2024-2025 Administrative Policy Manual Published August 1, 2024 
    Jan 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Administrative Policy Manual Published August 1, 2024

Section 20 - Educational Technology

Academic Technology Support for Teaching and Learning

Policy Number: 20.1
Effective Date: February 16, 2023
Revision History: May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Vice President for Information Technology

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

This policy establishes the support for academic technologies available to enhance teaching and learning activities at Georgia Gwinnett College (“GGC”).
This policy addresses: (i) use of academic technology to enhance teaching and learning; (ii) selection­ of academic technologies; (iii) approval of academic technologies; (iv) implementation of academic technologies;­ and, (v) availability of support for academic technologies. Academic technologies used by faculty, staff, and students are subject to GGC and University System of Georgia (“USG”) standards, policies, and procedures.

II. Scope

This policy applies to all GGC faculty and staff involved in recommending, selecting, implementing, and supporting academic technologies used to support teaching and learning activities.

III. Definitions

Academic Technologies: Academic Technologies include all software including “software as a service” sometimes referred to as cloud-based applications, courseware, mobile devices, computers, cameras, and other equipment that may be used by faculty, staff, or students to support teaching and learning.
Third Party Vendor: A Third-Party Vendor includes but is not limited to Software as a Service (“SaaS”) providers, computer hardware manufacturers and resellers, software resellers, and publishers.
Functional Owner: The Functional Owner provides guidance on the implementation, testing, usage, support, and governance of academic technology.

IV. Roles and Responsibilities
  1. Use of Academic Technologies: GGC supports the use of academic technology to enhance teaching and learning activities. Faculty and staff who require the use of academic technologies shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that the gains from academic technology resources justify any associated expenses and that resources are employed in a manner consistent with College, state, and federal policies protecting data privacy and security as well as accessibility. Faculty and staff shall be attentive to any possible financial burdens for students who are required to purchase academic technologies.
  2. Selection of Academic Technologies: Faculty and staff making use of academic technologies shall make use of GGC academic technology resources supported by Information Technology (“IT”) when these resources are sufficient for their teaching and learning needs. In cases where resources do not meet needs, IT shall partner with faculty and staff, in the identification, review, and selection of academic technologies.
  3. Approval of Academic Technologies: Selected academic technologies are approved for procurement and/or implementation by the Vice President for Information Technology or designee based on College, state, and federal policies. Approvals shall consider the short- and long-term implications on budgets.
  4. Implementation of Academic Technologies: All approved academic technologies will have an identified functional owner. Approved academic technologies shall be implemented in partnership between IT, the functional owner, and third-party vendors as applicable. Implementations are subject to GGC and USG standards, policies, and procedures.
  5. Support of Academic Technologies: Approved and implemented academic technologies require a support plan that is clearly documented and communicated to all stakeholders. Support plans may include College-wide, school-level, department level, or course section specific resources.
V. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures

APM 10.8 Data Management and Classification
APM 10.9 Student Records Management and Security Policy
APM 11.50 Information Technology Institutional Policies and Standards
APM 11.60 Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Policy
University System of Georgia Information Technology Handbook


Academic Learning Management System Usage

Policy Number: 20.2
Effective Date: February 16, 2023
Revision History: May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Vice President for Information Technology

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

This policy establishes the required uses of the University System of Georgia (“USG”) standard academic learning management system (“LMS”) for teaching and learning. GGC refers to the academic LMS as MyCourses. This policy requires faculty to provide (i) the syllabus; (ii) a calendar and/or schedule of sessions, meetings, assignments, and activities; and (iii) grades to students using the academic LMS.

II. Scope

This policy applies to all GGC faculty and staff assigned as the instructor of record.

III. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures

APM 10.8 Data Management and Classification
APM 10.9 Student Records Management and Security Policy
APM 11.50 Information Technology Institutional Policies and Standards
APM 11.60 Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Policy
APM 20.1 Support of Academic Technology for Teaching and Learning 
University System of Georgia Information Technology Handbook