2024-2025 Administrative Policy Manual Published August 1, 2024 
    Feb 09, 2025  
2024-2025 Administrative Policy Manual Published August 1, 2024


Policy Number: 7.61 
Effective Date: July 13, 2023
Revision History: February 20, 2023; May 26, 2016; April 15, 2015; March 7, 2014; May 8, 2012
Policy Contact: Executive Director of Individual Engagement

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the fundraising efforts of the College are coordinated, aligned with the institution’s most critical priorities, consistent with the donor’s intent, and adherent to the legal and ethical guidelines applicable to fundraising. All fundraising activities at Georgia Gwinnett College are under the control of and subject to the approval of the President, who delegates day-to-day management of fundraising activities to Advancement. The purpose of the fundraising program at Georgia Gwinnett College is to build relationships and to generate contributions to enhance the College’s projects and programs. The College solicits and accepts charitable gifts through the Georgia Gwinnett College Foundation for purposes consistent with the College mission and aligned with institutional priorities.

II. Scope

This policy governs all solicitations for private charitable support made on behalf of the institution and/or groups affiliated with Georgia Gwinnett College. This policy applies to all Georgia Gwinnett College faculty, staff, volunteers, and students.

III. Definitions

Solicitation: Any request for monetary or in kind support including, but not limited to, personal, telephone or written solicitation of individuals, corporations, or foundations; direct mail appeals; telephone appeals; electronic appeals; any appeal over social media or any appeal made using a crowdfunding platform.

Gift Acceptance Committee: The GGC Gift Acceptance Committee consists of the College President, Chief Advancement Officer and/or Foundation President, Provost, and the chairs of the GGC Foundation’s Finance and Audit and Development Committees. The Committee meets on an as-needed basis and approves proposed gifts and financial commitments

IV. Roles and Responsibilities
  1. All direct and indirect gift solicitation efforts directed to Georgia Gwinnett College alumni, parents, friends or other affiliated entities are the sole domain of Advancement, under the direct oversight of the President.
  2. All solicitations of charitable gifts of any kind from private non-College entities - individual, corporate, foundation, organization, or otherwise - must receive authorization from Advancement prior to initial contact with potential donor(s).
V. Compliance
  1. Requests to Advancement or other institution personnel for labels, mailing lists and/or data files containing names, addresses and/or email addresses of Georgia Gwinnett College alumni, parents, friends or other entities for the purpose of direct or indirect solicitation, will not be honored unless the requestor has previously coordinated their activities with Advancement.
  2. Personnel involved in fundraising activities are responsible for reporting to Advancement detailed information regarding meetings, connections, and agreements involving potential or current donors on a regular basis.
  3. The GGC Foundation is responsible for providing official gift receipts and information to donors. Gifts are acknowledged according to Gift Acknowledgment Procedures.
  4. Neither Georgia Gwinnett College nor the GGC Foundation assume responsibility or liability for any debts or encumbrances resulting from unauthorized fundraising or solicitation activities. Donations solicited without approval of or collaboration with Advancement may be referred to the Gift Acceptance Committee to determine whether the gift may be accepted by the GGC Foundation.
VI. On-Campus Solicitations and/or Sales
  1. All on-campus fundraising, solicitation, or sales activities by Registered Student Organizations (“RSOs”) or other student groups must receive prior authorization from (1) Student Affairs, (2) Advancement and (3) Auxiliary Services (sales) via the GGC On-Campus Fundraising Approval Form.
  2. All on-campus fundraising, solicitation, or sales activities by faculty/staff groups must receive prior authorization from (1) Human Resources (2) Advancement and (3) Auxiliary Services (sales).
  3. On-campus marketing activities involving outside organizations (i.e.: coupons, services, and information exhibits) are coordinated by Auxiliary Services. For assistance with these activities, contact Auxiliary Services.
VII. Academic Class Projects

Class projects involving fundraising, solicitation, or sales must receive prior authorization from the professor and Dean of the appropriate school, as well as (1) Student Affairs, (2)  Advancement, and (3) Auxiliary Services (sales).

VIII. Auctions

Auctions conducted on- or off-campus by GGC students, faculty and/or staff must receive prior approval from Advancement. RSOs interested in holding an auction must first receive prior approval from Student Affairs.

IX. Raffles

In general, Advancement strongly advises against conducting raffles. Georgia state law defines raffles as gambling, and they are subject to state, county, and local ordinances and regulations governing games of chance. No raffles should be conducted on campus or by entities using the name of Georgia Gwinnett College without approval from Advancement and Legal Affairs.

X. Outside Organizations and Political Fundraising
  1. Georgia Gwinnett College generally does not permit outside organizations to conduct their own fundraising activities on campus. Requestors must contact  Advancement and complete the GGC On-Campus Fundraising Approval Form to be considered for an exception.
  2. GGC generally does not permit external organizations or individuals to organize fundraising activities on GGC’s behalf, known as third-party fundraisers. Individuals or groups interested in organizing such an activity should contact Advancement.
  3. Fundraising activities for political parties or candidates on campus grounds are strictly prohibited.
XI. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures

APM 7.64 Corporate Relations and Sponsorship Policy  
APM 7.65 New Fund Creation Policy  
Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia Cooperative Organization Guiding Principle Memorandum of Understanding, executed by and between Georgia Gwinnett College and the Georgia Gwinnett College Foundation on December 13, 2022 (available from Advancement)