2024-2025 Administrative Policy Manual Published August 1, 2024 
    Feb 05, 2025  
2024-2025 Administrative Policy Manual Published August 1, 2024

Performance Evaluation of Staff

Policy Number: 8.2.95
Effective Date: January 31, 2025
Revision History: January 17, 2025; December 18, 2024 (Interim Policy Effective Date); February 27, 2023; May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Chief Human Resource Officer

I. Purpose and Policy Statement

Georgia Gwinnett College strives to provide an environment where all employees understand the impact their contributions have on the achievement of institutional goals. Regular coaching, mentoring, and professional development helps provide a clearer view to see how staff contributions impact the success of the organization.
GGC reinforces this belief through strong performance management that culminates in a review of annual performance. The purpose of this policy is to establish the framework with which GGC assesses staff performance.

II. Scope

This policy pertains to all employees of Georgia Gwinnett College, except for the evaluation of the President of GGC, who is evaluated in accordance with Board of Regents Policy Manual 2.3 Performance Assessment of Presidents.

III. Roles and Responsibilities
  1. Chief Human Resource Officer (“CHRO”) or designee: Oversees policy updating and maintenance; provides interpretation of the policy when questions arise.
  2. Human Resources: Maintains the policy, related forms, system updates and employee records; fields, researches and responds to questions.
  3. Direct Manager: Keeps updated on policy guidelines and related materials; responds to employee questions; carries out all supervisory duties related to assigning and evaluating the work of the employees within the unit supervised.
  4. Cabinet Member or designee: responsible for being familiar with the policy and guidelines; completes performance management related duties for direct reports; reviews performance related documents of employees within area of supervision; Ensures compliance of all staff within their respective area of responsibility
IV. Compliance
  1. Supervisors are expected to assess and ensure optimal employee performance, document acceptable and unacceptable performance, and to provide guidance and coaching to improve performance that is below standards, or below an employee’s capabilities. Critical to meeting this expectation are regular evaluations of an employee’s performance, accurate documentation of progress and areas for development, and communications with the employee. The intended objectives of the performance evaluation process are improvement in organizational effectiveness through individual employee improvement and career development.
  2. In line with these objectives, the College has a system in place for the performance evaluation of staff. The performance evaluation process and its associated documentation shall emphasize communication between the employee and supervisor to accomplish the following:
    1. Keep employees updated on performance expectations
    2. Provide employees timely feedback regarding their performance
    3. Provide employees with opportunities to discuss and plan with leadership for education, training, and development
    4. Reward employees in a fair and equitable manner
  3. Performance evaluations may also be utilized as a resource in determining eligibility for transfer, promotion, position restructuring, and/or other employment-related actions.
  4. Staff shall be evaluated by their supervisor in a systematic manner during a specified time interval, a minimum of once each year. Annual evaluation forms and any related guidance documents shall be distributed to supervisors by the Office of Human Resources.
  5. A staff member in a regular, benefits-eligible position should be evaluated at least once prior to the completion of the 180 day provisional period (which is approximately six (6) months of employment).
V. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures

BOR Human Resources Administrative Practice Manual Policy on Performance Evaluation