and management of a comprehensive web-based learning management system for safety training. EHS provides analysis and required oversight of environmental health and safety regulatory requirements that impact GGC operations. EHS coordinates the GGC response to matters pertaining to external regulatory inspections, enforcement actions, investigations, or employee complaints related to workplace safety or environmental compliance.
    2. Environmental Health and Safety Committee (“EHSC”): The EHSC is a standing committee, chartered to manage environmental health and safety issues. The committee is a deliberative body, which is representative of the GGC community, and includes members from academic and administrative divisions on campus. It is the committee’s responsibility to advise the President through the Associate Vice President of Operations, to administratively coordinate the various environmental health and safety-related efforts of the GGC community, to develop policy in all areas affecting the maintenance of safe campus environments, and to guide and support the environmental health and safety efforts at GGC.  This committee develops and recommends to the Associate Vice President of Operations policies and actions that will reduce sources and levels of risk. This is accomplished through proactive assessment of potential safety, health, and environmental issues, by responding to concerns raised by members of the campus community, and with respect to applicable regulatory requirements. Administrative responsibility for support of the EHSC has been delegated by the President to the Associate Vice President of Operations.  The Associate Vice President of Operations can redelegate this responsibility to a senior member within their chain-of-command. Consistent with USG and the Board of Regents guidance and particular regulations which may apply, standing committees exist within the GGC structure to develop specific policies and procedures related to hazardous materials and hazardous operations (radiological, biological, chemical and occupational). Although College-wide in the scope of its activities, service of individuals appointed to the EHSC does not change established line authorities and reporting responsibilities. Standing committees that are assigned safety responsibilities at GGC are responsible for reviewing issues and recommending specific operational programs and practices within their areas of expertise. The EHSC, based on thorough consideration of the collected technical input and administrative advice submitted by the standing committees, officially formulates policy and recommends actions for approval by the Associate Vice President of Operations. The body of approved EHSC policy and associated guidelines and procedures constitutes the standard for safe facilities, operations, and practices at GGC. The EHSC can review procedures, programs, and protocols approved by the standing committees and vote to override the committees’ action when an unacceptable safety or environmental risk is posed or inappropriately addressed. However, the EHSC cannot approve procedures, programs, or protocols that have been rejected by the standing committees.
VI. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures

BOR Policy Manual 7.11 Risk Management Policy
BOR Policy Manual 9.11.4 Environmental and Occupational Safety
BOR Policy Manual 9.11.1 Sustainability, Efficiency, and Effectiveness
BOR Policy Manual 7.12 Compliance
BOR Policy Manual Code of Conduct
CFR Title 29 Parts 1901 - 1999 Occupational Safety and Health Act
CFR Title 40 Protection of the Environment
CFR Title 49 Parts 100 - 199 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
CFR Title 10 Parts 1 - 50 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Georgia Rules & Regulations 120-3 Rules of  Safety Fire Commissioner
Georgia Rules & Regulations 300-3-19 Public Employees Hazardous Chemicals Protection and Right to Know Rules
Georgia Rules & Regulations 391-3 Environmental Protection
O.C.G.A. §§ 12-16-1 - 12-16-9 Georgia Environmental Policy Act
GGC SST Chemical Hygiene Plan
GGC SST Biological Safety Manual
GGC SST Chemistry Safety Manual
GGC SST Physics Safety Manual    



Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

Policy Number:
Effective Date: March 14, 2023
Revision History: May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: AVP Operations/Chief of Police

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

Georgia Gwinnett College is committed to providing a safe and healthy campus environment for all students, staff, faculty, parents, and visitors. GGC will establish and maintain an Automated External Defibrillator (“AED”) program. This program includes the establishment of an oversight committee chaired by the Associate Vice President for Public Safety/Chief of Police. The committee is responsible for the development of appropriate guidelines to ensure consistency in purchasing, placement, training, maintenance, and oversight of AEDs on the GGC campus. While participation in the AED program is highly recommended, it is optional for GGC departments.

II. Scope

This program has been established to provide training and equipment in case any person on campus has a sudden cardiac arrest incident. Having this equipment and training can help save lives, as a person could die without treatment within minutes.

III. Definitions

Automated External Defibrillator (“AED”): A lightweight, portable device that delivers an electric shock through the chest to the heart. The shock can potentially stop an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) and allow a normal rhythm to resume. A sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart malfunctions and stops beating unexpectedly.

IV. Responsibilities

Training in the use of an AED is not required, but it is recommended to help the rescuer increase their comfort and level of confidence. However, AEDs are intended for use by the general public. Most AEDs use audible voice prompts to guide the user through the process. Training can help make a person more familiar and comfortable with using these types of devices.


Reckless Skateboard And Bicycle Use

Policy Number: 9.12.8
Effective Date: March 14, 2023
Revision History: May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: AVP Operations/Chief of Police

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

Georgia Gwinnett College has a responsibility to prevent and deter behaviors that are likely to cause personal injury, property damage, and/or disrupt College operations. This policy bans reckless skateboarding and bicycle use that endangers safety and College property, or threatens normal campus activities. Skateboarding and bicycling are not crimes. However, actions that may endanger oneself or other individuals, damage property, or disrupt the mission of the College are considered to be harmless activities. The use of skateboards, scooters, roller skates/ blades, and bicycles is not permitted in any building on GGC property unless authorized by the Office of Public Safety. The Office of Public Safety is responsible for the safe operation of the campus and may adopt rules or regulations to restrict or specify the conditions for, the use of bicycles, motorized bicycles, scooters, skateboards, and roller skates/blades on campus.

II. Scope

All faculty, staff, students and visitors to Georgia Gwinnett College are expected to adhere to this policy and the applicable procedures. All have a collective responsibility to promote the safety and health of the campus community. Effective implementation depends on the respect and cooperation of all members of the College community.

III. Definitions

Reckless Skateboarding/Bicycle Use: In the context of this policy, Reckless Skateboarding/Bicycle Use refers to the use of any wheeled vehicle or device in a manner that endangers public safety, threatens College property, or disrupts College operations. This use includes, but is not limited to, maneuvers that are aerial or that transition from campus walkways onto stairs, curbs, benches, rails, seating areas, or vice versa, as well as from or to any other elevated constructs. It also includes using skateboards, scooters, roller skates/ blades, and bicycles in ways that clearly create unsafe conditions (e.g., traveling at unsafe speeds, traversing downhill with no method of stopping, etc.).

IV. Restrictions on Hoverboards

Due to fire concerns surrounding Hoverboards, GGC has chosen to prohibit the use, possession, or storage of Hoverboards, Segways, or similar devices in all GGC buildings. This includes, but is not limited to residence halls, classroom buildings, administration buildings, and indoor recreational facilities. Residential students who own Hoverboards and similar devices shall not bring them to campus due to fire concerns regarding the batteries that operate the boards. Although not prohibited, GGC strongly cautions against storing these products in vehicles.

V. Responsibilities

All students, staff, faculty, and campus visitors are required to use wheeled vehicles in a manner that is safe, respects the rights of others, and adheres to applicable Georgia statutes and other related campus policies. Moreover, the reckless use of skateboards and bicycles, as defined in this policy, is not permitted. Pedestrians have the right of way on sidewalks in the interior of campus. Those individuals using wheeled vehicles are encouraged to walk their wheels in areas of campus where there is high pedestrian traffic, if able.

VI. Enforcement

Campus Police are solely charged with the enforcement of this policy by preventing or stopping individuals who are engaged in reckless skateboarding and bicycling activities, as defined in this policy. Campus Police may refer Georgia Gwinnett College student violators to Student Integrity, and in the case of Georgia Gwinnett College faculty and staff, to the appropriate Dean or Department Head. In accordance with O.C.G.A. 16-11-35, Campus Police may advise those not affiliated with Georgia Gwinnett College to leave the campus.

For comments or questions regarding this policy, members of the campus community and the community at large are encouraged to call Campus Police at 678-407-5333 for more information.


Georgia Gwinnett College Clery Act and VAWA Compliance Policy

Policy Number: 9.12.65
Effective Date: September 26, 2024
Revision History: March 14, 2023; June 15, 2021
Policy Contact: Associate Vice President of Facilities/Chief of Police

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to outline roles and responsibilities for compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Clery Act”) and the Violence Against Women Act (hereinafter referred to as “VAWA”). The Clery Act is a federal law that requires institutions of higher education participating in Title IV student aid programs to disclose information about certain crimes, emergencies, and various safety related policies with the goal of enhancing campus safety. It is the policy of the College to comply with its obligations under the Clery Act and VAWA.

This policy establishes the Clery Act compliance infrastructure and provides a structured and consistent process for oversight, policy and procedure review, and appropriate training and education for Clery Act and VAWA awareness and compliance. The College encourages accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to College Public Safety and/or appropriate police agencies, when the victim of a crime elects to, or is unable to, make such a report.

II. Scope

This policy applies to all members of the campus community. The campus community includes all faculty, administrators, staff including student workers, students, alumni, interns, and volunteers as well as members of the Board of Trustees, College-sponsored advisory committees, visitors, vendors, and other service providers.

III. Definitions

Annual Fire Report: Institutions are required to annually publish this report to comply with the reporting requirements contained in Section 485 of the Higher Education Act, Campus Fire Safety Right-to-Know. This report provides information such as statistics on fire-related incidents and/ or injuries that have occurred in residence halls, descriptions of each residence hall’s fire safety system, number of fire evacuation drills performed, the institution’s fire safety policy and procedures, and plans for future residence hall fire safety improvements. This report may be combined with the Annual Security Report.

Annual Security Report (“ASR”): The Clery Act and the United States Department of Education’s regulations require Title IV participating institutions to publish an annual security report containing safety and security related policy statements and crime statistics and distribute it to all current students and employees. Institutions must also inform prospective students and employees about the availability of the report.

Campus Security Authority (“CSA”): Individuals who, because of their responsibilities with the College, have an obligation under the Clery Act to share information with the College about alleged Clery Crimes that are either reported to them and/or are personally witnessed by them. These individuals, by virtue of their positions or official job duties, are required to report these crimes to the College. These individuals at the College are the following College officials who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities:

  1. Public Safety department and security personnel;
  2. The Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students;
  3. Student Affairs Professionals;
  4. Director of Athletics;
  5. The Director of Housing;
  6. Resident Assistants and Resident Directors;
  7. Director of Student Involvement; and,
  8. Title IX Coordinator and the Title IX office members.

Classification Review Work Group: The Classification Review Work Group is a multidisciplinary team tasked with supporting the work of the Clery Act Coordinator through collaborative review of alleged criminal incidents to ensure complete and accurate identification and appropriate classification of Clery-reportable crimes, arrests, and disciplinary referrals.

Clery Act Committee: The Clery Act Committee is a multidisciplinary team tasked with supporting the work of the Clery Act Coordinator and providing strategic vision and planning for Clery Act compliance.

Clery Act Coordinator: The Clery Act Coordinator, under the direction of the Office of Public Safety, serves as the Chair of the Clery Act Committee and the Classification Review Work Group.

Clery Act Crimes (“Clery Crimes”): Specific crimes, as defined by the Clery Act, for which the College is required to report statistics annually to the campus community and U.S. Department of Education (“ED”).

Clery Geography: All buildings or property that meet the definition of on-campus, public property, or non-campus buildings or property as defined below, where the College is required to report Clery Crime statistics.

  1. On-Campus - Any building or property:
    1. Owned or controlled by the College within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area and used by the College in direct support of, or in a manner related to, the College’s educational purposes, including residence halls.
    2. Within or reasonably contiguous to the area identified above in section a., but controlled by another person, is frequently used by students, and supports institutional purposes (such as food or other retail vendor).
  2. On-Campus Student Housing Facility (Subset of On-Campus): A dormitory or other residential facility for students that is in the College’s On-Campus geography as defined above.
  3. Public Property: All public property, including thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks, and parking facilities, that is within the campus, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
  4. Non-Campus Building or Property:
    1. Buildings or property, including those located outside the United States, that are:
      1. Owned or controlled by the College
      2. Used in direct support of, or in relation to, the College’s educational purposes
      3. Is frequently used by students
      4. Is not within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area of the College
    2. Any building or property owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by the College.
  5. Daily Crime Log Jurisdiction/Geography: Any location within 500 yards of property owned, leased, or rented by the College.

Clery Reportable Crimes:

  1. Homicide (Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter, Negligent Manslaughter)
  2. Sex Offenses (Rape, Fondling, Incest, Statutory Rape)
  3. Robbery
  4. Aggravated Assault
  5. Burglary
  6. Motor Vehicle Theft
  7. Arson
  8. Hate Crimes (for the aforementioned crimes and in addition Larceny-Theft, Simple Assault, Intimidation, Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property)
  9. Dating Violence
  10. Domestic Violence
  11. Stalking
  12. Arrests and disciplinary referrals for:
    1. Liquor Law Violations
    2. Drug Law Violations
    3. Illegal Weapons Possession

Complainant: An individual who is alleged to be the victim of conduct that is prohibited by this policy. A Clery complainant may be a student, employee, other affiliate, or unaffiliated with the institution.

Dating Violence: Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the reporting party’s statement and with consideration of the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. For the purposes of this definition:

  1. Dating violence includes, but is not limited to, sexual or physical abuse or the threat of such abuse.
  2. Dating violence does not include acts covered under the definition of domestic violence.

Domestic Violence: A felony or misdemeanor crime of violence committed:

  1. By a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim;
  2. By a person with whom the victim shares a child in common;
  3. By a person who is cohabitating with, or has cohabitated with, the victim as a spouse or intimate partner;
  4. By a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred; or,
  5. By any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred.

Emergency Notifications and Timely Warnings:

  1. Emergency notification. If there’s an immediate threat to the health and safety of the campus community, the College will issue an emergency notification, unlike timely warnings, emergency notifications are broader than crime and can include weather incidents, gas leaks, fires, disease outbreak and more - anything that poses an immediate threat.
  2. Timely Warnings: An announcement to alert the campus community about Clery Crimes occurring in or near Clery Geography and reported to CSAs or local law enforcement that are considered by the College to represent a threat to students and employees.  Warnings must be issued in a manner that is timely, hold as confidential the names and other identifying information of victims, and be made in a manner that will aid the prevention of similar crimes.

Proceeding: All activities related to a non-criminal resolution of an institutional disciplinary complaint, including, but not limited to, factfinding investigations, formal or informal meetings, and hearings. “Proceeding” does not include communications and meetings between officials and parties concerning accommodations or protective measures to be provided to a party.

Respondent: An individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that is prohibited by this policy. A respondent may be a student, employee, other affiliate, or unaffiliated with the institution.

Sexual Assault: An offense that meets the definition of rape, fondling, incest, or statutory rape as defined by this policy.

  1. Rape: The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.
  2. Fondling: The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of their age or because of their temporary or permanent mental incapacity.
  3. Incest: Nonforcible sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
  4. Statutory Rape: Nonforcible sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.

Stalking: Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others, or to suffer substantial emotional distress. For the purposes of this definition:

  1. Course of conduct means two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts in which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means, follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates to or about a person, or interferes with a person’s property.
  2. Reasonable person means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim.
  3. Substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.

VAWA: Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 amendments to the Clery Act, Public Law 113-4 Section 304.

VAWA Sexual Misconduct: Dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking as defined by this policy whether or not it is alleged to have occurred on or off-campus. VAWA Sexual Misconduct need not be on the basis of sex.

IV. Roles and Responsibilities
  1. Clery Act Committee.
    1. The Clery Act Coordinator serves as the Chair of the multidisciplinary Clery Act Committee and is responsible for scheduling and facilitating quarterly meetings, including an agenda designed to inform policy and procedures review, evaluation of training and education needs, and planning to incorporate new and/or revised laws and regulations pertaining to the Clery Act.  The Coordinator will also document the activities of the Clery Act Committee.
    2. The Clery Act Committee will provide strategic vision and planning for Clery Act compliance, including, but not limited to:
      1. Ensuring their respective departments or units understand the relevance and requirements of the Clery Act that may impact departmental operations;
      2. Providing relevant information regarding their departmental operations to the Clery Act Coordinator and other Clery Committee members;
      3. Reviewing relevant College policies and procedures that may affect Clery Act Compliance; and,
      4. Facilitating appropriate training and education for Clery Act awareness and compliance.
    3. The Clery Act Committee will meet quarterly, at a minimum, and will review quarterly crime statistic submissions to the College System of Georgia, annual crime statistics, and the Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report as prepared by the Clery Act Coordinator in conjunction with the Classification Review Work Group.
    4. Members of the Clery Act Committee are subject matter experts and senior-level representatives from the following departments:
      1. Public Safety, Human Resources, Legal Affairs, Internal Audit, Equity and Compliance/Title IX, Facilities, Auxiliary Services, Athletics, International Programs, Dean of Students, Residence Life, Recreational Sports, Student Counseling, Financial Aid, and Communications
  2. Classification Review Work Group 
    1. The Clery Act Coordinator serves as the Chair of the Multidisciplinary Classification Review Work Group and is responsible for scheduling and facilitating meetings, no less than monthly, including an agenda designed to provide collaborative review of alleged criminal incidents to ensure complete and accurate identification and appropriate classification of Clery-reportable crimes, arrests, and disciplinary referrals.  The Clery Act Coordinator (or his/her designee) will also document and maintain records of the review and determinations made by the Classification Review Work Group.
    2. The Classification Review Work Group will meet monthly, at a minimum, to review alleged criminal activity and disciplinary incidents for the purposes of:
      1. Ensuring complete and accurate identification of Clery-reportable crimes, arrests, and disciplinary referrals;
      2. Ensuring accurate and appropriate classification of Clery-reportable crimes, arrests, and disciplinary referrals; and,
      3. Providing support for the preparation of quarterly reports for submission to the College System of Georgia, annual reports of crime statistics, and the Annual Safety and Fire Report.
    3. Members of the Classification Review Work Group are subject matter experts from the following departments:
      1. Public Safety, Human Resources, Legal Affairs, Internal Auditor, Facilities, Equity and Compliance /Title IX, Student Affairs, and Residence Life
V. Violence Against Women Act
  1. Prohibition on VAWA Sexual Misconduct: GGC prohibits the crimes of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking as those terms are defined in this policy. This policy covers alleged VAWA Sexual Misconduct whether or not it is alleged to have occurred on or off-campus, and whether or not it is on the basis of sex.
  2. GGC shall each year in the Clery Act Annual Security Report (“ASR”) disclose, as required by 34 CFR § 668.46(k), a summary of each type (including student, faculty, and staff) of VAWA Sexual Misconduct disciplinary proceeding used by the institution. Such information will be reviewed annually to ensure that it is current and accurate prior to publication of the ASR.
  3. Disciplinary Proceedings
    1. All VAWA Sexual Misconduct proceedings will include “a prompt, fair, and impartial process from the initial investigation to the final result” as defined by 34 CFR § 668.46(k)(3)(i). This includes, but is not limited to, the following procedural safeguards for all parties:
      1. Providing timely and equal access to the complainant, the respondent, and appropriate officials to any information that will be used during informal and formal disciplinary meetings and hearings.
      2. Simultaneous written notification to both the complainant and the respondent of:
        1. The result of any institutional disciplinary proceeding that arises from an allegation of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking;
        2. The procedures for the respondent and complainant to appeal the result of the institutional disciplinary proceeding;
        3. Any change to the result; and,
        4. When such results become final.
      3. If an appeal is filed by either party, GGC will notify the other party in writing within the specified number of business days and afford them an opportunity to respond in writing within a similar timeframe.
VI. Prohibition on Retaliation

GGC, or an officer, employee, or agent of the institution, may not retaliate, intimidate, threaten, coerce, or otherwise discriminate against any individual for exercising their rights or responsibilities under any provision in this policy. Any officer, employee, or agent of the institution found to have engaged in retaliatory conduct that violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.

VII. Collection and Reporting of Data
  1. In accordance with the requirements of the Clery Act and VAWA, the College shall:
    1. Provide means for campus community members to report crimes or other emergencies occurring on campus.
    2. Issue Timely Warnings to alert the campus community of Clery Crimes considered by the College to represent a threat to students and/or employees.
    3. Maintain a written and understandable daily public log of all crimes reported to Public Safety, unless publishing the information would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation or the safety of an individual, cause a suspect to flee or evade detection, or result in the destruction of evidence.  Reported crimes from all applicable sources will be entered into the log within two business days of the receipt of the crime report.  The daily crime log shall include:
      1. The nature, date, time the crime was reported, and the general location of the crime, but must exclude any information that could be used to identify the victim.
      2. Any crime that occurred within GGC Clery Geography and/or jurisdiction.
    4. Annually identify, notify, train, and regularly communicate with CSAs for the purpose of collecting and accurately reporting of Clery Crimes, arrests, and/or disciplinary referrals.
    5. Collect and record crimes reported via telephone, email, in person, or the online reporting system and report them to Public Safety. The crimes will subsequently be recorded in the correlating case management system.
    6. Review and accurately classify crimes recorded in GGC case management systems and collected from local law enforcement agencies annually.
    7. Maintain documentation of review, classification, and reportability of crimes, arrests, and discipline referrals in an internal database for the purposes of reporting to the U.S. Department of Education, University System of Georgia, and publication of the Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report.
    8. Monitor the work of the Classification Review Work Group and Clery Act Committee at least quarterly.
    9. Compile and submit quarterly Clery Act Crime statistics to the College System of Georgia by April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15 for the prior three-month reporting period.
    10. Compile and submit annual Clery Act Crime statistics to the U.S. Department of Education by the published deadline.
    11. Prepare the College’s Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report for distribution to the campus community by October 1, unless notified by the U.S. Department of Education of a change in the reporting deadline.
VIII. Related Regulations, Statues, Policies, and Procedures

34 CFR § 668.41 - Reporting and disclosure of information
34 CFR § 668.46 - Institutional security policies and crime statistics
34 CFR § 668.49 - Institutional fire safety policies and fire statistics
BOR Policy Manual 6.7 Sexual Misconduct Policy
Georgia Gwinnett College Emergency Action Plan Summary
APM 4.1.7 Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy
APM 12.1 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy


Georgia Gwinnett College Posting Policy

Policy Number: 9.50
Effective Date: March 14, 2023
Revision/Review History: January 20, 2017
Policy Contact(s): Director of Operations

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

The Georgia Gwinnett College (“GGC”) Posting Policy has been adopted for these purposes:

  1. Creation of an Educational Campus Culture. GGC is committed to creating a campus that supports the academic mission of the College, provides a campus culture conducive to learning, and is free from obscene materials and hostile workplace environments.
  2. Information and Promotion. To provide information and a means for GGC entities to promote activities, events and services as well as allow for the announcement of matters directly related to the health, safety, security, or welfare of the College community.
  3. Regulation of Commercial Material. To regulate the distribution of promotional materials and activities sponsored by non-GGC entities and to support the health, safety and welfare of the students entrusted to the College.
  4. Appearance of the Physical Environment. To maintain and improve the appearance of the physical environment of the campus. The campus should be free from excessive and abusive postings and litter which defaces its grounds and facilities.
  5. Sustainability. To cultivate an atmosphere that supports a sustainable environment by reducing the amount of paper used for posting, eliminating use of products that have a negative impact on the environment, and encouraging recycling of materials. Electronic distribution of materials is encouraged over paper postings.
  6. Provide Notice. To provide all entities with information and terms of this regulation so they are well informed of the terms and the consequences should the regulation be broken. 
II. Scope

Any Georgia Gwinnett College entity, defined as any division, department, office, academic unit, program, center, faculty, staff, or registered student organization, regulated, or supervised by GGC, may publicly post on College property in designated areas consistent with these terms and all applicable state and federal laws. Any non-GGC entity is eligible to distribute materials by contacting the GGC Office of Operations and must meet all provisions of this policy. 

III. General Provisions
  1. Georgia Gwinnett College has the right to deny or remove any posting, material, individual, or entity not in adherence with terms of this regulation, regardless of whether promotional or informational in nature.
  2. All materials must be clear and legible, bear the name of the sponsoring GGC entity and provide event and current contact information.
  3. Any materials that include the GGC logo or other trademarked indicia must adhere to the GGC Brand Standards and be approved by Communications prior to posting or distribution.
  4. Campus entities are responsible for immediate removal of materials that are in violation of this policy; otherwise, materials are to be removed within 24-hours of completion of an event.
  5. Any entity that posts or distributes materials in a way that damages College property is financially responsible for the damage.
  6. Materials posted or distributed may not glorify, edify, promote or support the use or sale of alcohol, tobacco products or illegal drugs; display trademarks and or brand names of alcohol, tobacco products or illegal drugs; contain material that is obscene or defamatory; or be directed to incite or produce imminent lawless action.
  7. Posted or distributed material by GGC entities does not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs or practices of Georgia Gwinnett College.
  8. Bulletin or posting boards can only be approved to be installed on campus by the Office of Operations. Once installed, boards are maintained and monitored by College offices or schools. Permission to post materials on these posting boards must be obtained through the appropriate College office or school.
  9. All postings by registered student organizations must be approved and stamped by the Office of Student Involvement.
  10. The placement of any material or free-standing signs on vehicles, sidewalks, walkways or any paved areas is prohibited, except for emergency, safety, warning or directional signs placed by College officials announcing a matter directly related to the health, safety, benefit or welfare of the College community, or other exceptions approved by the Office of Operations. 
IV. Active Distribution of Materials
  1. For off-campus entities, the active distribution or handing out of materials shall be limited to the designated free speech area on campus. Individuals or organizations wishing to actively distribute materials must request to utilize the free speech area through the Office of Student Affairs prior to distribution.
  2. Registered Student Organizations and other approved entities may distribute handbills from a reserved table space on campus.
V. Posting of Physical/Paper Materials
  1. Posting of physical/paper materials is limited to bulletin boards located in common areas within buildings. Materials may not be posted on walls, doors, or windows. The use of glues, adhesive tape, or other similar materials is prohibited on painted drywall surfaces, masonry block or brick, and finish materials such as metal, stone and glass.
  2. Approved hanging systems within campus buildings is approved for official use only.  Schools and campus departments manage and maintain assigned hanging systems in their areas.  The Office of Operations has overall management responsibilities of hanging systems.
VI. Banners

The placement of any banner on or inside a building or any other structure must be approved by the Office of Operations.

VII. Commercial Posting

Commercial vendors must bring material to be posted to the Office of Operations. After approval, permission will be granted to post materials in designated areas. Material will be required to comply with existing College policies. 

VIII. Electronic Posters/Digital Signs
  1. Digital signs located throughout the campus should be used for promoting student, faculty and/or staff events or specific information that benefits the College. Digital signage requests must be submitted to Communications four weeks prior to the event. Approved signage will be posted no more and no less than two weeks in advance and will be removed immediately after each event.
  2. The 316 Billboard consists of two electronic billboards positioned in a “V” shape facing Highway 316 near I building. For the purpose of this policy, these billboards will jointly be referred to as “the 316 billboard.”
    1. The 316 billboard displays both GGC promotions and external advertisements purchased by outside individuals or organizations. GGC promotions content is equally proportioned to the paid advertising.
    2. Communications is responsible for all aspects of the 316 billboard’s GGC promotions. Like GGC’s website, the 316 billboard is a public-facing, recruitment-focused communications tool. The 316 billboard’s GGC promotions will align with the College’s recruitment cycle and the content will support the College’s overall marketing plan.
    3. The Office of Auxiliary Services is responsible for all aspects of the 316 billboard’s purchased advertising. At no time will purchased advertising compete or conflict with the interests of GGC, its brand or its mission and vision. Acceptance or rejection of copy rests the sole and absolute discretion of GGC.  The rationale for accepting or rejecting copy for purchased advertising will be documented by the Office of Auxiliary Services.  During any periods without purchased advertisements, GGC promotions may be displayed in their place.
    4. General and/or short-term college announcements such as payment/registration deadlines, internal College event promotions or emergency alerts will not be displayed on the 316 billboard, unless otherwise determined on a case-by-case basis by the president, after legal review. The College’s campus digital sign system and RAVE alert system will continue to be the primary outlets for such messaging.
IX. Free-Standing Signs
  1. The placement of free-standing signs on campus is limited to the promotion of events or activities for up to 7 days prior to its occurrence and must be removed within 24-hours upon completion of the event/activity. Permission for placing free-standing signs must be obtained through the Office of Operations prior to placement.
  2. The placement of free-standing signs must be in accordance with terms in the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and are not to block sidewalks or walkways.
  3. Signs may be removed or special requests denied due to harm posed to the College community, damage or deterioration, excessive postings or space constraints.
X. Office Nameplates

Office nameplates have been designed for the purpose of identifying offices, areas, groups and employees of the College. As such, they represent GGC and cannot contain school crests, organizational logos or other non-GGC marks. Nameplates are managed through the Office of Operations.

XI. Posting in Residential Areas
  1. Material approved by the Office of Residence Life can only be posted on bulletin boards or in approved posting areas.
  2. Only one copy can be posted on each approved area.
  3. No material is to be posted on any glass, walls or any door in any residential areas by anyone other than members of the Residence Life staff.
  4. Material posted in unapproved areas will be removed.
XII. Plastering

Plastering (covering areas with the same poster) is prohibited anywhere on campus.

XIII. Political Elections

The active distribution and/or posting of material and the placement of free-standing signs during federal, state, and local elections is prohibited except in the free speech area.

XIV. Sanctions and Enforcement
  1. College officials and members of the College community are to take the appropriate action to uphold a positive campus culture by educating the citizens of the community, encouraging positive participation in campus activities, and addressing any improper posting or distribution of materials on the campus.
  2. Any entity whose postings, promotions or actions violate any terms of this regulation are subject to sanctions that may include but are not limited to warnings, restitution, loss or suspension of privileges, trespass or expulsion from campus, and or disciplinary/legal action.
  3. Enforcement of this regulation and assignment of sanctions shall reside in the Division of Student Affairs for individual student and registered student organization cases; the Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs/Provost for faculty related violations; the Office of Human Resources for staff related violations, and the Associate Vice President for Operations for all other groups, including outside groups, organizations, and individuals. 

Space Management Policy

Policy Number: 9.52
Effective Date: February 24, 2023
Revision History: August 30, 2021
Policy Contact: Director of Operations in conjunction with the Space Management Steering Committee

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

The Space Management Policy establishes a framework for the efficient use, equitable allocation, and periodic review of GGC’s physical resources to support the College’s mission. Space allocation and reallocation cannot be handled in an ad-hoc manner on a long-term basis without subsequent space issues arising. As such, this policy is intended to provide a basis for transparent space decisions that maintain a proper balance between teaching, student success, engagement and outreach, and administrative functions on campus.

II. Scope

This policy applies to all members of the campus community. The campus community includes all faculty, administrators, staff including student workers, students, alumni, interns, and volunteers as well as members of the GGC Foundation Board of Trustees, College-sponsored advisory committees, visitors, vendors, and other service providers.   

III. Roles and Responsibilities
  1. The Office of Operations serves as the College resource regarding space planning and management on and off campus; provides effective stewardship of the space inventory database; manages space requests; conducts annual space audits; supports campus moves; and provides accurate and timely space inventory and utilization reports to inform decision-makers about short- and long-term space needs.
  2. The Space Management Steering Committee (“SMSC”) serves as the decision-making entity that is responsible for developing policies and plans that promote stewardship of all College space resources including academic, athletic, auxiliary, and administrative spaces; ensuring that such policies and plans align with the College Strategic Plan; and prioritizing institutional needs for equitable and efficient allocations of space resources.
  3. Subcommittees may be established to analyze or explore specific space issues and policies. Subcommittees shall bring forth recommendations to SMSC for discussion and recommendation. The SMSC Chair appoints members to various subcommittees as needed.
IV. Compliance
  1. General Space Policies
    1. SMSC will provide recommendations on space decisions, but the ultimate decision on how College space is allocated is the President’s.
    2. The College, not any academic unit (school, department, office, center, group, or individual) within the College, is the owner of its physical space resources.
    3. All space is subject to allocation and reallocation to align with the College’s Strategic Plan, institutional priorities, and the best interests of the College and its programs. Space requests that directly support education, including activities that support student success, will be prioritized. Short and long-term priorities will be considered to promote fiscal responsibility and equitable space allocations for the College’s needs and not for a single department or school.
    4. All buildings and properties on campus and off campus are subject to this policy whether they be owned or leased buildings.
    5. Overflow or flexible space shall be preserved to ensure departments and the College can adequately address moves and changing staffing requirements.
    6. Furniture may not be moved or modified without approval from the Operations department in all spaces on campus including but not limited to instructional spaces, conference rooms, common areas, and administrative spaces.
    7. Efficiency is balanced with the flexibility to ensure proper stewardship of space resources and to achieve utilization rates above the goal of 70 percent.
    8. In instances in which space becomes vacant due to events such as moves to new space, elimination, reduction, or change of an existing function, downsizing of staff, or any other reason, such space may be considered unassigned and revert to the control of GGC through SMSC.
    9. All requests, including new hires/modification/move requests, for space needs, must be sent through and approved by the SMSC. Before any office reassignments are made, the SMSC shall contact the applicable Vice President or equivalent operating head to confirm in writing whether or not the office space is to be retained for a current FTE and/or if the vacated position is slated to be filled for their respective unit. This notification will serve as the due process opportunity for each operating unit.
    10. No operating unit or individual is authorized to occupy space simply because office space is vacant. The office space must be authorized and reassigned through the SMSC.
    11. All instructional spaces including classrooms, conference rooms, instructional and computer labs - whether scheduled by the registrar or a department - are required to be scheduled through the college scheduling software.
    12. All space occupancy changes will be reported to the Office of Operations to maintain data reliability.  Any occupancy changes made to instructional space will also be communicated to the Registrar.
    13. A space request must be submitted and approved before any change or modification can be made to existing space (including buildings & property). Conversion of existing space to other functional uses/occupancies (FICM6 code changes) is prohibited except when approved by the Space Management Steering Committee.
    14. All campus moves shall be approved and coordinated through the Office of Operations regardless if the move is within the same building, department or school to maintain data reliability and ensure proper stewardship of College space resources.
    15. SMSC will promulgate principles, procedures and guidelines as necessary to meet this policy. SMSC reviews all space requests and shall provide recommendations to the President for approval. The President may delegate space decisions to SMSC or Office of Operations for minor space requests.
  2. Office Space
    1. Office space is prioritized for GGC employees including faculty or staff.  Allocation of offices shall only be approved by SMSC and implemented by the Office of Operations.
    2. On an annual basis, a pool of faculty offices will be allocated for use by the SMSC to the deans. The deans will be responsible for placing faculty into these offices. The deans will submit a final inventory list of offices that has name, title, and school to the Office of Operations. If a faculty office is vacated before the end of the year the office space reverts back to the school who it was allocated to.
    3. Requests for additional office space requires written justification that includes an audit of the department/group/center’s current space. 
    4. Units occupying office space exceeding standards (i.e. through staff and/or program reduction or redirection) should notify the Office of Operations for an audit to determine a possible reallocation of space.
    5. Auxiliary and athletic facilities shall follow the space standards referenced in this policy for office use and allocation.
  3. Reservable Space
    1. Conference and meeting spaces are a College-wide resource and do not belong to individual schools, departments, programs, centers, groups or individuals. Conference rooms may be used as instructional space and follow similar scheduling and use guidelines as classrooms and instructional laboratories.
    2. Conference and meeting spaces shall be scheduled through the College scheduling software and can be used by multiple departments to optimize utilization across campus.
  4. Space Scheduling Software
    1. All classes and events are required to be entered into the College’s Space Scheduling software.  All classes and events in the Space Scheduling software take precedence over events that are not requested through the scheduling system.
    2. All reservable space to include classrooms, conference and meeting rooms, large venues, and outdoor space are subject to periodic audits to ensure they are being used as scheduled and maintained appropriately.
    3. Student groups, which are registered with the Office of Student Involvement, may reserve space on campus during normal building operating hours through the Office off Student Involvement.
  5. Access to Space. An essential element of space management is security and maintaining adequate access control so that College facilities may only be accessed by those that are authorized. Issuance of access devices should be careful, systematic, and audited, as inadequately controlled access devices result in poor security. The Office of Public Safety will be overall responsible for controlled access on campus.  Departments that will support this oversight will consist of Facilities, Operations, and Auxiliary Services. Specific responsibilities are as follows:
    1. Public Safety is responsible for the overall administration of the access control management console.
    2. Facilities is responsible for maintenance, installs, and anything related to the operations of the hardware on the access points around campus.
    3. Operations is responsible for managing the requests and approving access to faculty/staff requested by the Department Access Coordinator.
    4. Each Vice President, Dean, and\or Department Head will work together to designate a Department Access Coordinator to serve as the primary contact between their respective units and Operations to ensure employees are given the access they need to perform their job functions. Operations must be contacted immediately of any changes involving the Department Access Coordinator.
    5. Auxiliary Services is responsible for creating the card that will provide authorized access to the controlled doors based on established business rules.
  6. Grant & Research Space
    1. All space that is required by grants or research must be requested by the grant writer or researcher before the grant is submitted or before the research starts.  The request will be reviewed and approved by the SMSC. The SMSC may ask for a formal presentation before approval is given.
    2. Research space encompasses all space that is primarily intended and used for conducting research and creative activities; and spaces that directly serve one or more research or creative activities labs as an extension of the activities in those labs.

Parking Regulations

Policy Number: 9.53
Effective Date: February 20, 2023
Revision History: August 16, 2021
Policy Contact: Associate Vice President of Operations / Chief of Police

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

Campus parking regulations have been designed to ensure that all students, faculty, staff, contract employees, and visitors have a designated parking area at Georgia Gwinnett College. 

II. Scope

Campus parking regulations apply to all Georgia Gwinnett College students, faculty, staff, contract employees, visitors, and any other person who drives a vehicle on campus.

III. Designated Parking
  1. Students: Students must park in designated “Student Parking” areas only. Parking maps are available online, in the Parking Services Office, and on signage posted around campus. If a student is driving a temporary vehicle then the student must obtain a temporary parking permit from the Parking Services Office. The student must still park in student parking and display the temporary hang tag/permit from the rearview mirror. 
  2. Faculty and staff: Faculty/staff must park in designated “Staff Parking” areas only. The Building 1000 - Residence Hall parking lot is reserved for student housing residents, and housing and residential education only. If a faculty/staff member is driving a temporary vehicle, they must obtain a temporary parking permit from the Parking Services Office. The faculty/staff member must still park in staff parking and display the temporary hang tag/permit from the rearview mirror. Individuals  who do not have the ability to register their vehicles online should come to the Parking Services Office to register their vehicles.
  3. Visitors: Visitors must park in the designated “Visitor Parking” areas only. Absolutely no student, faculty/staff, or other employee may park in a visitor space at any time. A vehicle bearing a GGC parking decal or permit is not considered a visitor. Visitor permits are available in the Parking Services Office but are not required as long as a visitor space is utilized. 
  4. Service vehicles: Service vehicles must park in the designated “Service Vehicle” area only. Limited use of service drives is permitted short term. If the vehicle is unmarked, a service vehicle parking permit can be obtained from the Parking Services Office.
  5. Handicap parking: Handicap parking is available throughout the GGC campus for any vehicles displaying a valid disabled license plate or placard hang tag. These vehicles will not be restricted to any specific area as long as it is designated “Handicapped Parking”. 
  6. Student housing: Resident parking lot addresses the specific needs of residents in Buildings 1000, 2000, and 3000 where the demands for extended parking are considered to be the greatest. Only individuals issued a special “Resident” decal are authorized to park in the Building 1000 residence hall parking lot.
  7. Housing visitors: Housing visitors may park in the designated visitor parking spaces in the W Building lot; otherwise, visitors to Housing should park in the 3000 lot, which is considered open parking. Visitors may park in any unmarked space in this lot. 
​IV. Responsibilities
  1. It is the responsibility of all Georgia Gwinnett College students, faculty, staff, contract employees, and visitors to abide by all parking rules and regulations at all times while on Campus.
  2. For any transactions with the GGC Parking Services Office, the parties should be prepared to present their Student or Faculty/Staff ID number, driver’s license, license plate/tag number, and ticket number (if applicable).
V. Enforcement
  1. Failure to comply with parking regulations may result in a ticket being issued or other actions. Parking violations include, but are not limited to the following:
    1. Parking in posted or marked reserved, visitor, staff, student, disabled, or no parking areas.
    2. Parking in non-designated parking areas around buildings, drop-off sites, and curbs.
    3. Parking in areas such as grass, walkways, or blocking dumpsters and driveways.
    4. Parking in wheelchair ramps or hashed lines, occupying more than one space.
    5. Improper parking in gravel lots. All vehicles must be parked in front of a car stop bumper also known as a parking block. 
    6. Vehicle registration violation, such as expired or improperly displayed permit. 
    7. Any other applicable parking violation as noted by the Office of Public Safety.
  2. Students who wish to appeal a parking ticket fine may do so to the Parking Appeals Committee. Parking appeals must be filed within seven business days of the issuance of the ticket. The Parking Appeals Committee meets periodically based on the number of appeals to review. Students who wish to appeal the decision of the committee may submit a written request for a second appeal to the  Associate Provost for Student Affairs or designee no more than fifteen business days after the prior decision has been presented to the student. The decision of the  Associate Provost for Student Affairs or designee represents the final institutional decision for parking appeals.
  3. Faculty/Staff, visitors, and others who wish to appeal a parking ticket may do so to the Parking Appeals Committee. Parking appeals must be filed within seven business days of issuance of the ticket. The Parking Appeals Committee meets periodically based on the number of appeals to review. Faculty/Staff, visitors, and others who wish to appeal the decision of the committee may submit a written request for a second appeal to the  Associate Provost for Student Affairs or their designee no more than fifteen business days after the prior decision.  If the Faculty/Staff, visitor, or other wishes to appeal the second decision they may then submit a third appeal to the Vice President of Business and Finance by submitting the same documentation that was originally presented earlier in the process. The information should be submitted no later than fifteen business days after the prior decision. The decision of the Vice President of Business and Finance or his/her designee represents the final institutional decision for parking appeals for Faculty/Staff, visitors, and others.

Fleet Management

Policy Number: 9.55
Effective Date: March 14, 2023
Revision History: August 3, 2020; August 1, 2017; May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Director of Operations

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of those individuals who drive State vehicles and to provide guidance of the proper use of State vehicles.

II. Scope

This policy applies to any GGC employee who uses a College-owned vehicle managed by the GGC Fleet Management Department.

III. Definitions

Employee: Includes faculty, staff, and student employees acting on the behalf of Georgia Gwinnett College.

Vehicle: Includes all GGC-owned motorized vehicles, rental vehicles, and lease vehicles.

IV. Authorized Vehicle Use   
  1. Only College employees are authorized to drive vehicles for the State of Georgia.
  2. State vehicles are authorized only for use in the performance of essential travel duties related to the completion of State business. The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of authorized use:
    1. Travel between the place where the vehicle is dispatched and the place where the official State business is performed;
    2. When on official travel status between the place of State business and the place of temporary lodging; and,
    3. When on official travel status and not within reasonable walking distance:
      1. Transporting other officers, employees, or guests of the State when they are on official State/College business;
      2. Transporting consultants, contractors, or commercial firm representatives when such transport is in the direct interest of the State/College;
      3. Transporting materials, supplies, parcels, luggage, or other items belonging to or serving the interests of the State/College;
      4. Transporting any person or item in an emergency situation;
      5. Traveling between the place of dispatch or place of performance of State/College business and the employee’s personal residence, when specifically authorized by the proper authority and approved on Department of Administrative Services MV-1 form; and,
      6. Traveling out-of-State with written authorization from employee’s manager.
V. Unauthorized Vehicle Use
  1. Vehicles are not authorized to be used for any personal trips unrelated to the State business for which they were assigned or to transport passengers who are not College employees unless on State business. Unauthorized use of State vehicles may result in immediate disciplinary action. Such action may include suspension of all privileges to operate State/College vehicles and in some cases, dismissal. Furthermore, College drivers are not covered by liability insurance when engaging in unauthorized use of State vehicles.
  2. The following uses of State vehicles are prohibited:
    1. Using a cell phone or any other distracting device while operating a GGC vehicle;
    2. Travel or tasks which are beyond the vehicle’s rated capability;
    3. Any use for personal purposes other than commuting, which has been authorized;
    4. Transport of families, students, friends, associates, or other persons who are not employees of GGC;
    5. Transport of hitchhikers;
    6. Transport of cargo that has no relation to the performance of official State business;
    7. Transport of hazardous materials such as acids, explosives, weapons, ammunition, or highly flammable material, except by specific authorization or in an emergency situation;
    8. Transport of any item or equipment projecting from the side, front, or rear of the vehicle in a way that constitutes an obstruction to safe driving or a hazard to pedestrians or to other vehicles;
    9. Except when in official business travel status, transport of other employees and/or students;
    10. Attending sporting events including, but not limited to, hunting and fishing that are not previously authorized;
    11. Extending the length of time the vehicle is in an employee’s possession beyond that which is required to complete the official purpose of the trip;
    12. Transport of any political campaign literature or matter or to engage in soliciting votes or transport of any person or persons soliciting votes in any election or primary;
    13. Placing bumper stickers or other placards containing commercial advertising, including any form of markings that could be construed as political in nature, such as the names of elected officials, agency heads, etc.;
    14. Smoking and/or drinking of alcoholic beverages. Vehicle operators are responsible for ensuring that no passengers are allowed to smoke in a vehicle they are operating; or,
    15. Permanently attaching personal property (i.e. CB radio, radar detectors, stereo components, etc.) to a State vehicle.
VI. Driver Qualifications and Eligibility
  1. Georgia Gwinnett College has implemented the following requirements for the driver qualifications. This applies to employees as defined below.
  2. Eligible Drivers. Eligible drivers are employees that are performing GGC business duties while operating GGC vehicles. Employees must meet the following requirements to be eligible to operate GGC vehicles. Drivers must:
    1. Be an employee of Georgia Gwinnett College;
    2. Have a valid Georgia driver license;
    3. Meet all qualifications on the Driver Acknowledgement Form (obtained from the Fleet Coordinator);
    4. Complete mandatory GGC vehicle training, including the six-hour National Safety Council Defensive Driving Course if transporting seven or more individuals including the driver;
    5. Pass an annual Department Driver Services (“DDS”) Motor Vehicle Record (“MVR”) check; and,
    6. Be at least 21 years of age and have at least four years of driving experience (note: specialty vehicles could have more requirements). Employees for the Operations and Facilities departments may drive if they are 18 years of age, have at least two years of driving experience, drive within ten miles of the campus, and are not transporting students.
  3. Screening and Training. All GGC employees who drive on State business and in a State vehicle are subject to annual training regardless of frequency and location of driving. All employees who drive State vehicles will be subject to annual training, annual completion of the Driver Acknowledgement Form (obtained from Fleet Coordinator), and an annual MVR history check prior to operating vehicles on State business.
VII. Driver Disqualifications
  1. An employee who has had one of the following occurrences during the 24-month period preceding their use or request for use of a State vehicle used for State business will be considered a “Disqualified Driver”:
    1. Accumulating more than 10 points on his or her personal driving record;
    2. Receiving a citation while driving on State business;
    3. Having an “at fault” motor vehicle accident within the six months preceding an assignment to drive on State business; or,
    4. Being convicted of one of the following offenses:
      1. Driving under the influence (“DUI”)
      2. Leaving the scene of an accident
      3. Refusal to take a state administered test while involved in a serious accident or an accident involving serious injuries Vehicular homicide involving gross negligence
  2. Employees who drive on State business:
    1. In accordance withAPM Policy on Arrests and Dispositions , any current employee who is arrested, is the subject of a warrant, or charged with a crime (other than a minor traffic offense) is required to report such incident to the Office of Human Resources within 72 hours of the employee becoming aware of such charge, warrant, arrest, or, in the case of an arrest, release from incarceration. Failure to report may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. The employee’s report will be reviewed in accordance with the procedures set out in APM and a determination will be made on what, if any, action should be taken regarding the employee’s employment status until resolution of the criminal matter. The employee should not attempt to operate state vehicles until such determination is made.
    2. In accordance with APM Policy on Arrests and Dispositions , any current employee shall notify the Office of Human Resources within 24 hours of the disposition of or sentencing for a criminal case (including, but not limited to, pleas of guilty, nolle prosequi, sentencing under the Georgia First Offender Act, conviction and nolo contendere). Failure to report the disposition or sentencing may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. The employee’s report will be reviewed in accordance with the procedures set out in APM and a determination on what, if any, action should be taken regarding the employee’s employment status. The employee should not attempt to operate state vehicles until such determination is made.
  3. Corrective measures may be specified before an employee can be reinstated as a qualified driver. Corrective measures may include:
    1. Viewing a driver safety video;
    2. Successfully completing an approved defensive driving course; and/or,
    3. Waiting a specified period of time before being permitted to again drive on State business.
  4. Based on the nature of the events leading to disqualified driver status, it may be determined that the disqualified driver may never again be permitted to drive a vehicle on State business. Prior to making such a determination, the institutional Fleet Coordinator and the Director of Operations must consult the disqualified driver’s departmental manager to discuss the factors supporting such a determination and the effects such a determination may have on the job status of the disqualified driver.  Among the factors considered in determining whether disqualified driver status can be removed and the conditions for doing so may include:
    1. The driving conditions under which the relevant events occurred;
    2. The extent to which the disqualified driver exceeded the maximum speed, level of intoxication, or other limitation imposed pursuant to applicable law;
    3. The apparent degree of recklessness or disregard for safety on the part of the disqualified driver;
    4. Whether anyone was injured as a result of the disqualified driver’s actions; and;
    5. The amount of time that has passed since the events in question.
  5. An employee with a driver’s license that is expired, suspended, or revoked is not permitted to drive on State business until the license is reinstated. Employees who drive on State business are to disclose any license expiration, suspension, or revocation.
  6. Employees who meet all driver qualifications following disposition of the charges are permitted to resume driving on State business.
  7. If an employee does not meet all driver qualifications following disposition of the charges, the employee will not be permitted to drive on State business until the circumstances leading to such citations has been reviewed by the Director of Operations and the Fleet Coordinator, and the disqualified driver has satisfied the corrective, preventative, and/or educational measures specified by GGC. The determination of the measures to be required will be made by the institution’s risk management officer, GGC’s Chief Human Resources Officer, and Director of Operations, in consultation with the employee’s departmental manager, based on the specific citation and circumstances.
VIII. Vehicle Use Requirements
  1. Below are requirements that a state employee who is driving a fleet vehicle must adhere to:
    1. Drivers are to return fleet vehicles to the appropriate fleet parking spaces on campus after use.
    2. Drivers will not use fleet vehicles to propel or tow any vehicle, trailer or other object unless approved by the Fleet Coordinator.
    3. With the exception of service dogs, animals are not permitted in rental vehicles.
    4. Georgia Gwinnett College is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property loaded, stored, or transported in rental vehicles.
    5. Persons riding in the vehicles are to meet at the College and take the vehicle to the destination and back to the College. The vehicles should not be used to take individuals to their homes or any unauthorized location.
    6. Employees must return all vehicles in good condition. They must leave vehicles clean and with a full tank of gas.
    7. When driving a GGC van, with exception to an accessible van, the limit is 15 people only (driver included). The GGC accessible van can have up to 15 people which includes: 1 driver, 12 passengers, and 2 wheelchair passengers.
    8. All occupants of the vehicle are advised to wear a seat belt at all times.
    9. No glass bottles or cups are to be used in GGC vehicles.
    10. Driving long distances can be very tiring. Since fatigue can lead to increased potential for accidents, driving limit recommendations for all drivers are as follows:
      1. May drive a maximum of 10 hours after eight consecutive hours off duty.
      2. Driving time should be limited to four consecutive hours, with a minimum of a 15 minute break before resuming the trip.
      3. Driving between 12:00 am and 5:00 am is prohibited. In some cases, exemption may be granted by the Fleet Coordinator after the driver submits, in writing, the reason for operating a GGC Fleet vehicle during prohibited hours.
IX. Assigned Vehicles and Driven Home Overnight
  1. Georgia Gwinnett College is required by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (USG) and Department of Administrative Services Fleet Management to comply with the Georgia Office of Planning and Budget policy in the Georgia Fleet Management Manual, Section 4.4 and 4.5.
  2. To obtain permission to drive a State vehicle  home overnight, the employee must submit a request in writing using the MV-1 form to the Fleet Coordinator for approval. Approval or denial of Assigned Vehicle requests are submitted for approval by the Fleet Coordinator through the chain of command at GGC, and then forwarded to the Department of Administrative Services for approval or denial.
X. Record Keeping Requirements
  1. For all trips, employees must record the destination and beginning and ending odometer readings on the Trip Log located in the “Trip Care Package” that is given to the employee driver by the Fleet Coordinator before the trip.
  2. Employees should note any problems, noises, and wear of parts, and report them to the GGC Fleet Coordinator. If a breakdown occurs, employees should contact the GGC Fleet Coordinator and follow instructions within the trip packet.
XI. Telematics Monitoring
  1. State vehicles will have telematics monitoring systems on all vehicles, except for Public Safety vehicles. Telematics systems are used to report fuel efficiency, diagnose vehicle mechanical and computer issues remotely, identify unsafe driver habits, locate vehicles via GPS to assist in efficient route-taking, and identify repair facilities in the event of a vehicle maintenance emergency. The Office Fleet Management will solely be responsible for administering the telematics monitoring. All GGC vehicles will be equipped with telematics systems to report on:
    1. Maintenance issues
    2. Collisions involving GGC State vehicles
    3. Fuel economy
    4. Vehicle idle time
    5. Fuel transactions for fraud prevention
  2. A driver and the driver’s manager will be notified if the driver is identified as violating any policies or procedures.  Any major driver violation will result in review of driving history of the driver by the Office of Fleet Management, Human Resources, and the driver’s supervisor.  Violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, and loss of State vehicle driving privileges.
XII. Traffic Violations

Drivers are personally responsible for the cost of traffic citations, violations, and parking tickets.  Drivers are expected to obey all traffic signals and signs, observe pedestrian rights, and operate vehicles at a reasonable and prudent speed not to exceed the maximum posted speed limit.

XIII. Accidents
  1. If an accident occurs while driving a State vehicle, employees should stop immediately and turn on emergency flashers. It is against the law to leave the scene of an accident without identifying oneself. Reasonable assistance should be offered. Movement of injured persons should not be undertaken, if likely to cause further injury. The driver should call 911.
  2. Drivers must exchange information by giving their name, address, and vehicle registration number and, if requested, showing their driver’s license to any other driver in the accident. If a driver struck an unattended vehicle, she or he should leave a note with the above information and circumstances of the accident. If there were witnesses to the accident, their names and addresses should be obtained. The driver should not make a statement of any kind to anyone other than the police or a representative of GGC and must inform the GGC Fleet Coordinator of the accident as soon as possible.
  3. Georgia Gwinnett College has insurance coverage through Department of Administrative Services Risk Management for auto liability claims. A Vehicle Insurance Identification Card must be maintained at all times in each vehicle owned by GGC and covered by the Department of Administrative Services Auto Liability Policy.  This will be placed in the vehicle’s glove storage compartment or console.  The information contained on this card should be consulted in the event of an accident.
  4. All claims against GGC (and information regarding events which seem likely to give rise to claims) must be forwarded directly to the Department of Administrative Services, the GGC Fleet Coordinator, and the employee’s supervisor as soon as possible.  The Department of Administrative Services phone number as well as information needed before leaving the accident area is located on the State of Georgia Government Vehicle - Georgia Liability Insurance Identification Card located in each GGC vehicle.
XIV. Fuel Card Usage
  1. State fuel cards are assigned to each State vehicle.  Each driver is given a PIN that will allow purchase of fuel using any of the State fuel cards located in the vehicle.  Fuel cards should not be removed from any vehicle at any time unless specified by the Fleet Coordinator.  If an employee is traveling and has vehicle maintenance issues, the fuel card can be used to pay for vehicle maintenance, e.g., flat tires, battery replacement, etc.
  2. The fuel credit card is to only be used for purchasing fuel and to pay for emergency maintenance repairs only. The credit card and receipts are to be returned to the Fleet Coordinator upon returning the vehicle.  All parts and/or tires replaced during use are returned to the Fleet Coordinator for inspection and disposal.
  3. When an employee leaves employment at GGC, the employee’s supervisor must notify the Fleet Coordinator for cancellation of the employees’ fuel pin number.
XV. Prohibited Purchases
  1. The following types of purchases are strictly prohibited by State policy. No exceptions will be granted unless otherwise indicated.
    1. Personal purchases of any kind, including fuel for personal vehicles, non-State vehicles, and/or rental vehicles used for travel on official State business;
    2. Cash advances;
    3. Gift cards;
    4. Alcoholic beverages;
    5. Tobacco products;
    6. Food, ice, beverages, or related items including snacks while traveling on official business.
XVI. Commercial Rentals

Georgia Gwinnett College employees are authorized to rent automobiles while on official State business, but cannot use State fuel cards to do so.


Low-Speed Vehicle Safety, Registration, And Designated Parking Policy

Policy Number: 9.55.3
Effective Date: March 14, 2023
Revision History: Reviewed May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Director of Operations

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

Georgia Gwinnett College recognizes the necessity and service provided by Low-Speed Vehicles (“LSV”), as defined by Georgia Department of Driver Services (“GDDS”) and establishes the following policy for safe use on campus.

II. Scope

This policy applies to any GGC employee, 3rd party vendor, or structured volunteer program participant who uses low speed vehicles on the GGC campus.

III. Definitions

Low-Speed Vehicle: Any four-wheeled electric/gas vehicle whose top speed attainable in one mile is greater than 20 miles per hour but not greater than 25 miles per hour on a paved level surface and which is manufactured in compliance with those federal motor vehicle safety standards for low-speed vehicles set forth in 49 C.F.R. Section 571.500 and in effect on January 1, 2001.

IV. Low-Speed Vehicle Driver Eligibility
  1. Eligible drivers include faculty, staff, student workers, and structured volunteer programs. Structured volunteer programs are only approved through Human Resources.  The Fleet Coordinator will verify with Human Resources to ensure compliance for structured volunteer drivers. All drivers must have a valid driver’s license. The Fleet Coordinator has the right to run an annual Motor Vehicle Records request on any eligible driver requesting driving privileges driving GGC vehicles.
  2. Each GGC employee (including Student Workers) will complete the GGC Low-Speed Vehicle training before operating a GGC Low-Speed Vehicle. Each driver will comply with the Low-Speed Vehicle acknowledgement form which can be obtained from the Fleet Coordinator.
V. Low-Speed Vehicle Registration and Parking
  1. Low-Speed Vehicles owned by Georgia Gwinnett College must be purchased by and registered with the Fleet Coordinator. Low-Speed Vehicles owned by on-campus-vendors/providers must be registered with the Fleet Coordinator. Each Low-Speed Vehicle will prominently display a registration number that will be installed by the Fleet Coordinator once the cart is registered.
  2. All Low-Speed Vehicles will be parked and stored in approved locations by the Fleet Coordinator. See the Fleet Coordinator for Low-Speed Vehicle Designated Parking areas.
VI. Enforcement

The Fleet Coordinator will be responsible for reporting any violations of this policy to the Director of Operations. Consequences could include driving privileges being revoked for employees, and vendors could lose Low-Speed Vehicle privileges on campus.

VII. Rules to Operate Low-Speed Vehicles on Campus
  1. Drivers of College-owned Low-Speed Vehicles will comply with the Uniform Rules of the Road except with regard to provisions that cannot apply to such vehicles by virtue of their nature.
  2. All Low-Speed vehicles are entitled to full use of a lane, and no motor vehicle shall be driven in such a manner as to deprive any low-speed vehicle of the full use of a lane.
  3. The operator of a Low-Speed Vehicle shall not overtake and pass in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken.
  4. No person shall operate a Low-Speed Vehicle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles.
  5. Low-Speed Vehicles shall not be operated two or more abreast in a single lane.
  6. Low-Speed Vehicles shall be operated only on any highway where the posted speed limit does not exceed 35 miles per hour.
  7. The operator of a Low-Speed Vehicle shall not operate such vehicle on any highway where the posted speed limit exceeds 35 miles per hour.
  8. Pedestrians on the GGC campus always have the right-of-way and operators of Low-Speed Vehicles will permit this right-of-way. If the Low-Speed Vehicle is being operated on a sidewalk, the operator will stop until pedestrians have safely passed.
  9. Low-Speed Vehicles should be operated on campus streets when possible. Sidewalks should be used only where streets and/or parking lots are not available, and then only to the nearest adjacent street or parking lot. Operating a Low-Speed Vehicle on a sidewalk is permissible for police patrols and for workers having to transport equipment to or from a work site, but then only from the nearest street.