Policy Number:
Effective Date: January 17, 2025; December 18, 2024 (Interim Policy Effective Date)
Revision History: August 16, 2023; May 26, 2016
Policy Contact: Chief Human Resource Officer
I. Purpose and Policy Statement
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on the requirement to evaluate the performance of senior leaders employed with the College.
The performance evaluation of senior administrative officers and academic administrative officers is completed by the administrator’s supervisor, using a performance management instrument which addresses:
- Leadership qualities;
- Management style;
- Planning and organizing capacities;
- Effective communication skills;
- Accountability for a rich culture and positive environment; and,
- Success at meeting goals and objectives
All senior administrative administrators and academic administrative officers are required to be evaluated by their direct reports and peers through a 360 assessment at least once every three (3) years. Evaluation results will contribute to the senior administrative officer’s and academic administrative officer’s development plan.
II. Scope
This policy pertains to all employees of Georgia Gwinnett College, except for the evaluation of the President of GGC, who is evaluated in accordance with Board of Regents Policy Manual 2.3 Performance Assessment of Presidents.
III. Definitions
Senior administrative officer: All members of the GGC senior leadership team who report directly to the President and are responsible for significant portions of the College that directly and materially impact the entire division’s success including oversight of people management.
Academic administrative officer: A faculty member who has academic rank and rights in the Corps of Instruction and accepts an appointment to serve as a Dean providing leadership over an academic school/entity. Academic Administrative Officers are appointed by the President of the institution and shall hold office at the pleasure of the President.
IV. Roles and Responsibilities
- Chief Human Resource Officer (“CHRO”) or designee: Maintains policy and updates as necessary; oversees administration of 360 assessment for senior administrative officers and academic administrative officers.
- Human Resources: Maintains employee performance documents and records; fields, researches and responds to questions.
- Direct Manager: Keeps updated on policy guidelines and responds to employee questions; assigns work and conducts senior leaders’ performance evaluations; contributes to 360 feedback.
V. Related Regulations, Statutes, Policies, and Procedures
Board of Regents Policy Manual Administrative Officers
BOR Human Resources Administrative Practice Manual Policy on Performance Evaluation
Board of Regents Policy Manual Academic Administrative Officers